Lexus IS200 next - good call?

Lexus IS200 next - good call?



Original Poster:

5 posts

146 months

Wednesday 30th May 2012
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I'm looking at buying a Lexus IS200 next, and wondered if other people thought it would be suitable given my circumstances, which I'll briefly explain.

I've only owned a few cars previously - a MK2 1.3 Golf, an M Reg 1.3 Fiesta, an R Reg 1.4 Fiesta, and now driving a W Reg 1.4 Polo!

I don't do many miles at all (about 8 miles a day and up to 50 miles a day at weekends but generally much less) so fuel thirsty doesn't worry me. Some say they're not that quick for what they are, but given my car history I doubt I'll be disappointed?

I've got £2k cash to spend and I really can't afford to spend a penny more. That should see me with a 51 reg with avg. mileage for the age.
The car doesn't need to go on for ever, as long as it lasts me the next 2yrs I'll be well happy.

What do you reckon for something stylish, well equipped, quicker than previous cars, nice to drive, and good overall reliability? Lexus IS200 a good call?


Original Poster:

5 posts

146 months

Thursday 31st May 2012
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Thanks for the replies, it's reassuring that where ever I go online, whatever forum or website I can't find anything negative about the reliability of the IS200. It certainly looks like I'll be headed towards one for my next car!

Given that the two cars I've only really driven are a 55bhp 1.3 MK2 Golf, and a 75bhp Polo, should I ignore comments about them not being that quick? I'm assuming that given my car history, a Lexus IS200 would be silly quick??

I do like the equipment levels in the Lexus too, heated seats standard, good stereo etc. Do they have CD changers as standard? IIRC they have them built in to the head unit or something??

I have to stop looking on autotrader, I've seen a few silver ones (one W and one 51 reg) with dark 5-spoke alloys and they both look lovely!


Original Poster:

5 posts

146 months

Thursday 31st May 2012
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Thanks for that comparison,

I have looked at Bora TDI 150's for torque and tunability (e.g. re-map!) but they're out of my budget - I would have to go and beg the bank to lend me some money to get one of those, and I'd like to try to avoid that.

Plus, as my circumstances allow for a juicy petrol car I don't see the point in a sensible diesel. (Although, torque figures are so attractive I do sometimes think a small loan might be a good idea).

Has anybody had problems with their Lexus being vandalised? They're apparently the most vandalised car there is, but I suspect this is now well out of date?

Kam - I do like a sound system to have a bit of a kick to it (because I like music with a bit of a kick of bass!) but so many put volume before sound quality! One of my mates likes drum and bass (not a big fan myself tbh prefer stuff like Katy B!!!), he has a massive great sub in his boot and always has it so loud! It shakes and rattles interior trim on the car and sound quality is non existent, it's shocking! I'd rather have the bass turned down a bit sensible and retain some sound quality. I hate listening to speakers bottom out so I dont' tend to put them past their limits.

Edited by bigukg on Thursday 31st May 09:37


Original Poster:

5 posts

146 months

Thursday 31st May 2012
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It looks more and more like an IS200 is going to be the best choice the more I look in to it to be honest!
I'll be looking seriously in to buying one when I get paid on June 25th (I've been saving for a few months, but can only afford to spend the £2k I'll have by then on a car). I'm going away on holiday at the end of September but I want the IS200 for the 6 weeks or so before then to get some miles in!

lol - no partridge jokes here yet but I've seen plenty on other forums! (So we don't need them here =p)

I don't see why there's such a thing about that - AP isn't like Ian Huntley or Harold Shipman etc etc.


Original Poster:

5 posts

146 months

Thursday 31st May 2012
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k-ink said:
Bear in mind the IS300 is much faster and has the same mpg as the 200.
Unfortunately an IS300 isn't even an option due to insurance,