EVs... no one wants them!

EVs... no one wants them!



Original Poster:

2,282 posts

183 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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If you're thinking of trading in your EV anytime soon don't bother!

2 VW dealers this am wouldn't touch my Cupra Born. I have never in 23 years had a dealer refuse to take my car in part exchange, never!

Dealers simply don't want EVs and I have to admit that of course it's scaring me as I need to sell but the loss is far too great to bear.

I hope the situation improves over the next 6 months or so....

Edited by Leicesterdave on Wednesday 1st February 11:23


Original Poster:

2,282 posts

183 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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The Road Crew said:
Wouldn't take it at any price?

Or wouldn't give the price you wanted?
Seemingly any price. Sales manager says they're not buying EVs at all.


Original Poster:

2,282 posts

183 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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Jamescrs said:
I'm surprised they refused it completely?
So am I.... People are too scared to buy them at the moment due to energy prices apparently.

Personally I think the media killed EV desirability over Christmas.


Original Poster:

2,282 posts

183 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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bennno said:
What do WBAC offer?

Bought for £36k in August.


Original Poster:

2,282 posts

183 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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CrippsCorner said:

This is why I buy cars for £4k run them for 4 years and then sell them for £4k again spin

Got burned with depreciation once, and vowed to never again lol.
My first new car and will be my last!

My other half has a Suzuki swift worth a grand. Best shed ever. To be honest I love driving it.


Original Poster:

2,282 posts

183 months

Saturday 4th February 2023
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Wow. WBAC valuation this am

£9000 for a 22 plate
Cupra Born!

They really don’t want it!!


Original Poster:

2,282 posts

183 months

Saturday 4th February 2023
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HTP99 said:
That's irrelevant, used electric aren't selling, and they are dropping like a stone in the guides, as I've mentioned a few posts back we have had an ID3 in stock for 4m now, entering month 5 it has had a £9k book drop in those 4 months, WBAC don't want that Born (unless they can nick it) as they can see that used electric is dead currently.
I just don’t quite understand why it’s quite so bad? We are supposedly heading towards an electric future yet EVs are treated like a 1980s Diesel!


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2,282 posts

183 months

Tuesday 28th February 2023
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And 28 days later motorway’s offer on my car has dropped another £3120!

This car depreciates like a brand new S class!


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2,282 posts

183 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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At last WBAC are offering me £2k more this week for some reason. Nearing £26k as opposed to the silly £24k I was offered.


Original Poster:

2,282 posts

183 months

Tuesday 18th April 2023
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Well.... Approaching page 100 of this thread and I finally managed to sell my Cupra Born.... Didn't expect to... Just ran a quote on the Motorpoint website and it came back with £28,550 which I didn't believe! They confirmed it, smoothest sale I've ever experienced.

Still lost a packet but I don't really think it's too far off regular depreciation at that price. Just going to stick the cash in a high interest savings account for now!


Original Poster:

2,282 posts

183 months

Wednesday 19th April 2023
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Macron said:
What were the lows you were looking at a few weeks ago? Good to get rid anyway, and assumes they see demand for it. Be interesting to see what they put it up for...
£24k at the absolute lowest. WBAC upped it to £26k recently.

I doubt I'd have got much more than £28,550- but who knows with the crazy market at the minute!