Exactly the same running costs, would you go ICE or EV?

Exactly the same running costs, would you go ICE or EV?



Original Poster:

31,498 posts

183 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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If an EV(battery only electric) had exactly the same costs to buy/run as an ICE(internal combustion engine), would you still buy an EV?

As a general rule I see EVs as being purchased for their financial incentives and cheaper running costs, and there isn't anything wrong with that of course. However if both ICE and EVs had the identical purchase price and the same total running costs, would you still buy the EV?

I personally wouldn't and I'd stick with ICE, but I'm interested in how many of you would though?


Original Poster:

31,498 posts

183 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Tye Green said:
Whenever this comparison comes up I can't get the Smash Martians advert out of my head...

"on your last visit did you discover what the earth people drive"?

"they drive a great many of these" <picture of an ICE vehicle followed by sniggering from the martians>

"they fill them with dead dinosaurs to use as fuel" <raucous laughter >

"they drive them and enjoy the smell and vibrations" <martians pissing themselves with laughter>

"they are clearly a most primitive people " <martians rolling around on the floor>.

in a few years time EVs will charge much more quickly, have higher capacity batteries which are solid state & thus so much lighter.

by then, their uptake will have reached the tipping point whereby they're cheaper to make than ICE vehicles so ICE vehicles will be seen as quaint and suitable only Sunday drives or museums.
What prompted me to start the thread, was that I had a Tesla behind me this morning, and I saw 2 coming the other way and this was in a space of about 20 seconds. So at least around me...EVs are becoming very popular, and it just make me think really.

I was in the M4 and nursing a cold engine(which is obviously using more fuel because it is cold so is costing more), and obviously the Teslas are making a reasonable saving in running costs versus me. So I just thought who would buy the Tesla(or an equivalent EV) if it cost exactly the same to buy and run in its totality versus my M4. So I just thought that it was an interesting scenario.


Original Poster:

31,498 posts

183 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Gad-Westy said:
No one answer to this for me. Our little E-Up is the perfect car for the daily school runs. About 50 miles each day plus some other short runs throughout the week. If the cost of owning and running that were identical to an ICE, I'd pick the EV every time simply because of the convenience of never having to fill it up. Remote pre-heating and a smooth power train are nice too.
I definitely think that an EV is a good choice for that sort of usage(school runs/shopping trips/nipping around locally), and I find myself thinking more and more about them for doing that.

I also appreciate all the balance with the replies too from everyone, because I didn't want this to become an us and them if you know what I mean, which can happen on some threads.