air con



Original Poster:

95 posts

152 months

Wednesday 30th July 2014
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How many micrograms of refrigerant in a noble system ?. Is it 1400 microgrames ?. I really can't remember and I am getting mine re-gassed tomorrow.


1,534 posts

225 months

Wednesday 30th July 2014
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Its 1000g in the USA manual and the FAQ.

I had this put in, and now it cuts the aircon off at elevated rpm's, probably due to over pressurization, so i'm going to have the system dropped back to 850g.




Original Poster:

95 posts

152 months

Wednesday 30th July 2014
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Cheers mat ,I will leave as it is then because it has 1000 mg in it now


560 posts

136 months

Thursday 31st July 2014
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StreetDragster said:
Its 1000g in the USA manual and the FAQ.

I had this put in, and now it cuts the aircon off at elevated rpm's, probably due to over pressurization, so i'm going to have the system dropped back to 850g.


Mine does this. Was wondering what it was. Will try and bleed some out and see if it stays on. Thanks


1,534 posts

225 months

Thursday 31st July 2014
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Be bloody careful when you bleed some off, I got a nasty cold burn even through gloves which is why I'm now having it fully drained and refilled professionally



8,345 posts

271 months

Thursday 31st July 2014
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my air con isn't exactly comparable to the stock noble one as I run a different evaporator now, but I had mine gassed to 750 and it was too much and they bled it down to 550 as the compressor pressures were to high.