Hyundai Santa Fe



Original Poster:

1,073 posts

250 months

Friday 8th October 2021
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First time prospective owner here!

Just put the papers in for a Santa Fe. Seems to tick all the boxes, and whole load of toys!

Quite looking forward to this.


1 posts

124 months

Thursday 27th January 2022
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The car does look like really good value - I've noticed it too. Did you order the plug-in version?


10,647 posts

262 months

Saturday 12th February 2022
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I had a go in the plugin Santa Fe last week - very good. Difference between it and the Tucson was massive - much quieter, better ride, classier interior with less shiny black plastic. Impressed... a definite maybe on the shortlist but the delivery date on new ones looked like about 4-6 months.