Hyundai i20n does anyone know of any physically in stock

Hyundai i20n does anyone know of any physically in stock



Original Poster:

642 posts

157 months

Monday 15th November 2021
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I have just sold my car and really could do with something that is available now. Do any Hyundai dealers come in here or does anyone know of a new car in actual stock? Thanks in advance!

Ajax Treesdown

177 posts

136 months

Monday 15th November 2021
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I think you'll be pretty lucky to find one in stock. You may drop on a cancelled order but apart from that i know that there is little to no stock available of the I20N at present. Everything is factory order with waiting lists of 3 months + easily up to 6 months on orders with the black roof option ticked.


8,994 posts

189 months

Saturday 4th December 2021
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Yes here in Guernsey, the dealership has a couple I think, one blue the other dark red.