Kia Ceed/ProCeed GT (2016)

Kia Ceed/ProCeed GT (2016)



Original Poster:

842 posts

110 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Hi all,

I'm looking into these little hidden gems as I'm getting a little bored of driving a large motorway car. I do need a car that is a nice for motorway driving but want something that is also fun.

Does anyone have any experience with the Ceed GT for motorway driving? What sort of MPG do they get on a long run?



13 posts

14 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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I have experience of Hyundai i30 Turbo (2016), same engine, slightly detuned - overall MPG about 35, 40MPG achievable if driven sensibly on longer runs, motorway etc.