2025 Le Mans with a 6 year old!

2025 Le Mans with a 6 year old!



Original Poster:

76 posts

197 months

Monday 24th June
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Good morning All,

I've not been been to Le Mans for the past 6 years and I've never organised a trip however in 2025 I'm going with my 6 year old, I appreciate people will have an opinion on whether or not it is a good idea however he is desperate to go so its happening! Plus I have many fond memories of going Le Mans as a child.

We are going to depart from the UK on Friday morning and will leave on Sunday as soon as the race ends.

However I do have a few questions having never arranged a trip before:

1. I will be signing up to an ACO membership and will hopefully purchase the tickets directly from them. We will require grandstand tickets (ideally as close to the start/finish as possible) I assume these can be purchased directly from ACO, however can you purchase camping/general admission & grandstand tickets all in one transaction once the tickets before available?

2. Can anyone recommend a "quiet" campsite, I'm obviously not expecting silence however recommendations welcomed. We will be using a roof top rent, if that makes any difference to the recommendations. Ideally I wish to be as close as possible to save the little ones legs.

3. Any other general tips or advise would be welcomed.

Thanks in advance.



Original Poster:

76 posts

197 months

Monday 24th June
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bennno said:
Tip 1. Don’t bother taking a 6 y/o

Go to goodwood fos or something.
He's been many a car show in the UK, in addition to a few driving holidays and I know he'll enjoy.


Original Poster:

76 posts

197 months

Monday 24th June
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//j17 said:
As an ACO member you get access to an early ticket release and can buy all yout tickets in one transaction. That's general entry, grandstands, campaing, and if you want it different levels of "ACO Memebers Area" access.

a17vts said:
2. Can anyone recommend a "quiet" campsite, I'm obviously not expecting silence however recommendations welcomed. We will be using a roof top rent, if that makes any difference to the recommendations. Ideally I wish to be as close as possible to save the little ones legs.
Any of the sites would work but I'd aim for on of the 'northern' sites (i.e. not all the way down around Beausejour and certainly not all the way out at Arnage or Mulsanne). The noisy/rowdy of any campsite is really down to your fellow campers and you can end up in a quite corner of a traditionally rowdy campsite or next to a loud group on a traditionally quiet one.
Thanks for the advise, I appreciate it will be pot luck regarding the noise and neighbours!


Original Poster:

76 posts

197 months

Monday 24th June
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eps said:
I took my 6 year old to the Classic instead - it might be better to try that first.. The 24hrs is a lot less rowdy than it was but certainly it is a lot busier as well.. He's now 18 and has been to the 24 hours three times, but more when he was a teenager.

It's up to you - you know you and your son the best. It depends on where you're camping and if you get a grandstand seat or not, plus what the weather is like - I think we're due another wet one in the next 1 or 2 years.. Either 2025 or 2026. 2007 was awful.

Has he been to Silverstone etc..? What is he like at staying the whole day at a circuit? I guess you can adjust as appropriate.

It can be done, but as I said I took my son to the Classic a couple of times before the 24hrs, but each to their own.

ETA: Campsite recommendations.. Hmm.... The thing is one year a campsite can be quiet and the next year it isn't.. I would say Epinettes fits the bill, but it can be a bit noisy as well... It's a bit of a distance, as it is next to Houx, so further than that, but then there are bus links from there as well, although STC as per the ACO. It feels quieter to us, than other campsites we've been on before. Maybe offsite or glamping/flex hotel? They feel quieter than other spaces, but I've never done them.

Edited by eps on Monday 24th June 10:26
Thanks for the info.

I did think about going to the classic however I have a good few friends going to "main" event so will try this to start! I'm 100% going to get grandstand tickets for us both as worse case if raining all weekend, we have somewhere dry.

He's been to a few car events, including racing at Brands/Snetterton/etc and he's really enjoyed it. Plus he's been camping on a few occasions so I'm hoping an ideal mix! I do appreciate I will be dictated by him all weekend however this isn't an issue to me.


Original Poster:

76 posts

197 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Thanks all for the input, I really appreciate the views.

I totally appreciate this trip will solely revolve around catering for his needs, and I'm totally happy with that. I know its not the same however he is use to walking long distances for a little one, we have been to Disney Florida last year and we were walking on average 8 miles a day and are going once again in a few weeks and in my thought during the very busy period I'll throw him on my shoulders.

A few views I will definitely take on board from the advice here/further questions:

1. I'll leave before the end of the race on Sunday. I'd forgotten but my Dad use to do this with me when I was young. Can anyone advise how early you need to leave to avoid the masses?

2. When becoming a member of ACO does the membership run for 365 days from when you sign up or annually (1st January - 31st December)? Couldn't seem to find the answer online.

3. Would you guys suggest purchasing directly from ACO or via a 3rd party? We will be arriving on Friday afternoon, hopefully in time for the parade. As a few people have mentioned we may still get wet, depending on your seat location. Are you therefore able to request certain seats within a grandstand? I believe I've previously sat in T18 (ACO) and I believe towards the rear will be fully enclosed?

Thanks once again all.

