EVs... no one wants them!

EVs... no one wants them!



4,971 posts

223 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Jimjimhim said:
Nearly running out was your fault, you can't blame others for it.

A comfortable margin, so say 50 miles of fuel? So you stopped at a petrol station, then drove on to the next one, doesn't really seem like a story that was worth telling to be honest.
You didn't read my original post properly, did you? Dear me.


438 posts

3 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Dave200 said:
Jimjimhim said:
Nearly running out was your fault, you can't blame others for it.

A comfortable margin, so say 50 miles of fuel? So you stopped at a petrol station, then drove on to the next one, doesn't really seem like a story that was worth telling to be honest.
You didn't read my original post properly, did you? Dear me.
What's with the dear me on every post? It doesn't help you win on the internet you know, it just makes you sound a bit odd.

Go on then, what did I miss?


44,556 posts

254 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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What's actually disappointing is the hypocrisy in clear evidence. There have been numerous cases where posters have raised issues regarding EVs only to get pile ons claiming edge cases, which many actually were. Cue multiple snarky comments in following days and weeks about who wants to drive 500 miles without stopping towing a caravan and the like.

Then someone reports an ice journey and situation, which is clearly an edge case and is finally admitted to be so after much doubling down and digging a hole for themselves. Only to in the end resort to insults.

And now continuing to protest so much it's getting ridiculous. Clearly they don't like to be questioned and now just making themselves look silly and really deserve to be laughed at.


4,971 posts

223 months

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So, let me get this straight.

In a thread that's been largely 800+ pages of EV sceptics inventing edge case scenarios, ignoring data and moving the goalposts to justify why EVs don't work for the masses; I post one real-world experience of my life with a thirsty ice car and a few posters go into meltdown?

I make a perfectly reasonable assumption that an open petrol station will have petrol, and I'm being called a liar, thick, and blamed for a petrol station running out of petrol.

God bless PH. Some posters' desperation for a 'win' is quite hilarious.

Edited by Dave200 on Thursday 4th July 07:22


438 posts

3 months

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Dave200 said:
So, let me get this straight.

In a thread that's been largely 800+ pages of EV sceptics inventing edge case scenarios, ignoring data and moving the goalposts to justify why EVs don't work for the masses; I post one real-world experience of my life with a thirsty ice car and a few posters go into meltdown?

I make a perfectly reasonable assumption that an open petrol station will have petrol, and I'm being called a liar, thick, and blamed for a petrol station running out of petrol.

God bless PH. Some posters' desperation for a 'win' is quite hilarious.

Edited by Dave200 on Thursday 4th July 07:22
Nearly running out of fuel is your fault and no one else's.


56,660 posts

172 months

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It's mainly a thread of people discussing how long it might be before various short fallings of EVs get resolved for different users while in and around the normal people's discussion the People's Front of Judea and the Judean People's Front are shouting at each other in the crazy belief that they are complete different from each other while obviously being exactly the same.

The devout believers on either side are just fking idiots. Insecure schmucks obsessed with idolatry.


4,971 posts

223 months

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Jimjimhim said:
Dave200 said:
So, let me get this straight.

In a thread that's been largely 800+ pages of EV sceptics inventing edge case scenarios, ignoring data and moving the goalposts to justify why EVs don't work for the masses; I post one real-world experience of my life with a thirsty ice car and a few posters go into meltdown?

I make a perfectly reasonable assumption that an open petrol station will have petrol, and I'm being called a liar, thick, and blamed for a petrol station running out of petrol.

God bless PH. Some posters' desperation for a 'win' is quite hilarious.

Edited by Dave200 on Thursday 4th July 07:22
Nearly running out of fuel is your fault and no one else's.
There's that desperation I mentioned.


438 posts

3 months

quotequote all
Dave200 said:
Jimjimhim said:
Dave200 said:
So, let me get this straight.

In a thread that's been largely 800+ pages of EV sceptics inventing edge case scenarios, ignoring data and moving the goalposts to justify why EVs don't work for the masses; I post one real-world experience of my life with a thirsty ice car and a few posters go into meltdown?

I make a perfectly reasonable assumption that an open petrol station will have petrol, and I'm being called a liar, thick, and blamed for a petrol station running out of petrol.

God bless PH. Some posters' desperation for a 'win' is quite hilarious.

Edited by Dave200 on Thursday 4th July 07:22
Nearly running out of fuel is your fault and no one else's.
There's that desperation I mentioned.
Call it whatever you like.


814 posts

4 months

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Jimjimhim said:
Dave200 said:
Jimjimhim said:
Dave200 said:
So, let me get this straight.

In a thread that's been largely 800+ pages of EV sceptics inventing edge case scenarios, ignoring data and moving the goalposts to justify why EVs don't work for the masses; I post one real-world experience of my life with a thirsty ice car and a few posters go into meltdown?

I make a perfectly reasonable assumption that an open petrol station will have petrol, and I'm being called a liar, thick, and blamed for a petrol station running out of petrol.

God bless PH. Some posters' desperation for a 'win' is quite hilarious.

Edited by Dave200 on Thursday 4th July 07:22
Nearly running out of fuel is your fault and no one else's.
There's that desperation I mentioned.
Call it whatever you like.
So would be running out of electricity


2,497 posts

53 months

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Jim is right though Dave, it was your fault.


3,726 posts

120 months

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DonkeyApple said:
It's mainly a thread of people discussing how long it might be before various short fallings of EVs get resolved for different users while in and around the normal people's discussion the People's Front of Judea and the Judean People's Front are shouting at each other in the crazy belief that they are complete different from each other while obviously being exactly the same.

The devout believers on either side are just fking idiots. Insecure schmucks obsessed with idolatry.
100% clap

Its a shame because people like me who are sort of "floating voters" from an EV perspective and genuinely interested in getting experiences from owners on various cars get drowned out in all the noise...


2,577 posts

202 months

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greenarrow said:
100% clap

Its a shame because people like me who are sort of "floating voters" from an EV perspective and genuinely interested in getting experiences from owners on various cars get drowned out in all the noise...
Weird noise too from people who have stated clearly they arent hopping into it. I mean imagine, you have to take responsibility for filling up your EV or ICE car - how can that even be an argument for/against.

I think on balance as someone who has both forms of transport. It down to use case really.

Basically how many miles you do, whats your charging options (or not) - if that balances out and either might suit you. I would recommend some test drives to see what you enjoy.

I would choose EV over ICE now for practical use. I dont necessarily think performance is that important in daily driving anymore. If you are regularily pushing on todays roads then TBH thats an issue in itself.

I dont really see an advantages other than my ICE car being an estate. Yeah I can do 600 miles on a tank, but in reality even with my long distance driving, charging at a super charger becomes a nice way of having a break.

The biggest frustration is charging points if they arent working properly - but many have said the infrastructure has a ways to go. Ideally I would have a nice M3 or GT3 tucked up for weekends, but in reality would I use them....probably not that much.


5,756 posts

193 months

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greenarrow said:
DonkeyApple said:
It's mainly a thread of people discussing how long it might be before various short fallings of EVs get resolved for different users while in and around the normal people's discussion the People's Front of Judea and the Judean People's Front are shouting at each other in the crazy belief that they are complete different from each other while obviously being exactly the same.

The devout believers on either side are just fking idiots. Insecure schmucks obsessed with idolatry.
100% clap

Its a shame because people like me who are sort of "floating voters" from an EV perspective and genuinely interested in getting experiences from owners on various cars get drowned out in all the noise...
I’ve got both and the differences aren’t a stark as people on the extreme ends of the debate seem to claim.

Putting a tank of petrol in an ICE car isn’t a horrific chore and plunging in the EV isn’t a big issue either.

On longer trips and holidays the ICE car is more convenient as there are more petrol stations than charging points and you don’t have to consider destination charging.

Also having roof boxes and/or bikes on the car does impact range and is felt more on an EV as, for me, convenience is more important than cost on those trips.

Day to the day the electric is a bit nicer for local trips, no engine to warm up, so instant heat (or pre-heat) on colder days.

I’d happily be able to run either all ICE or all EV, having some of each works best for me at the moment.

That said, the market doesn’t seem to agree at the moment, as BEV as a percentage of new car sales seems to be pretty static and a fair way off BEV mandates.

I can also see why buyers (and therefore dealers) are cautious when it comes to BEV depreciation.

On the other hand, if you get a company car or a decent salary sacrifice scheme they are a no brainer.


438 posts

3 months

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survivalist said:
I’ve got both and the differences aren’t a stark as people on the extreme ends of the debate seem to claim.

Putting a tank of petrol in an ICE car isn’t a horrific chore and plunging in the EV isn’t a big issue either.

On longer trips and holidays the ICE car is more convenient as there are more petrol stations than charging points and you don’t have to consider destination charging.

Also having roof boxes and/or bikes on the car does impact range and is felt more on an EV as, for me, convenience is more important than cost on those trips.

Day to the day the electric is a bit nicer for local trips, no engine to warm up, so instant heat (or pre-heat) on colder days.

I’d happily be able to run either all ICE or all EV, having some of each works best for me at the moment.

That said, the market doesn’t seem to agree at the moment, as BEV as a percentage of new car sales seems to be pretty static and a fair way off BEV mandates.

I can also see why buyers (and therefore dealers) are cautious when it comes to BEV depreciation.

On the other hand, if you get a company car or a decent salary sacrifice scheme they are a no brainer.
This all seems like a very sensible view of the 2 power types. I think a future with both is our best bet, but the government seem to be pushing just 1 type.


26,738 posts

234 months

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survivalist said:
Putting a tank of petrol in an ICE car isn’t a horrific chore and plunging in the EV isn’t a big issue either.
Depends where you plunge I suppose, deep water or a cliff could be a big problem.


4,971 posts

223 months

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survivalist said:
I’ve got both and the differences aren’t a stark as people on the extreme ends of the debate seem to claim.

Putting a tank of petrol in an ICE car isn’t a horrific chore and plunging in the EV isn’t a big issue either.

On longer trips and holidays the ICE car is more convenient as there are more petrol stations than charging points and you don’t have to consider destination charging.

Also having roof boxes and/or bikes on the car does impact range and is felt more on an EV as, for me, convenience is more important than cost on those trips.

Day to the day the electric is a bit nicer for local trips, no engine to warm up, so instant heat (or pre-heat) on colder days.

I’d happily be able to run either all ICE or all EV, having some of each works best for me at the moment.

That said, the market doesn’t seem to agree at the moment, as BEV as a percentage of new car sales seems to be pretty static and a fair way off BEV mandates.

I can also see why buyers (and therefore dealers) are cautious when it comes to BEV depreciation.

On the other hand, if you get a company car or a decent salary sacrifice scheme they are a no brainer.
As someone who also runs both, this is very balanced and accurate.


2,518 posts

271 months

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I’ve remembered this time that this thread isn’t about no one wanting EVs, but June’s registration figures are out - steadily going upwards now - 19%, so very nearly 1 in every 5 cars sold were BEV. Pretty strong numbers.


57,085 posts

207 months

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Jimjimhim said:
This all seems like a very sensible view of the 2 power types. I think a future with both is our best bet, but the government seem to be pushing just 1 type.
But you understand why they don't see ICE as part of a viable future, right?


438 posts

3 months

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otolith said:
Jimjimhim said:
This all seems like a very sensible view of the 2 power types. I think a future with both is our best bet, but the government seem to be pushing just 1 type.
But you understand why they don't see ICE as part of a viable future, right?
No not really.


6,392 posts

245 months

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plfrench said:
I’ve remembered this time that this thread isn’t about no one wanting EVs, but June’s registration figures are out - steadily going upwards now - 19%, so very nearly 1 in every 5 cars sold were BEV. Pretty strong numbers.
The numbers are terrible. Year to date, we are at 16.6%, a massive 0.5% rise over last year.