EVs... no one wants them!

EVs... no one wants them!



7,093 posts

175 months

Olivera said:
It was a statement of fact that regular EV stopping, planning, range checking and using apps might appeal to certain characteristics. And partly a jibe about nerds that has successfully hit the mark biggrin
FFS dude, you've had all your stty posts deleted by the mods and now you are doubling down anyway.


1,672 posts

200 months

ahhh come on, i'm a nerd, probably in sight of the spectrum if not quite on it yet (if tests daughter got me to do are to be trusted!smile, and I don't mind EVs - but really, is that actually offensive? or is just saying it's offensive, and then others piling on to share their outrage just everyone flexing their internet muscle memory a tad too readily?


2,566 posts

202 months

Olivera said:
Dave200 said:
I'd hope that an adult could talk about different car fuels without resorting to mocking neurodivergent people.
It was a statement of fact that regular EV stopping, planning, range checking and using apps might appeal to certain characteristics. And partly a jibe about nerds that has successfully hit the mark biggrin
Its odd that people need to resort to gender, mental characteristics and other derogatory means of viewing EV drivers to validate their own choices. Then find it funny when people "rise" to the bait apparently, I mean is there a course on being a troll I am missing somewhere.

Or maybe people shouldnt be dicks.


305 posts

3 months

Olivera said:
It was a statement of fact that regular EV stopping, planning, range checking and using apps might appeal to certain characteristics. And partly a jibe about nerds that has successfully hit the mark biggrin
You could have been an adult and said ‘yep. Sorry. Out of line’

Instead you’ve done the opposite. Have a think about that.


2,463 posts

53 months

smn159 said:
Me neither. I actually prefer it to spending time in stty petrol stations and coming away >£100 poorer but each to their own
£100 poorer?

Assuming your monthlies are more than £100?

One five minute visit to a petrol station a month still seems less of a faff than plugging in every/day few days.


12,968 posts

220 months

MightyBadger said:
smn159 said:
Me neither. I actually prefer it to spending time in stty petrol stations and coming away >£100 poorer but each to their own
£100 poorer?

Assuming your monthlies are more than £100?

One five minute visit to a petrol station a month still seems less of a faff than plugging in every/day few days.
My monthlies are zero mate - how about yours?


2,566 posts

202 months

MightyBadger said:
£100 poorer?

Assuming your monthlies are more than £100?

One five minute visit to a petrol station a month still seems less of a faff than plugging in every/day few days.
why would I fill up once a month compared to having to plug in every 2 days - whats the mileage comparison here?

Fill my ICE vehicle do 600 miles (one fill that costs over £100) - charge the Tesla twice with 300 mile range each time - thats a 1:2 ratio. No?


4,740 posts

223 months

MightyBadger said:
£100 poorer?

Assuming your monthlies are more than £100?

One five minute visit to a petrol station a month still seems less of a faff than plugging in every/day few days.
Ignoring the irrelevant bit about "monthlies" because almost all new cars are bought that way, I can only assume you've never charged an EV?

As someone who regularly uses EV and ice cars, I can tell you hand on heart that pulling into my driveway, parking in my usual spot, and spending less than 30 seconds plugging in my car is infinitely preferable to visiting a petrol station.

I never get petrol on my hands, I'm never at the mercy of price gouging, I never queue behind morons who can't fill their car efficiently, I never queue to pay behind a mouth-breather doing their weekly shop.

As a method of getting 350 miles of range in my car, charging it at home is hands down the best way. Handily I'm also only averaging 2-3 charges a year (usually a quick top-up) away from home.

Handily it's an easy comparison too. My EV and ice cars get similar range from a full tank/battery,


736 posts

141 months

halo34 said:
Its odd that people need to resort to gender, mental characteristics and other derogatory means of viewing EV drivers to validate their own choices. Then find it funny when people "rise" to the bait apparently, I mean is there a course on being a troll I am missing somewhere.
This morning's posts have been a real eye opener to me - rather than just saying "I'm not currently
interested in an EV because my diesel car suits my edge case usage pattern of routinely driving
600 miles in one day" and leaving it at that, this guy has to resort to using needless slurs against
those of us on here who are happy to own and run an EV because we don't do extremely high
mileages on a regular basis...


3,590 posts

248 months

LowTread said:
Didn't stop me doing a 1400 mile road trip in my Model 3 up into the highlands in April.
Did you venture into the north west at all? The furthest our M3P went was to Gatehouse (of Fleet) which at the time had many new chargers installed but not fully 'finished', so unfortunately they only delivered energy but didn't charge the account smile.

I did think recently that a NC500 type route would be too risky, but the twisty roads are far more efficient in an EV than ICE with regen braking. That and worst case staying somewhere with overnight plug in facilities scratchchin


4,740 posts

223 months

halo34 said:
MightyBadger said:
£100 poorer?

Assuming your monthlies are more than £100?

One five minute visit to a petrol station a month still seems less of a faff than plugging in every/day few days.
why would I fill up once a month compared to having to plug in every 2 days - whats the mileage comparison here?

Fill my ICE vehicle do 600 miles (one fill that costs over £100) - charge the Tesla twice with 300 mile range each time - thats a 1:2 ratio. No?
Each of those Tesla "fills" you describe take me less than 30 seconds (plugging and unplugging), and happen on my driveway.

Anyone who can manage diverting to a petrol station, getting a free pump, filling their car with 100 litres and paying in less than a minute deserves some kind of medal.


7,375 posts

242 months

Tindersticks said:
You could have been an adult and said ‘yep. Sorry. Out of line’

Instead you’ve done the opposite. Have a think about that.
You interpreted the post to be more offensive than it actually was, then made a post full of profanities. So chill.


2,566 posts

202 months

Dave200 said:
Each of those Tesla "fills" you describe take me less than 30 seconds (plugging and unplugging), and happen on my driveway.

Anyone who can manage diverting to a petrol station, getting a free pump, filling their car with 100 litres and paying in less than a minute deserves some kind of medal.
I have a tesla and an ICE car - my point was/is about making sure its a like for like - no idea why an EV would need charged every 2 days if you only fill an ICE car once a month.


1,672 posts

200 months

MightyBadger said:
smn159 said:
Me neither. I actually prefer it to spending time in stty petrol stations and coming away >£100 poorer but each to their own
£100 poorer?

Assuming your monthlies are more than £100?

One five minute visit to a petrol station a month still seems less of a faff than plugging in every/day few days.
eh - how is that even remotely conceivable?

Going to a petrol station is a pain in the arse. Plugging something in once or twice a week isn't.

Some things about EVs have a semblance of reality to them - even if everyone who has picked rejecting EVs as their hill to die on of course spends alll of their driving doing "effortless touring" and never stopping for coffee or poo.

But - some things are just black and white: going to a petrol station is s**t, and surely surely that isn't even a debate?


4,740 posts

223 months

halo34 said:
Dave200 said:
Each of those Tesla "fills" you describe take me less than 30 seconds (plugging and unplugging), and happen on my driveway.

Anyone who can manage diverting to a petrol station, getting a free pump, filling their car with 100 litres and paying in less than a minute deserves some kind of medal.
I have a tesla and an ICE car - my point was/is about making sure its a like for like - no idea why an EV would need charged every 2 days if you only fill an ICE car once a month.
Agree. I misread and was making a slightly different point.


4,740 posts

223 months

cidered77 said:
But - some things are just black and white: going to a petrol station is s**t, and surely surely that isn't even a debate?
We should start listing the things we'll miss the most from petrol station visits.

Mine would be the smell of petrol on my hands and the dead-eyed cashiers.


305 posts

3 months

Olivera said:
You interpreted the post to be more offensive than it actually was, then made a post full of profanities. So chill.
Nope - this is on you. Don't try and turn it around and make yourself the victim.

Grow up.


7,375 posts

242 months

Tindersticks said:
Nope - this is on you. Don't try and turn it around and make yourself the victim.

Grow up.
The only overtly offensive post was yours, that was expletived out. Let's move on.


2,463 posts

53 months

smn159 said:
My monthlies are zero mate - how about yours?
Same, nil.

Would still rather refuel once a month than charging at home on the regular, that's just my preference though.


2,566 posts

202 months

MightyBadger said:
Same, nil.

Would still rather refuel once a month than charging at home on the regular, that's just my preference though.
2:1 ratio as outlined in my previous post - still we moved from every 2 days to "regular" now.