Lexus LS400 or Jaguar XJ? Barge shootout!

Lexus LS400 or Jaguar XJ? Barge shootout!



12,682 posts

207 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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NervySi said:

Get the Jag. I miss mine. When I had my XJ40, then my X300, I'd turn up at events and parties and my friends would ask 'Did you come here in the Jag?', like it was a family friend. I don't get that with my BMW and I doubt it would happen with a Lexus. As for 'bork', if you're buying an old exec car you should be ready for some bills. Otherwise, get down to the local dealership and get HP on a new Eurobox.
Couple of problems with that summary.

Not all car's are built equal... and old lexii produces nowhere near as much bork as an old jag.

I wouldn't touch a euro box, new or old if I wanted reliability.


67 posts

160 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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skyrover said:
and old lexii produces nowhere near as much bork as an old jag.

I wouldn't touch a euro box, new or old if I wanted reliability.
That wasn't my point though. I think most educated PHers understand, buy an old LS400 or an old XJ for pocket money and you'll be better off than if you dropped a deposit then paid 225/month on a new Fiesta or similar, regardless of reliability. But that's just for the hoi polloi really: this thread is XJ versus LS400 and I stand by my assertion that an old XJ is a rewarding and characterful old sled. Costs can add up, but still cheaper than HP on a new Eurobox smile Mustard mitt I've always been intrigued by the LS400 but never took the plunge - and the styling/image is partly responsible.


9,317 posts

148 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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I'd take a risk on a Jag personally. I've never owned either but my dad had an XJ40 in 1989 and the ride was superb. Plus speaking as a single chap I would imagine crumpet would prefer the Jag even if they knew nothing about cars. Not scientific I know but that's how I see it. Good luck in whatever you decide.


10,210 posts

162 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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Heart - Jag
Head - Lexus


Original Poster:

18,039 posts

162 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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tobinen said:
I'd take a risk on a Jag personally. I've never owned either but my dad had an XJ40 in 1989 and the ride was superb. Plus speaking as a single chap I would imagine crumpet would prefer the Jag even if they knew nothing about cars. Not scientific I know but that's how I see it. Good luck in whatever you decide.
Both seem to fall flat with women. I've been showing girls at work the Jaguar since they were asking what car was going to replace 'my little blue one'. The Jaguar has met with a resounding note of disinterest. "It looks like an old man's car", "my grandad had one before he died" etc etc. Mixed group of 20-30 something girls of various backgrounds, none charmed by the Jaguar. I mentioned the Lexus, the one who knows her Alan Partridge started quoting the 'Lexus/Lexii/Japanese Mercedes' lines.

Even when I had the A8, it was referred to as 'The Russian Diplomat's Car', 'Third World Dictator Car' and other semi-flattering things but I did not receive any offers to enjoy the heated rear seats. The highlight of it's pulling power was giving some colleagues a lift in it at a Christmas party, for one girl to remark 'this car is fking mint' as I showed off the kickdown.

My wife has no interest in cars so she doesn't get a say in this, though she'd be happier with me in a car than on a motorbike. I know best though, so I'll do as I please.


5,410 posts

177 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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dbdb said:
The V8 must be considerably less reliable than the six cylinder cars then. To be stranded by a six cylinder car is really quite rare in my experience and from that of other owners I know.

OP, have you tried posting the question, "is the X300/308 reliable? - Can I use as an every day car?" in the Jaguar section? I imagine plenty of people there will have owned one.

If no one replies, then you will know that my experience with Jags being reliable is unique and everyone is parked bonnet up by the motorway with steam hissing everywhere!! wink

Edited by dbdb on Thursday 10th July 17:59

In my experience it's more the electrics, suspension bushes, diff and gearbox probs and assorted hose/rad/overheating maladies that overwhelm them. The way the interior is put together is farcical, and yours is one of the models with the time frame specific door handles. As you say, those engines are one of the better ones, although the old V12 is the virtually bomb proof weapon of choice if drivetrains from that particular era are your bent.

Certain V8 engines have suicidal tendencies specific to bore wear issues and also their dislike of being started, moved a small distance, then turned off again, causing cam chain tension related horror stories.

Technology wise, Jags and Lexus from the 90s are incomparable, not being argumentative for the sake of it, just a blatently obvious statement of fact. If it helps you to understand our perspective, we used to lend Jag owners whose cars were mullered, a Lexus while their car was being repaired...they'd leave with their nose turned up, and return wanting to know how much we wanted for it!


9,317 posts

148 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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Baryonyx said:
Both seem to fall flat with women. I've been showing girls at work the Jaguar since they were asking what car was going to replace 'my little blue one'. The Jaguar has met with a resounding note of disinterest. "It looks like an old man's car", "my grandad had one before he died" etc etc. Mixed group of 20-30 something girls of various backgrounds, none charmed by the Jaguar. I mentioned the Lexus, the one who knows her Alan Partridge started quoting the 'Lexus/Lexii/Japanese Mercedes' lines.

Even when I had the A8, it was referred to as 'The Russian Diplomat's Car', 'Third World Dictator Car' and other semi-flattering things but I did not receive any offers to enjoy the heated rear seats. The highlight of it's pulling power was giving some colleagues a lift in it at a Christmas party, for one girl to remark 'this car is fking mint' as I showed off the kickdown.

My wife has no interest in cars so she doesn't get a say in this, though she'd be happier with me in a car than on a motorbike. I know best though, so I'll do as I please.
This is most distressing information. My plan to replace the Merc for a Jag for this reason is now in tatters smile


9,883 posts

257 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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Troubleatmill said:
Heart - Jag
Head - Lexus
One is a car that will just do everything you ask of it, peerlessly designed by Toyota engineers handpicked for their OCD.
The other is a car you'll walk away from and not be able to resist a look back at. Just a quick glance, to make sure the recovery driver has tightened the tiedown straps and closed the bonnet.


5,410 posts

177 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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andy43 said:
One is a car that will just do everything you ask of it, peerlessly designed by Toyota engineers handpicked for their OCD.
The other is a car you'll walk away from and not be able to resist a look back at. Just a quick glance, to make sure the recovery driver has tightened the tiedown straps and closed the bonnet.


Original Poster:

18,039 posts

162 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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tobinen said:
This is most distressing information. My plan to replace the Merc for a Jag for this reason is now in tatters smile
I had initially been looking at W140's as well. But they are just a bit too big. I've no qualms about driving and using a full sized exec every day, even if it does mean parking at the back when you go shopping. But is big, and there is titanic. Whereas the Jaguar will overhang a normal sized parking bay and be as wide as it, the W140 creeps over on every side!

Yes, sadly, whatever you think is cool and stylish, women probably don't like it and will think it's a load of crap for old blokes. But then they always say I'm old before my time too, simply because I refuse to slum it with a load of ste!

Thinking back to the old battlecruiser, some photos for old time's sake...


2,759 posts

140 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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Jag for me.
I know its sad, but I can't get away from the 'asian' image with lexus.


2,428 posts

169 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Baryonyx said:
tobinen said:
I'd take a risk on a Jag personally. I've never owned either but my dad had an XJ40 in 1989 and the ride was superb. Plus speaking as a single chap I would imagine crumpet would prefer the Jag even if they knew nothing about cars. Not scientific I know but that's how I see it. Good luck in whatever you decide.
Both seem to fall flat with women. I've been showing girls at work the Jaguar since they were asking what car was going to replace 'my little blue one'. The Jaguar has met with a resounding note of disinterest. "It looks like an old man's car", "my grandad had one before he died" etc etc. Mixed group of 20-30 something girls of various backgrounds, none charmed by the Jaguar. I mentioned the Lexus, the one who knows her Alan Partridge started quoting the 'Lexus/Lexii/Japanese Mercedes' lines.
It took until I sold the BMW and started driving Jags that things started to go my way with the girl I was into. The now-girlfriend in question now claims to hate Jags (too "old man" for a 21 y/o apparently), but maybe there was something subliminal scratchchin

XJ Flyer

5,526 posts

133 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Like the old series 3 an X300 with the 6.0 Litre V12 and a manual box conversion would be my choice.Luckily in the case of the X300 the former of those ingredients is already there.


2,872 posts

149 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Baryonyx said:
Both seem to fall flat with women. I've been showing girls at work the Jaguar since they were asking what car was going to replace 'my little blue one'. The Jaguar has met with a resounding note of disinterest. "It looks like an old man's car", "my grandad had one before he died" etc etc. Mixed group of 20-30 something girls of various backgrounds, none charmed by the Jaguar. I mentioned the Lexus, the one who knows her Alan Partridge started quoting the 'Lexus/Lexii/Japanese Mercedes' lines.
All the girls I know love my Jag - maybe they prefer X350s to X308s? tongue out


5,135 posts

138 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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rambo19 said:
Jag for me.
I know its sad, but I can't get away from the 'asian' image with lexus.
It's not sad. Are you as bigoted in all your tastes? Refuse to eat a curry in case people think you're one of 'them'? Buy only US/European mobile phones in case your friends judge you harshly? Put an X-box sticker over your Playstation's logo?


Lexus for me. I grew up really wanting a Jaguar (Sweeney, Steed, etc). But once I started spending my own money on cars, I found it wasn't to be.

Even on looks. IMHO the slightly modernised look of the classic XJ shape looks contrived. Whereas the Town's original looks effortlessly elegant, the modernised lines are a pastiche.


3,486 posts

156 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Baryonyx said:
tobinen said:
I'd take a risk on a Jag personally. I've never owned either but my dad had an XJ40 in 1989 and the ride was superb. Plus speaking as a single chap I would imagine crumpet would prefer the Jag even if they knew nothing about cars. Not scientific I know but that's how I see it. Good luck in whatever you decide.
Both seem to fall flat with women. I've been showing girls at work the Jaguar since they were asking what car was going to replace 'my little blue one'. The Jaguar has met with a resounding note of disinterest. "It looks like an old man's car", "my grandad had one before he died" etc etc. Mixed group of 20-30 something girls of various backgrounds, none charmed by the Jaguar. I mentioned the Lexus, the one who knows her Alan Partridge started quoting the 'Lexus/Lexii/Japanese Mercedes' lines.

Even when I had the A8, it was referred to as 'The Russian Diplomat's Car', 'Third World Dictator Car' and other semi-flattering things but I did not receive any offers to enjoy the heated rear seats. The highlight of it's pulling power was giving some colleagues a lift in it at a Christmas party, for one girl to remark 'this car is fking mint' as I showed off the kickdown.

My wife has no interest in cars so she doesn't get a say in this, though she'd be happier with me in a car than on a motorbike. I know best though, so I'll do as I please.
The A8 is by far and away the least uncool of these barges, especially if black (a la The Transporter).

XJ8 = politicians, John Prescott, golf, Arthur Daley, geriatrics.
Lexus = usually found outside an ethnic 24/7 food store with fruit and veg stands sprawling over the pavement.

Both deeply uncool.


6,672 posts

184 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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In the eyes of 99% of the public all old barges are incredibly uncool. This is just one reason why they can be given away with a packet of cornflakes.

The image of all of them is awful - no large barge lovers should kid themselves on this! (And long may it continue).


4,164 posts

207 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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charltjr said:
You'll get no help from me I'm afraid, I love them both. I've only owned the LS400 and I really miss it, it's a sublime thing to waft around in. The Jag is still on my list of "I've got to own one of those at some point".

I also don't understand people who call the Lexus characterless. It has character in spades - it's just a very subtle, restrained character. It is Alfred the butler in car form smile
I agree, The jag will no doubt lift up its skirts and give you a smile whenever you want. But for me the Lexus always gave me a smug self satisfied smile. I never felt the need to wring its neck except on the occasional traffic light grand prix when its 0-60 time belied its size and wiped the smile from many a wannabe pretender. I don't think you can ever understand the effect an LS has on you until you own one.

both wife and kids were upset when I got rid of the lex, and a year on my daughter still points them out on the motorway saying why did I get rid.

Edited by sparkyhx on Friday 11th July 10:49


4,164 posts

207 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Baryonyx said:
didn't know that model could drive underwater as well


2,759 posts

140 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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EskimoArapaho said:
rambo19 said:
Jag for me.
I know its sad, but I can't get away from the 'asian' image with lexus.
It's not sad. Are you as bigoted in all your tastes? Refuse to eat a curry in case people think you're one of 'them'? Buy only US/European mobile phones in case your friends judge you harshly? Put an X-box sticker over your Playstation's logo?


Lexus for me. I grew up really wanting a Jaguar (Sweeney, Steed, etc). But once I started spending my own money on cars, I found it wasn't to be.

Even on looks. IMHO the slightly modernised look of the classic XJ shape looks contrived. Whereas the Town's original looks effortlessly elegant, the modernised lines are a pastiche.
Calm down dear............
Eat curry=yes-love it.
Mobile phone=Samsung.
Don't own a play station or x box.

Just being honest.