What Car? - Mongol Rally

What Car? - Mongol Rally



Original Poster:

733 posts

223 months

Friday 9th August 2013
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I'm off to Mongolia next summer and need to start thinking about what car is going to take me and 3 others the 10,000 miles to Ulaanbaater. The criteria is as follows:

Costs no more than £500
Can carry 4 adults in (relative) comfort with luggage (roof rack an option)
1000cc or under
Easy to fix
No 4x4s
Must be interesting

Our first thought was a 2CV, but I'm thinking it might be a little cramped, and it would appear difficult to find something that runs for under £500. I've got a few other ideas but I thought I would open it up to the collective knowledge that is Pistonheads.

Also, if there's anyone out there who has done the Mongol Rally before, I'd love to hear your stories and pearls of wisdom, and tips much appreciated!


Original Poster:

733 posts

223 months

Friday 9th August 2013
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msduk said:
I am also thinking of going next year. We have a bigger budget though and think micra or fabia.

It also has to be under 7 years old does it not?
They've changed the rules for 2014, so it's back to old crappy slow cars, much more fun! What it does mean though is that you can't really leave the car in Mongolia because of the import tax (£4000 apparently). There's a recommended budget of £200 to buy the car, I thought £500 might be a little more realistic!

Like the idea of a van, but needs 4 seats ideally!


Original Poster:

733 posts

223 months

Friday 9th August 2013
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Here's all the info for those interested:


The only real rule is that it must be under 1000cc. The sensible choice would probably be something japanese, but I like the idea of something old and British!


Original Poster:

733 posts

223 months

Saturday 10th August 2013
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Just been looking at old Pandas, like the idea of something red and Italian. Micra is also one for consideration. I thought about an old ambulance, as they were allowed when I looked into it a couple of years ago, but they're now saying they don't want them. Would have been good though.

Anyone got any idea what the largest sub 1 litre car is? By the looks of things we're going to be cramped and uncomfortable whatever we buy!


Original Poster:

733 posts

223 months

Saturday 10th August 2013
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GC8 said:
Answer: use a charity rally insurance specialist.
This is the plan. Apparently you only need to get insurance in advance for the Euro leg of the trip, then take out insurance at the border of each country after that.


Original Poster:

733 posts

223 months

Monday 12th August 2013
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Ok, so I'm now considering the line in the 'rules' which basically says that you can use a car with an engine larger than 1000cc as long as it is interesting/wierd/comic/stupid/inappropriate enough, mainly on the basis that a big car would be better!

My thoughts so far: black cab, minibus, big volvo estate, Renault espace.

All of these would obviously be in a rather ropey condition! So, are these in the spirit of the event, or can anyone think of anything else that we might get away with?


Original Poster:

733 posts

223 months

Monday 12th August 2013
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And just to add, anything considered a real 'classic' is almost guaranteed to be accepted...


Original Poster:

733 posts

223 months

Monday 12th August 2013
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Chongwong said:
2 of my Co-Drivers are rather portly, so i can't chance this. But you might like it, assuming it's still for sale biggrin
That looks great! Could be a little cramped for 4 though. I'm tempted to just buy it for myself!