Colouring in the GTC?

Colouring in the GTC?



Original Poster:

34,444 posts

313 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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Any of you photoshop wizards care to have a bash at showing a GTC in different colours?


576 posts

250 months

Friday 28th May 2004
quotequote all include front, rear, side on and angled profiles, with roof on, rear mechanism only and roof off. All in single tone and preferably in the gunmetal metallic colour as used on the M14 (and if you can colour the leather interior (including hoops) in the burgundy and red (orangey) from the brochure that would just make my decision soooooo much easier.

Sorry...just a suggestion. thanks, M


14,622 posts

269 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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I've been playing but it's a bit hard. Black car photographed on white/grey background means it's hard to "cut" the thing out, and the black isn't giving the right reflections (the contrast is too dark) to make a coloured version look correct.

I'll keep playing - sorry for the delay.



576 posts

250 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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all I can say is thank you...the problems you are having probably serve to illustrate the problems of that colour and the poor impression it gives of the car (compared to the much more favourable reality)

Can't wait to see the results. Thanks Justin, M.


14,622 posts

269 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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It's a pig!

I have some real work to do, but here is a blue one. The issue is that there just isn't enough chrominace information in the picture to colour it properly. Whatever I do I either get dayglow or very flat images.

The hood is a git to get the shame shade as the body - I'm not at all happy with what I've done but I've got to really do some work!

Sorry - I'll play more later if I get time.

>> Edited by joust on Friday 28th May 15:02


576 posts

250 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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thanks...looks better than the black/silver original.


735 posts

268 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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Uh oh...


59 posts

249 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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I see we both decided on blue then Oh well, here's my effort:

amg merc

11,954 posts

263 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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Well done guys - now I think it looks like a delivery van with the top-up - something that the Trotter's would aspire to if they'd ever found a buyer for their beloved three-wheeler - sorry, but IMHO!!!


14,622 posts

269 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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I agree. The ability to make it look "real" is almost non existent I'm afraid.

Please take these as a bit of fun and certainly NOT AT ALL representative of what it will look like in the real world.



59 posts

249 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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Green ? Edit: Looked embarrassingly crap.

My picture above is purely an artist's impression (and not a talented one at that) the real car will be much...bigger

>> Edited by nahtanoj on Friday 28th May 15:45


11,809 posts

250 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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Ooo, looks like one of those black and white photo's that's been coloured by hand.

sorry, I've been in the pub and seem to have drunk a couple of pints of flippancy

>> Edited by pbrett on Friday 28th May 15:51


576 posts

250 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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You are both doing a cracking job...keep them coming!

edited for incorrect English upon which I know at least one member here may pick me up

>> Edited by kentviking on Friday 28th May 15:58


14,622 posts

269 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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OK - here's a better one...

Top grafted onto my Noble, wing removed, and then coloured to be a pretty close blue.

Funny enough I actually really like that one!



576 posts

250 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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the best yet! - it almost looks real...I can't think why you might like that one so no idea......not a clue


14,622 posts

269 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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Sorry - perspective is a bit skewed - but I am meant to be working.

This looks nice!

>> Edited by joust on Friday 28th May 16:29


735 posts

268 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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You lot really have nothing better to do, do you?


59 posts

249 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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Yes, but it's POETS day


21,557 posts

294 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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I liked the almost 'xray' look to your original Joust... it's looks kinda cool.