Car recommendation... for my Mum

Car recommendation... for my Mum



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1,591 posts

198 months

Friday 28th June
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My Mum currently has a 2006 Brera 2.2 SV. She's owned it from new and it is wearing its 60k miles badly. To misquote Indiana Jones, it's age, not the mileage.

It's not been unreliable, in fact it has been the opposite but my Dad and I are b both fed up with repairing it. In the last few years it's had a timing chain, front subframe, rear suspension arms and subframe, a gearbox rebuild (Vauxhall M32) springs and dampers, pealing lacquer repainted, sills repaired... Most of it has been preventative maintenance as we're both a little fastidious when it comes to cars but the front subframe wasn't and it really wasn't cheap to fix as my Dad ended up buying a new one from Alfa.

The problem is neither my Mum, mad Dad or I can come up with an idea for a new car.

It needs to be;

1. Unconventional, i.e. not BMW, VAG, merc Ford or Vauxhall. And not a s**ting Peugeot!

2. Around 3 years old or less

3. Relatively pokey, less than 8 sec to 60.

4. Petrol

5. Not a super mini

6. Long term reliable. So no stupid small capacity, forced induction engines that are going to break. Also not a car that is perceived to be reliable, but isn't.

7. Good looking and not an angular aggressive, airfoils everywhere with a stupid hamburgler grill type (so again, not a BMW)

8. Have 4 or 5 doors

9. Good residuals

10. Easy to drive - the less things binging and squawking the better, manual is OK, no stupid touch screens controlling everything.

11. Budget of I haven't got a clue. Something sensible, so 20k. ish.

The best we've been able to come up with is a Mazda 3.

ETA to the list, based on suggestions that are appreciated, I'm just working for difficult Clients...

12. Needs to fit in a normal parking space (2.4m x 4.8m)

13. Preferably not a soft roader SUV pretend 4x4 thing. Despite her car being permanently and inexplicably covered in mud, my Mum doesn't go off roading.

Edited by Zombie on Friday 28th June 23:59


Original Poster:

1,591 posts

198 months

Friday 28th June
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matrignano said:
Kia stinger

I think I need to add, fits in a parking space easily.

Despite being described as a mid-size saloon by wiki, it's 4830mm long. A standard parking space being 2.4 x 4.8m


Original Poster:

1,591 posts

198 months

Friday 28th June
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Boringvolvodriver said:
Slightly tongue in cheek but looking at the list of requirements, then a unicorn might be the answer!

On a serious note, Ford Puma ST?
I don't think anything on the list is that unreasonable? But I do see your point and I think it speaks of an issue in terms of what manufacturers are currently producing. Is it a car or a computer that happens to be a car festooned with look at me lights, grills, gills and spoilers.


Original Poster:

1,591 posts

198 months

Friday 28th June
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another one for the list, not a bloated SUV. Just a car please.