Returning a Lease - Managing My Expectations

Returning a Lease - Managing My Expectations



Original Poster:

5,861 posts

158 months

Tuesday 18th April 2023
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I know this has been done to death but just want to make sure I play this the right way.

Wife's Evoque had its return inspection today, and the inspector quoted approx £500 all in for these bits of damage.

1 - Kerbed alloy that has recently happened over the weekend - I accept this! Just stupidly unlucky!!!

2 & 3 - Two scratches on the tailgate.

4 & 5- And then two dents on the passenger rear door: this one:

Now this one he said was effectively fair wear and tear except because we have the dent above, it isn't and thus chargeable.

6 - And finally a paint chip on the from passenger front door:

I disputed as I wanted to challenge the fair wear and tear after he told me about #5. I was aware of all but #5, but sort of hoped they (apart from the alloy) would be classed as Fair W&T. I am waiting for the report (which he would not show me - though he was very open about the bits he picked up) to be sent to the wife, along with what I assume is the bill.

Would you challenge??

Car was leased through Leasys and inspected by Mannheim(sp?) - guy was quite aloof (I think just doing his job and probably gets a fair bit of backlash), but was really open when explaining these bits.

Because of Covid, the lease has been extended, but has done only 9500 of the 8000/yr she paid for - though I suspect that has no bearing on the return.

Finally - what assurance do I have in paying that bill that the damage does actually get fixed - or is that answered by an approximate/estimated value drop in the forthcoming auction/sale, and therefore they are under no obligation to get the repairs done?

Appreciate your thoughts.


Original Poster:

5,861 posts

158 months

Tuesday 18th April 2023
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Dr Interceptor said:
He's just doing his job, he's paid to spot these things... if he doesn't spot them, he gets picked up on it.
I thought this as I was watching him do the inspection.

Dr Interceptor said:
I wouldn't expect to be charged for any of those, with all the marks shown that car would go through BCA as a Grade 1 car, and most decent prep valeters would be able to deal with them, if not its £100 to the invisimend man.
I found it odd I was unable to justify my reasoning for dispute - it was a simple binary yes/no.

I haven't actually got a bill yet so we will see what comes about. I might be worrying about nothing.


Original Poster:

5,861 posts

158 months

Tuesday 18th April 2023
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robdcfc said:

Theres the BVRLA manual, page 14 has most of your issues on it, personally I would contest the dent as its borderline if its over size but its hard to tell from the pics.

Im a qualified inspector myself and would probably have said that the other bits would have been ok if they had been touched in neatly
That's really useful - thanks.


Original Poster:

5,861 posts

158 months

Thursday 4th May 2023
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Update by email this morning. They have adjusted the bill to £270 (inc VAT etc) - for the following:

Repair of the damaged alloy wheel.
Repair of the scratches on the tailgate.
Repair of a scratch on the rear bumper (one I don't recall being mentioned by the inspector).

So the bill has almost halved - despite not remembering the bumper one (which does not mean he didn't mention it) I am minded to pay and move on.