Why are some used car dealers so rude?

Why are some used car dealers so rude?



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153 months

Tuesday 11th June
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I went to look at a car yesterday, and was taken aback by the abrupt. shouty nature of the owner of the place.
I simply asked if he was the person I'd spoken to on the phone, and he gave me a tirade of how he was the phone answerer, cleaner, buyer, seller, and everything else too.

He wouldn't even look at my car as a part exchange. Ok, so he didn't want to retail it, I can understand that, but there are gentler ways of explaining that.
Discount for no part exchange? No chance. "I can sell that several times over, I've got 4 other people waiting." Well, he didn't, because it's still for sale.

His motto (again shouted at me) was "we shift cars in, we shift cars out." So in other words he couldn't be bothered taking time with a customer.
In fact I think he'd forgotten who the customer was!
So I didn't buy,
Sorry, rant over!

I wish I could name the place but I'd probably get banned. It's on the south coast, selling cars from about £5,000 up to about £15,000, I'm sure you know the kind of place.


Original Poster:

3,796 posts

153 months

Wednesday 12th June
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ThingsBehindTheSun said:
If a dealer is treating you like this and they haven't even got your money, imagine what they would be like if anything went wrong with the car.
That's a very good point, (and thank you to those others who said the same thing earlier).
I guess that dealer would tell me to f off. He was offering an AutoGuard Warranty (but charging for it), presumably precisely because he could then deny any responsibility for anything wrong.
I've not heard many good things about after-market warranties.


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153 months

Saturday 22nd June
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I just checked his web site again, 2 weeks on, and it hasn't sold, and he's reduced the price by £100.

So he was indeed talking rubbish. If he phones me back I'll laugh at him, no way am I buying any car from him!


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3,796 posts

153 months

Friday 28th June
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M4cruiser said:
I just checked his web site again, 2 weeks on, and it hasn't sold, and he's reduced the price by £100.

So he was indeed talking rubbish. If he phones me back I'll laugh at him, no way am I buying any car from him!
I've just checked again today (28/06) and another £100 has ben taken off! Expecting him to call me any moment ...


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3,796 posts

153 months

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PoorCarCollector said:
Richard-390a0 said:
The thread after the initial post you start to feel more inclined to agree that shooing the O/P off was the right move by the dealer.
Definately this! Some of the best deals are the ones you don't do and all that, he sounds like a potential nightmare
You're just not understanding this thread, are you?!
I have already bought elsewhere from a very pleasant dealer who did give me the requested "discount for no part exchange".
When I asked the first one for a discount he rudely told me he had 4 other people waiting to buy it. Now he hasn't sold it and he's reduced the price by the amount I asked for, but I still don't want it because he was so rude.


Original Poster:

3,796 posts

153 months

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PoorCarCollector said:
But now you seem to be waiting for him to phone you! He won't and why do you car anyway? Very odd
No, I'm not waiting for him, it's just a bit of fun to think he might, and I'll tell him where to go in his language. I have plenty of things to get on with.