Hyundai i800 "Urea System Service" (AdBlue)

Hyundai i800 "Urea System Service" (AdBlue)



Original Poster:

94 posts

90 months

Thursday 7th February 2019
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MIL has one of these people-carrying-van things. I've not seen the error myself, I'm just remote tech support, but it's telling her the Urea (AdBlue) system needs a service.

She's friends with someone who runs a Kia garage who won't touch it, and her friendly local mechanic won't either.

Is this a service as in a standard "every x miles" thing? Or should we be concerned that something's wrong? As I didn't think these needed a service any more than a fuel tank did.

I've told her to ring the local Hyundai dealer, but I'm getting third hand info via the wife so I don't know if that's actually happened yet.

Any ideas in the meantime?


Original Poster:

94 posts

90 months

Thursday 7th February 2019
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Yeah, she took it to her friendly local garage who normally top it up and it wouldn't take any more. It was overflowing.

Yeah I thought that was odd.

Hyundai have just booked it in for a diag. but wondered if anyone had heard of anything like this before.


Original Poster:

94 posts

90 months

Monday 18th February 2019
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For those who GAS, it was a sensor in the AdBlue tank.

Being replaced under warranty.