Autotrader price index

Autotrader price index



Original Poster:

46 posts

74 months

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Does anyone know of any third party tools that keep track of the price of cars on websites like autotrader?
I don't mean the 'AT Price Tracker' extension, that is great for individual cars, but something that plots a graph of that make and model to see where the price may be going to in the future.
I found a website that does this, but the data it uses is complete junk, no idea where it's coming up with the prices from so isn't useful sadly frown


27 posts

23 months

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Absolutely pointless, no one can predict future car prices.

Motorwatch is the best current price tracking tool I've found, but as you say, that's on indivdual cars only

If you want/need a car and can afford it, just buy it, life is too short to worry about what prices may or may not do in the future!


836 posts

56 months

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Even if you could get this data it wouldn't really be viable to predict future patterns. The biggest factors on price movements are interest rates, tightening emissions legislation, advances in tech etc. You'd have more luck trying to make better financial investments to offset any price drops on the car of your choice than thinking you can use past car trends as a crystal ball to predict the future.


5,876 posts

149 months

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My understanding is that this data is considered commercially valuable, and is compiled by Autotrader themselves and sold to big dealer chains etc. They release high-level summaries and excerpts to get some publicity, eg

To gather this as a third party you'd have to effectively scrape the AT website I think, which would be an effort and they might try and block you. I was scraping a specific model that I was looking to buy, but it was a bit much effort to keep up as a hobby so I didn't continue after I had my own example sat in my garage.

There's a component of 'normal depreciation' for most cars, which is consistent over time and you can potentially fit a model to for specific car types and brands and can give an indication. Then there's what could be called 'stock market' movements up and down for the cars on the market, which are fairly unpredictable as stated, like the actual stock market. However if you're looking to buy or sell, tracking prices month to month would provide a clear signal of any significant movements as they occur, which provides some context.


1,438 posts

95 months

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There is a massive amount of pricing data available to the motor trade via the Autotrader portal that allows you to see how to price a car to make it competitive by region etc along with price prediction data etc but I don’t know anybody that really uses it. Most just settle for dynamic pricing where a car is in line with Autotraders pricing.


Original Poster:

46 posts

74 months

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Thanks for the replies all, all super useful smile


Original Poster:

46 posts

74 months

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Thanks for the replies all, all super useful smile


3,495 posts

149 months

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INDICATA tracks the market price up until today and is live with a graph for however long the car has been on sale with the 100% market price of the car not the cars actual price.

A dealer can see if they are trading above or below the market and the system analyses the whole market.

It’s trade only.