2017 Santa Fe android auto?

2017 Santa Fe android auto?



Original Poster:

2,997 posts

156 months

Monday 2nd November 2020
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Hey, we've picked up a 2nd half 2017 Santa Fe premium se and while looking at an earlier 2016 model (the Hyundai) dealer said it supports android auto.

However I can't see how it works, plugging my phone on via USB doesn't do anything exciting. There's no options on the car that look like they relate to android auto, it's the standard 6 tile blue menu which the 2016 model also had.

Is it an optional extra? I've also read Hyundai publish updates which should lift the entertainment system to a newer version which does support auto, has anyone tried this?


883 posts

161 months

Monday 2nd November 2020
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Does it have navigation? If so, it should have Android auto.


Original Poster:

2,997 posts

156 months

Monday 2nd November 2020
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Silenoz said:
Does it have navigation? If so, it should have Android auto.
Yup its got the 8 inch touch screen rather than the system that the premium or se models come with. Is there a way to actually find out? A version number or menu option somewhere?