


Original Poster:

16,368 posts

287 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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Did anyone get stopped for speeding this year, and if so what were the attitudes of the French Police. last year it was just an on the spot fine but it hear this year they have clamped down?


Original Poster:

16,368 posts

287 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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5000ff thats a lot mine was 600ff for 217kph in a 110kph zone... although i have heard its worse it you double the limit ( good job we had some time to slow down) >>>dancing donkey in a ditch<<<< another one eh, their was a dutch plated 355 that hit a seat thingy whilst doing burn outs at arnarge /indy corner.. the seat was sitting traffic comming the other way and had the front mashed and a wheel almost ripped off. the F533 just legged it with rear body work hanging off.


Original Poster:

16,368 posts

287 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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Toll booth at alencon, yeh there is a new bit of mway which will go straight to le mans.... I bet Mc Donalds and ALencon will love thet... as it will miss them out...