Test Drive Tommorrow....

Test Drive Tommorrow....



Original Poster:

2,254 posts

291 months

Friday 18th May 2001
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I looking forward to tommorrow for a test drive in an M12 GTO, I will report back next week to tell you all my findings. Guy


34,443 posts

311 months

Friday 18th May 2001
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You'll love it!


Original Poster:

2,254 posts

291 months

Monday 21st May 2001
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Yup i did - I after about 1 min thought I put a deposit down! I will be having it in the same azure Blue that both my Lotus' have been! - Other than that it was hinted that the engine could well be tunned up to 420 BHP - now that is interesting- can't wait...... Edited by guysh on Monday 21st May 10:52


23 posts

291 months

Friday 25th May 2001
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Well done mate...we'll have to start the M12 owners club a bit smartish then????? p.s. mine in the blue as well.