Kia Rio 2009 1.4



Original Poster:

157 posts

91 months

Thursday 5th March 2020
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This is my daughter's car and only recently has begun to play up. The car will crank over but not start. But will start if bump started. It seems to start off the key ok if cold. But the issue rears its head later in the day after some use. Any ideas or suggestions as to what the problem might be?


2,658 posts

135 months

Tuesday 2nd February 2021
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Its an interesting one. Ideally, you nee dot have it hooked up to a good scan-tool, see what data can be collected. It's interesting it starts ok when cold, but not when hot; this could be a compression issue, or an electrical issue (electrical resistance can alter with temperatures possibly pushing a component / components out of their working parameters).

Simple things first - is it getting fuel (can you hear the fuel pump priming when you put the ignition to "on" but before you turn that bit further to crank the engine), is there a spark?


11,133 posts

205 months

Tuesday 2nd February 2021
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When you say it’s ok bump started do you mean someone pushing it or do you mean it needs jump leads from a booster battery or another car?