EVs... no one wants them!

EVs... no one wants them!



1,512 posts

203 months

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greenarrow said:
Great, thanks. I can't remember which version they had on Car WOW recently but from memory it did over 300 miles, about 320 I think. I like EVs which look like traditional saloons, so the Polestar and Tesla M3 rate high on my list.
I've a '24 lrsm, about 9.5k miles in the last 9 months and it's been great. 3 weeks in we did a 1800.mile road trip in Europe and just back from a week in Falmouth (420 miles each way). I've subscribed to Tesla for charging and life is good, real world motorway from 100% to 15% over 300 miles. And over 100kw charging to 70%, starting as high as 200kw.


1,082 posts

59 months

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Why is this thread still open? I find myself gravitating to it every month or so to remind myself of the nonsense a lot of PH users enjoy arguing about.

Now I just shake my head in awe and thank the electrons I'm not that bigoted.


56,598 posts

172 months

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Mikebentley said:
I’ll give Mighty Badger this one. I posted on here my experience of ownership of an MG4 Trophy for 9 months and 17k miles from June 2023 to March 2024. The system would if passing a cyclist with my right indicator on steer violently towards the cyclist requiring me to fight the steering wheel. It once tried to steer me through traffic cones at 50 mph on the M5 contra flow into oncoming traffic near the RAC control centre. The emergency braking would slam the brakes on at 30 mph as you passed a parked car if it saw a pedestrian on the opposite footpath or it felt you had made an error. The ferocity of this emergency stop was also more extreme as I believe EVs brake on the motor too. After literally dozens of these incidents it got to the stage it was like a white knuckle ride. I contacted MG Customer Service who after many exchanged emails suggested there was nothing wrong with the system and that the car was clearly a better driver than me and I should adjust my driving style. Whilst I don’t lay claims to being a driving god I am more than competent and have driven over a million miles in 40yrs on several continents. Fortunately my lease company felt MG putting these comments in writing was justification that they were not worth dealing with. The car was rejected by them and they gave me 50% of my lease costs back too. I have had the Smart #1 since and it is better in every way.

What I do find interesting is that as this was Which and they have also spoken with MG and NCAP that the same MG now acknowledge that there is an issue with the very systems I raised issues with and they have been working on a fix which requires approval. Absolute cock sockets.
Certainly sounds worse than usual. It's a plain irritation at the best of times. I first experienced this IT nerd tripe in Sicily a few years back with a Merc rental. Due to the absence of road markings and large holes in the road the car was absolutely mental until I worked out how to turn all the rubbish off. The other week I had an Audi A4 courtesy car and I slapped a bit of emergency oppo on in a corner as the car suddenly twitched weirdly in the middle of a corner for absolutely no reason other than it took a limited amount of information and made a very important decision without sufficient data. We'd fire someone for being that fking dumb yet this stuff is being mandated.

I'm a huge fan of intelligent tech and intelligent safety but this stuff is a moron forcing action when it only ever has a partial picture of the situation.


2,475 posts

53 months

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M4cruiser said:
It's a bit of fun, coupled with a sense of imparting information, some of which may be useful to some people.
Anyone who expects to like every post on here is doing it wrong.
Exactly this.


3,801 posts

153 months

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DonkeyApple said:
I'm a huge fan of intelligent tech and intelligent safety but this stuff is a moron forcing action when it only ever has a partial picture of the situation.
Yes, I find it gets confused when the "white lines" are not exactly clear. A human can make an intelligent guess as to where they should be, but the car/camera can't.


1,674 posts

200 months

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51mes said:
I've a '24 lrsm, about 9.5k miles in the last 9 months and it's been great. 3 weeks in we did a 1800.mile road trip in Europe and just back from a week in Falmouth (420 miles each way). I've subscribed to Tesla for charging and life is good, real world motorway from 100% to 15% over 300 miles. And over 100kw charging to 70%, starting as high as 200kw.
I do think with the ‘24 updates and the move to RWD the LRSM Polestar 2 has quietly put itself right into contention for the best mid-range EV. It’s very very impressive .. stil bit miffed I had the dual motor forced onto me.

Real world stuff like it needing zero buttons to push when you get in (not even for lane assist !), the controls being in the right places, the driver assist tech not trying to kill you… and proper 300 mile plus range at 4miles per kWh: not stuff you can take for granted for similarly priced EVs


2,475 posts

53 months

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Mikebentley said:
I’ll give Mighty Badger this one. I posted on here my experience of ownership of an MG4 Trophy for 9 months and 17k miles from June 2023 to March 2024. The system would if passing a cyclist with my right indicator on steer violently towards the cyclist requiring me to fight the steering wheel. It once tried to steer me through traffic cones at 50 mph on the M5 contra flow into oncoming traffic near the RAC control centre. The emergency braking would slam the brakes on at 30 mph as you passed a parked car if it saw a pedestrian on the opposite footpath or it felt you had made an error. The ferocity of this emergency stop was also more extreme as I believe EVs brake on the motor too. After literally dozens of these incidents it got to the stage it was like a white knuckle ride. I contacted MG Customer Service who after many exchanged emails suggested there was nothing wrong with the system and that the car was clearly a better driver than me and I should adjust my driving style. Whilst I don’t lay claims to being a driving god I am more than competent and have driven over a million miles in 40yrs on several continents. Fortunately my lease company felt MG putting these comments in writing was justification that they were not worth dealing with. The car was rejected by them and they gave me 50% of my lease costs back too. I have had the Smart #1 since and it is better in every way.

What I do find interesting is that as this was Which and they have also spoken with MG and NCAP that the same MG now acknowledge that there is an issue with the very systems I raised issues with and they have been working on a fix which requires approval. Absolute cock sockets.
Holy moley Mike that sounds like nightmare, glad you are still alive.


56,598 posts

172 months

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M4cruiser said:
DonkeyApple said:
I'm a huge fan of intelligent tech and intelligent safety but this stuff is a moron forcing action when it only ever has a partial picture of the situation.
Yes, I find it gets confused when the "white lines" are not exactly clear. A human can make an intelligent guess as to where they should be, but the car/camera can't.
A human can also work out not to go fannying a with the controls when there is oncoming traffic or an obstacle. A human (normal one) doesn't crap its pants at a bollard or bush. It's bloody stupid tech that needs to wait until it can gather all the relevant information required before being released on society.


319 posts

3 months

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And has almost certainly contributed to the driving standards of driving we see now.


2,475 posts

53 months

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Tindersticks said:
And has almost certainly contributed to the driving standards of driving we see now.
Please explain this.


57,061 posts

207 months

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Well off topic now, but surely there must be some evidence by now to show whether the lane departure stuff actually reduces collisions. The emergency braking I would imagine does, but the lane departure systems seem unlikely to help much.


4,869 posts

223 months

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TheDrownedApe said:
Why is this thread still open? I find myself gravitating to it every month or so to remind myself of the nonsense a lot of PH users enjoy arguing about.

Now I just shake my head in awe and thank the electrons I'm not that bigoted.
I'd say it was a combination of:

1. Denial. Some folk are obviously fearful of EVs, and will resort to ridiculous arguments to suggest they wouldn't work for many.

2. Ignorance. So much stuff here is so obviously regurgitated from cheap news sources, largely without substance.

I'm sure the wallies who've been banned from this thread will talk about how they've been "silenced", but the reality was that their arguments against EVs were so paper-thin that trolling was all they had left.


319 posts

3 months

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And you find them popping up on other EV threads. It’s almost like they go looking forward as EV’s live rent free in their heads.


4,869 posts

223 months

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Back in the world of real experiences, I took one of my ice cars on a long run yesterday because I needed to pick something up that wouldn't fit in the boot of the Tesla.

Knowing I needed to fill up en route, I plugged the most convenient option into the sat nav. I arrived at a rural petrol station with 30 miles of range showing, and chucked the (dirty) petrol pump handle into the filler.

2.74 indicated litres later and the pump just stopped. I wiggled it around, I put it back and picked it up again, all to no avail. On questioning the disinterested cashier, I simply got "Oh, we must have run out. Do you want to try another pump?". Great.

I paid her and limped the car slowly to the next nearest (large) petrol station, where I was able to fill up at an extortionate rate. More worryingly, those 2.74 litres appeared to add no range, so I'm sceptical about whether anything even came out of the pump.

Say what you like about EVs, but it's not all plain sailing with ice cars if you venture off the beaten track. Lesson learned - don't rely on rural petrol stations.


56,598 posts

172 months

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otolith said:
Well off topic now, but surely there must be some evidence by now to show whether the lane departure stuff actually reduces collisions. The emergency braking I would imagine does, but the lane departure systems seem unlikely to help much.
It must do or there would be a 'smart motorway' like argument occurring at a higher level one would hope?

Ultimately, it's about dumbing down so that the driving experience for the thickest or most senile or medicated is doing less damage to wider society.

Personally, my experience is that the more you do for the lazy the lazier they become. The more you do for the stupid the less they learn. The more you do for the drugged the more drugs they can take.

Give a man a fish and he will feed his family for a day. Beat him with a fishing rod until he gets off his arse and he will go and catch the fish himself.

We have even operated a decade long urban road infrastructure program of deliberately making junctions complex to read because the science has shown that this keep drivers alert and forces them to risk adjust by slowing down and being more aware of their surroundings.

It's the fact that this retirement home, rehab and special needs tech is about to become mandatory for all which is, along with extremist local authority policies the greatest threat to one's freedoms and the pleasure of personal responsibility, person choice and the pleasure of driving. Yet the potato people have been programmed to to just bang on about propulsion systems that no one is even forcing them buy, have or use as they sleepwalk into the end of an era. Although I suspect such people surrendered any concept of personal freedom and free thinking when they opted to become a potato foot soldier for their chosen tabloid or vegetable media source.


3,591 posts

248 months

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Mikebentley said:
I’ll give Mighty Badger this one. I posted on here my experience of ownership of an MG4 Trophy ....
Experienced MG4 annoyingness too once borrowing a colleagues car. On a busy road I indicated right as to pass a stopped car I had to cross the line by a few inches. Assume car thought I was turning right into incoming traffic so it slammed on banghead
Otherwise (!) I do like the cars but thinking properly don't think I'd ever want the o/h to suffer this nonsense so wouldn't have one.

(At the time I can remember being properly impressed with the dual motor MG4 too, grr)


3,591 posts

248 months

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M4cruiser said:
Yes, I find it gets confused when the "white lines" are not exactly clear. A human can make an intelligent guess as to where they should be, but the car/camera can't.
Tesla M3 would get confused on a slip road which is that wide that it has been surfaced in two strips. No line but a dark mark in the centre.
So used to stick to one side...

But after the recent update which moved the power/regen from the top to the right hand side it doesn't seem to get confused any more nerd.


2,475 posts

53 months

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Dave200 said:
Back in the world of real experiences, I took one of my ice cars on a long run yesterday because I needed to pick something up that wouldn't fit in the boot of the Tesla.

Knowing I needed to fill up en route, I plugged the most convenient option into the sat nav. I arrived at a rural petrol station with 30 miles of range showing, and chucked the (dirty) petrol pump handle into the filler.

2.74 indicated litres later and the pump just stopped. I wiggled it around, I put it back and picked it up again, all to no avail. On questioning the disinterested cashier, I simply got "Oh, we must have run out. Do you want to try another pump?". Great.

I paid her and limped the car slowly to the next nearest (large) petrol station, where I was able to fill up at an extortionate rate. More worryingly, those 2.74 litres appeared to add no range, so I'm sceptical about whether anything even came out of the pump.

Say what you like about EVs, but it's not all plain sailing with ice cars if you venture off the beaten track. Lesson learned - don't rely on rural petrol stations.
Wow, never heard of that happening before.

Why did you have to 'limp' the car to the next station?

Edited by MightyBadger on Wednesday 3rd July 08:21


56,598 posts

172 months

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RichardD said:
Mikebentley said:
I’ll give Mighty Badger this one. I posted on here my experience of ownership of an MG4 Trophy ....
Experienced MG4 annoyingness too once borrowing a colleagues car. On a busy road I indicated right as to pass a stopped car I had to cross the line by a few inches. Assume car thought I was turning right into incoming traffic so it slammed on banghead
Otherwise (!) I do like the cars but thinking properly don't think I'd ever want the o/h to suffer this nonsense so wouldn't have one.

(At the time I can remember being properly impressed with the dual motor MG4 too, grr)
I wonder how much of the excessive force was down to the tech initially being designed for the Chinese market? The standard of driving there is truly something to behold due to their being no collective depth of experience within the society


56,598 posts

172 months

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Dave200 said:
Back in the world of real experiences, I took one of my ice cars on a long run yesterday because I needed to pick something up that wouldn't fit in the boot of the Tesla.

Knowing I needed to fill up en route, I plugged the most convenient option into the sat nav. I arrived at a rural petrol station with 30 miles of range showing, and chucked the (dirty) petrol pump handle into the filler.

2.74 indicated litres later and the pump just stopped. I wiggled it around, I put it back and picked it up again, all to no avail. On questioning the disinterested cashier, I simply got "Oh, we must have run out. Do you want to try another pump?". Great.

I paid her and limped the car slowly to the next nearest (large) petrol station, where I was able to fill up at an extortionate rate. More worryingly, those 2.74 litres appeared to add no range, so I'm sceptical about whether anything even came out of the pump.

Say what you like about EVs, but it's not all plain sailing with ice cars if you venture off the beaten track. Lesson learned - don't rely on rural petrol stations.
What's to blame in that situation? wink. We're all old enough to know the risks of arriving empty in a one horse town. I made the mistake once of arriving at one after 4pm on a Friday. biggrin