Crit Clean Air sticker for Rouen.

Crit Clean Air sticker for Rouen.



Original Poster:

22 posts

188 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Morning All,

Going to Le Mans next week and driving through and staying in Rouen on the way down. Does anyone know if we'll need a Crit'Air sticker to access the city? Do camera's pick up the sticker etc. or is it just in case we get stopped by the police? I'll be staying just on the outskirts but the sat nav normally takes us through the city to Le Mans. Thanks in advance.



1,453 posts

188 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Yes you will need one.


3,006 posts

142 months

Wednesday 5th June
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You do need one, its quite easy to do. However it may be a little late at this point.

You may need to divert around Rouen via Yvetot.

Vsix and Vtec

716 posts

21 months

Wednesday 5th June
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I have a Crit Air sticker on my XK, but my 2.8 Capri doesn't qualify so can't have one. Both cars have driven through Rouen for either Le Mans or Le Mans Classic (you can probably guess which for which car) and neither got stopped or looked at. So far as I can ascertain, it is purely down to if the French police notice you haven't got one. If you're doing as I was, and just blasting through Rouen on the way, rather than stopping off for lunch etc I doubt you'll even get spotted amongst the sea of traffic. I've heard talk of it being eventually backed up by a camera linked to a number plate recognition database, but the French being as they are, that probably won't happen.

If you're concerned, buy it and keep the receipt with you to show you tried, as you have almost certainly missed the boat on it arriving before you depart for France.


7,941 posts

268 months

Wednesday 5th June
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According to here they now have camera enforcement for Crit Air.

There's a map on that page showing which area is covered by the scheme.

There is a park and ride in Rouen, so that's an option if you want to play safe.

The fine is 68 Euros, so the cost of a couple of beers beer and a burger at the circuit. biggrin


Original Poster:

22 posts

188 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Thanks all. I'll order one as drive through France quite a bit. One website says the camera's are in operation from 2024 but not sure if that's happened yet or not. Our hotel is just off the motorway so it'll be a quick drive through the city but equally don't fancy a fine.


11,574 posts

287 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Is Crit-Air enforcement even done by the Police? (or is it the local council etc)


177 posts

235 months

Wednesday 5th June
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We will be smuggling a highly un-compliant cobra through, sandwiched between some more sensible cars


4,570 posts

126 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Apparently you get a very sticky sticker....AND an email confirming your transaction.
If the sticker doesn't arrive in time.
The records will show you're being a good road user, and you won't get fined.


236 posts

97 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Quickmoose said:
Apparently you get a very sticky sticker....AND an email confirming your transaction.
If the sticker doesn't arrive in time.
The records will show you're being a good road user, and you won't get fined.
The sticker is indeed very sticky! I bought these....

To stick the sticker to so to make it removeable.

You get a few emails after ordering and one (which comes about a day after applying can be used if the sticker doesn't arrive.


Original Poster:

22 posts

188 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Thanks guys. Will get it ordered as can't be sure the camera's aren't working.


118 posts

194 months

Thursday 20th June
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Another great Le Mans (apart from the 4-hour SC in the night).

Again, drove right through Rouen each way with no sticker. Relying on the 'classic car' exemption mentions. Didn't see any police or other enforcement anywhere for any other vehicles.

Also, judging by the van we were behind before entering Rouen, there was little difference between going through the city or taking the round route via the industrial area - we met up again with the same van just joining the road we were on.


11,574 posts

287 months

Thursday 20th June
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We drove through in an electric car with no sticker biggrin

I was looking out for signs saying we were in the Zone but didn't see any (I know where the southern boundary sign is roughly, but that still didn't help).


3,842 posts

235 months

Thursday 20th June
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I went the Yvetot route both ways this time, the only problem I had was the toll booths just before Rouen weren’t accepting card payment, I guess that got sorted or there would have been hefty delays building up, they also demanded 59 euros off me, rather than the 39 I’d paid on the way down.
Must remember to keep some spare cash next year, that cleaned me out, if the later toll booths had been the same I’d have been stumped.


236 posts

150 months

Thursday 20th June
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Get a toll tag. Had it 10 years or more and still working


401 posts

156 months

Thursday 20th June
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I’m amazed how many UK cars I see at the toll-booths that don’t have tags.

Please please keep it that way so those of us with tags can speed through the toll areas biglaugh


11,574 posts

287 months

Thursday 20th June
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Indeed. As Robbo suggests, sometimes it doesn't take UK debit cards, perhaps if the toll booth is disconnected from a network to check them.

I've also had missing tag uses turn up after a while, either once they manually get the data or just assume you've gone through a certain barrier based on your earlier travel.


486 posts

98 months

Thursday 20th June
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Nosynchro said:
Get a toll tag. Had it 10 years or more and still working
How does one get one of these?

Worth it for just a few weeks in France as a one off?

Lead time to get one delivered (I’m leaving mid July)


11,615 posts

211 months

Thursday 20th June
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B9 said:
Nosynchro said:
Get a toll tag. Had it 10 years or more and still working
How does one get one of these?

Worth it for just a few weeks in France as a one off?

Lead time to get one delivered (I’m leaving mid July)
Lots of threads on here about this. Mine is from Ulys, liked to one of the major UK banks.

There's a small annual change plus PAYG on the autoroutes.

Your bank needs to support non-UK payments; mine does, others don't.

Takes a lot of the hassle out, especially on busy days.


1,667 posts

179 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
B9 said:
How does one get one of these?

Worth it for just a few weeks in France as a one off?

Lead time to get one delivered (I’m leaving mid July)