EVs... no one wants them!

EVs... no one wants them!



7,111 posts

175 months

Rusty Old-Banger said:
Mate, find a better petrol station. I can't remember the last time I had a petrol station experience like that.
Don't worry, I'm golden now.
During COVID I went around the neighbourhood and nicked two dozen wheely bins.
I've got them all in my front room, filled with petrol.
Home 'charging', fk yeah!


2,475 posts

53 months

740EVTORQUES said:
It's called an analogy banghead
Obviously biglaugh

Silly question = silly answer


44,540 posts

254 months

Thread would be more useful if we just cut out the one line pokes to rile up the other end of the argument. Pointless and just reinforces the presence of some right tossers.

Personally think the msin stream media has a lot to answer for. Only seem to see articles where someone whining about I've 'bought' an EV and it's so st going back to ICE for the foreseeable. Never anything in balance, and the comments are just as much twaddle and divisive as on here.

For example there's a recent one from a guy who has leased a Megane E-Tech and is disappointed with the range. Several dealers have said it's not the car but his driving style. So instead of just leaving the fight in the comments, instead why not hand it to one of the experienced motoring journalists on the staff and figure out, is it the car, is it the driving style, what can be done about it? Instead pages of milk float, should have bought a Tesla and so on. There's the occasional decent comment but gets drowned out by, with all due respect, the utter crap spouted.

Still suppose they get clicks, and the paper and the journalists are judged on clicks.


2,813 posts

231 months

LowTread said:
Didn't stop me doing a 1400 mile road trip in my Model 3 up into the highlands in April.
You absolute nerd, I bet you used the sat nav.

Macho men like Olivera would be using a road atlas at most.


56,599 posts

172 months

thecremeegg said:
I got my i4 on 7000 miles a year ago, it's now on 30k and I've used public charging out of NECESSITY maybe 4 or 5 times? Every other time I've plugged it in whilst parking or at a friends etc for a top up just because it's there.
Yup. This is generally how the majority of users who switch over the next decade will find it.

What causes the most concern is worry that the infrastructure and battery tech over that decade won't expand to enable those without home charging or anomalous use cases to switch.

Personally, I think the entire outlook in ten years time will look hugely different to today with a good spread of used EV ages and prices, less 'range' fear, newer EVs having substantially improved battery tech and thousands of car parks adapting to take advantage of the need of newer EV users to graze and refill while parked away from home.


2,574 posts

202 months

FiF said:
Thread would be more useful if we just cut out the one line pokes to rile up the other end of the argument. Pointless and just reinforces the presence of some right tossers.

Personally think the msin stream media has a lot to answer for. Only seem to see articles where someone whining about I've 'bought' an EV and it's so st going back to ICE for the foreseeable. Never anything in balance, and the comments are just as much twaddle and divisive as on here.

For example there's a recent one from a guy who has leased a Megane E-Tech and is disappointed with the range. Several dealers have said it's not the car but his driving style. So instead of just leaving the fight in the comments, instead why not hand it to one of the experienced motoring journalists on the staff and figure out, is it the car, is it the driving style, what can be done about it? Instead pages of milk float, should have bought a Tesla and so on. There's the occasional decent comment but gets drowned out by, with all due respect, the utter crap spouted.

Still suppose they get clicks, and the paper and the journalists are judged on clicks.
I said this a while ago that the whole ethos of the car community was/is meant to be something that glues us together. Instead its constant sniping, no real debate and side stepping when called out. Its like big boys bantz - roundly supported by a view that somehow provoking a response is something to be proud of. Sad.


3,591 posts

248 months

FiF said:

Personally think the msin stream media has a lot to answer for. Only seem to see articles where someone whining about I've 'bought' an EV and it's so st going back to ICE for the foreseeable. Never anything in balance, and the comments are just as much twaddle and divisive as on here.

For example there's a recent one from a guy who has leased a Megane E-Tech ....
I saw that one due to being guilty of clicking.

Memo to self : Change Edge home page! redcard


1,410 posts

84 months

FiF said:

Still suppose they get clicks, and the paper and the journalists are judged on clicks.
It's this in a nutshell, no one is interested in reasoned debate, especially when it requires reading something for more than a couple of minutes.

Anyone famous (or even just on YT) is now an expert on EVERYTHING and people simply regurgitate whatever that person says.

What's worse though, is when it get's regurgitated on here and people do strike up a reasoned debate and point out why it's wrong, it descends into personal attacks (Ad Hominums?). But it's not the person who is "right" or "wrong" it's what they are saying, if people would stick to arguing the point rather than the person, that would help a lot.


2,475 posts

53 months

FiF said:
Thread would be more useful if we just cut out the one line pokes to rile up the other end of the argument. Pointless and just reinforces the presence of some right tossers.

Personally think the msin stream media has a lot to answer for. Only seem to see articles where someone whining about I've 'bought' an EV and it's so st going back to ICE for the foreseeable. Never anything in balance, and the comments are just as much twaddle and divisive as on here.

For example there's a recent one from a guy who has leased a Megane E-Tech and is disappointed with the range. Several dealers have said it's not the car but his driving style. So instead of just leaving the fight in the comments, instead why not hand it to one of the experienced motoring journalists on the staff and figure out, is it the car, is it the driving style, what can be done about it? Instead pages of milk float, should have bought a Tesla and so on. There's the occasional decent comment but gets drowned out by, with all due respect, the utter crap spouted.

Still suppose they get clicks, and the paper and the journalists are judged on clicks.
There seems to be lots of people having issues with the range of them all over the internet so I don't think it's driving style.


2,574 posts

202 months

MightyBadger said:
There seems to be lots of people having issues with the range of them all over the internet so I don't think it's driving style.
If you have the ability to pick up on this then maybe you can engage with the conversation you started a page back, so you dont get accused of merely picking viewpoints that suit your narrative?

Can you confirm that the assertion that EV needs to fill up every two days vs one fill of an ICE car is perhaps an erroneous statement?

So factually if I charge the Tesla and get 300 miles on that charge I fill twice to get 600 miles, which is one fill of my ICE car. So the ratio is 2:1 or 1:2 - which factually isnt really a huge difference.

That is of course assuming I actually need to travel the full 600 miles.

The average mileage in the UK according to Google (naming my sources here) is in fact 7400 miles so a 600 mile month would be broadly comparative.

On that basis personally and non factually, I dont see how that becomes a massive burden for the average EV owner.


44,540 posts

254 months

MightyBadger said:
There seems to be lots of people having issues with the range of them all over the internet so I don't think it's driving style.
Tend to agree, the long term AutoExpress test got 3.5m/kWh, take in the only available 60kWh battery, do the sums and the complaint of the guy that he rarely gets over 200 miles says it's not driving style. He'd have to be getting 4.7 to achieve WLTP range. Though AutoExpress did get 180 miles in winter and 240 in summer, so who knows.

Yet the article is headlined as a gotcha EVs are rubbish without pointing out the facts.


56,599 posts

172 months

MightyBadger said:
There seems to be lots of people having issues with the range of them all over the internet so I don't think it's driving style.
I have ne er had any range issues with an EV because I haven't bought one. The reason that I haven't bought one is that I don't need one and there is no one on the planet telling or forcing me to buy one. In addition, like all of us on PH we fully understand that quotes range isn't magically different to quoted MPG and that we are likely to get substantially less in the real world than in tests.

I met someone who had purchased a Tesla but was complaining about the problems of charging it because he lived in a flat in London. Now the reality there wasn't that the car had a problem but that the person was an idiot. Pure and simple cretin. I did help him out by making him aware that he was an idiot but these are the risks we face when we lend money based on income opposed to intelligence. biggrin

Someone who buys an object they can't use properly in order to have their worthless existence somehow validated by its association to that object is by definition an idiot.

We can't be held to ransom by such plums, any more than we should pander to the muppets trudging to a petrol station with an empty fuel can.

The normal majority just do the very basic financial and user maths prior to making a purchase. Nor do they think associating themselves with an object makes them a better person or being angry at invented political leanings of an object is a sign of well-being.

The good thing about this particular thread is that there aren't actually many people on it who are anti EV and the few that crop up are just downloading their one line instructions from their potato overlords and achieving little more than just publicly declaring their struggles with basic comprehension and thought. Most of us are having a good too and fro discussing the pros and cons and when it may eventually be a logical time to switch. Just imagine trying to have that normal conversation just 5 years ago with the legion of Tesla chattel monkeys and the strong vest mob on the other side?!!! All we really get now is the occasional nutter saying something about magical gas or listing a series of chattels they think make them special. In another 5 years it'll be even more normal and five after that it'll be just flat earthers shouting into the void and the chattel monkeys will have long since moved on to other objects now the non special ones are all driving EVs. biggrin


1,674 posts

200 months

MightyBadger said:
There seems to be lots of people having issues with the range of them all over the internet so I don't think it's driving style.
... there a lot of people putting their experiences loudly online in either social or mainstream media, because it creates eminently clickable content. Which is only reason 95% of such content is posted, and then engaged with. You don't like EVs, you look online to find more reasons to sustain that confirmation bias, so you click on that story, and so on...

Human's are absolutely awful at seeing a big picture instinctively. But we love a story. For example - the data can say with very high certainty that BEVs are less likely to catch fire than ICEs, but one TikTok of a Tesla on fire, and that's that: "EVs are a fire risk".

EVs are not the finished product range wise, no argument there. But the noise online is huuuuuggely out of kilter with what the *actual human being who drive these cars in real life* will tell you.

there is no massive backlash of EV drivers moving back to ICE because of range, there is just a massive amplification online of that story, because it's what people want to read.


2,475 posts

53 months

halo34 said:
If you have the ability to pick up on this then maybe you can engage with the conversation you started a page back, so you dont get accused of merely picking viewpoints that suit your narrative?
Wtf are you on about lol.

Wind yer neck in, I was responding to lots of people having issues with Megane e-tech cars. evidence of this all over the net - why don't you go tell them they are not having issues?


57,062 posts

207 months

cidered77 said:
there is no massive backlash of EV drivers moving back to ICE because of range, there is just a massive amplification online of that story, because it's what people want to read.
Indeed - I've just seen people getting excited because Mercedes have had to restart some ICE development work - essentially they aren't going to be able to transition to EV quickly enough to side-step the Euro7 regs, so they are having to work on compliance. That's not how it's being sold or read.


2,574 posts

202 months

MightyBadger said:
Wtf are you on about lol.

Wind yer neck in, I was responding to lots of people having issues with Megane e-tech cars. evidence of this all over the net - why don't you go tell them they are not having issues?
A few pages ago you made a clear statement about EVs needing charged every few days, I responded and since you declined to engage in further conversation I called you out on it.

That latest response makes me understand why you are here - thanks


2,574 posts

202 months

MightyBadger said:
£100 poorer?

Assuming your monthlies are more than £100?

One five minute visit to a petrol station a month still seems less of a faff than plugging in every/day few days.
Just to help reminder MightyBadger about points he has made that I asked more questions on and responded to - which were not graced with conversation.


2,475 posts

53 months

halo34 said:
A few pages ago you made a clear statement about EVs needing charged every few days, I responded and since you declined to engage in further conversation I called you out on it.

That latest response makes me understand why you are here - thanks
So owners of megane e-techs are not having issues?


2,574 posts

202 months

MightyBadger said:
So owners of megane e-techs are not having issues?
There are people having some issues yes, sadly it appears to be your ability to have a conversation rather than throwing stuff out and moving onto the next thing.

Good luck with that.


2,475 posts

53 months

halo34 said:
There are people having some issues yes