Recommendations - Bristol area

Recommendations - Bristol area


sunbeam alpine

Original Poster:

6,997 posts

191 months

Wednesday 26th June
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My niece moved to Bristol last year. Unfortunately she was recently in a no-fault accident and she's just heard that her car will be a write-off. She currently has a replacement car from the insurance but they've told her that she has to return it within 48 hours of their pay-out, which will probably happen quite soon.

She doesn't know the area very well - and I'm not even in the UK - so I'm looking for recommendations for trustworthy garages in the Bristol area. She has a budget of around £5000 but I'll top this up if that's not enough to get something reliable.

Given that Bristol isn't exactly car-friendly and she does mostly short journeys I'm thinking petrol rather than diesel.

Grateful for any suggestions. smile