Honda Civic vs Lexus IS220d

Honda Civic vs Lexus IS220d


arfur sleep

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1,166 posts

222 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Need something diesel and economical for the commute but must be usable as family / very occasional business use car. Budget circa £8-9k.

It’ll be company car too so low CO2 is required. Switching from a Focus ST-2 so fully appreciate that all bills will be cheaper but it’ll also be less fun 

So far, I have seen the following local to me which are of interest…

Honda Civic 2.2 Cdti EX, 58 plate 2008 model

Lexus IS220d, 08 plate 2008 model

Both reasonable mileage and well spec’d so would mean the commute wasn’t complete torture.

Leaning towards the Civic at the moment as cheaper all round. Likely that I will only stick with this for 12-18 months as plan is to then move into something brand new.

Any thoughts / comments?

arfur sleep

Original Poster:

1,166 posts

222 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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anonymous said:
Seen some comments about clutches / flywheels etc on the Civics so was aware there are some problems.

Anticipated the Lexus would be more expensive of the two to run but disappointed to hear about the gearing / ride.

Commute is a mix of Motorway and A & B roads (which is drivingcloud9 in the ST) so would appear the Lexus isn't going to be best thing for that.

arfur sleep

Original Poster:

1,166 posts

222 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Mr Gear said:
Are Japanese diesels ever any good? They are a bit of an afterthought for us Europeans, right?

Why not try a hybrid petrol instead?
I understood that the Honda diesel is pretty good.

Hybrids not looked....looked, no thanks.

ETA - hybrid search

Edited by arfur sleep on Wednesday 23 January 12:55