Travel Destinations Porsche curves

Travel Destinations Porsche curves



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110 months

Thursday 9th May
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24lemons said:
I missed that which is my error. The crossing confirmation came through a short while after I posted that comment.
Our crossing confirmation arrived today too!
Did you just get an email with the info or a Brittany ferry confirmation?


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110 months

Thursday 9th May
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24lemons said:
Just an email with not very much info on it.
Same I’ve just sent them another email as this doesn’t even state if we have a cabin booked! At least you could see all that on the actual confirmation.


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110 months

Friday 10th May
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Ben Jk said:
24lemons said:
Becks2702 said:
24lemons said:
Just an email with not very much info on it.
Same I’ve just sent them another email as this doesn’t even state if we have a cabin booked! At least you could see all that on the actual confirmation.

Same here. I’m not particularly impressed with the service this year. It’s noticeably declined since we started using them 10 years ago.
I agree...the booking process was an absolute shambles however must admit everything does seem to be in hand now and the tickets are out to us way earlier than previous years. We've used TD/MTD bi-annually for years. Booking used to be really efficient when Helen still worked there under the previous ownership.
Sent an email last night saying this confirmation doesn’t show our cabin on the outbound. Reply saying cabins are sold out if you want to change your crossing to include a cabin will be 150quid amendment fee!!!!! Are you actually kidding me? It was requested 10 months ago!
Fuming, can’t wait to tell the other half when he gets home :-(


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43 posts

110 months

Friday 10th May
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24lemons said:
Exactly the same as me. We used their early bird booking request and paid a deposit in August specifically requesting cabins both ways and returning after the race on Sunday. Instead we have seats outbound and we've been bumped to Monday mornings ferry meaning we have to book a hotel on Sunday night.

Nobody has contacted us to let us know whereas last year when our campsite was changed, they were quick to contact us and discuss options. Very poor in my opinion.
What a way to treat customers who pay an absolute fortune to travel with them
I’m fuming
I just said to them at no point has anyone contacted me to tell me that we didn’t have a cabin booked?
Also makes me worry that we don’t have a physical ferry confirmation?

They have completely ruined the good name that travel destinations had! Absolute sh*t show


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43 posts

110 months

Friday 10th May
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MrC986 said:
I’ve used on of their competitors (1st Tickets private camping at Bleu Nord) now for 10 yrs and we’ve never had this sort of problem. To take an early deposit as they appear to have done and then not follow through on the customers’ full booking requests with no communication until ticket packs etc. are being sent out is unforgivable IMO & they’re obviously doing it to long-standing customers.

For those affected, I hope you get it sorted & importantly vote with your feet for next yr. I suspect they’ve tried to grow the business & lost sight of the original loyal customer base.
We certainly will be looking at other options next year. Since travel destinations sold up the decline has been getting worse each year. The only reason we’ve continued to book is the private site at Porsche curves.
If anyone has any suggestions for alternatives would be good to hear, ideally private site or area opposed to public site.


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43 posts

110 months

Friday 10th May
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Ben Jk said:
If they didn’t have the 2 sites near Porsche Curves they would be screwed! It’s a big plus factor however the huge price increase coupled with the st service probably outweighs the location benefits now.
That’s exactly what we’ve said. Todays debacle has just confirmed that


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110 months

Saturday 11th May
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Mark_S1000RR_2010 said:
Travel Destinations have been an absolute shambles right from the get-go for me. This is going back to December.

However, they have finally sent me the ferry confirmation- okay it wasn’t the ferry I asked for last, (checks notes), July, but we are on a ferry.

I won’t book with them again. Not a chance.
Have you had the actual ferry confirmation or just their confirmation? With all this rubbish we are worried we’ll turn up at Portsmouth and they’ll say booking doesn’t exist


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110 months

Saturday 11th May
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Ben Jk said:
I’d call the ferry operator to confirm it personally. Just for peace of mind.

I’ve double checked all our tunnel bookings when filling in the API (Pre-travel Info).
Yes defo going to call Brittany Ferries
Sent another email to the escalation address this morning. We’ve paid 200quid in “crossing extras” to be told that’s for bike rack and high vehicle. Last year those and a cabin didn’t even total £150
These “new” style invoices make me think they are trying to rip us off


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43 posts

110 months

Monday 13th May
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Northcote67 said:
check your details. Although I requested Wed 12th June 8am crossing from Portsmouth (so I can watch Wed evening qualifying) and also paid TD the early arrival fee, they have booked me on the Thursday morning ferry. It's pretty poor compared to how they were before being taken over.
Spoke to Brittany ferries via chat they confirmed the crossing times are correct and no cabin :-(
Still waiting for TD to advise what my “crossing extras” of £200 are for though
A bike rack if you book direct is £10 each way

Hope they have refunded you for your early arrival then?

It’s an absolute sh*t show now.
Let’s just hope when we actually get there the organisation is better?


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43 posts

110 months

Monday 13th May
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Northcote67 said:
I'm going to spek to them this morning, according to the Brittany Ferries web site there is still availability for the Wednesday ferry so I am expecting TD to move my booking, worst case I will ask them to move me to Le Shuttle as I am determined to arrive Wednesday.
Hope they don’t charge you extra to change your booking after all the messing around
When I questioned why I didn’t have a cabin they said you can move to a crossing with a cabin but will cost you £150 amendment fee ;-)


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43 posts

110 months

Monday 13th May
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Ben Jk said:
What is even more frustrating is this is all avoidable with proper organisation and communication. It's really not hard to get right.
100% true
Communication has been diabolical considering they are now supposed to be a larger company


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43 posts

110 months

Monday 13th May
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24lemons said:
I have checked with Brittany Ferries and fortunately we are booked on the crossings. Unfortunately they didn’t not book cabins as requested and we will have to slum it on normal seats for the outbound crossing.

Something has gone very wrong with Travel Destinations this year and my custom will be elsewhere next year.
Same as us!
So frustrating as we like the campsite at Porsche curves and they have the monopoly on that!


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43 posts

110 months

Monday 13th May
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MrC986 said:
It'll be interesting to see what you all have to say after you've given the TD representatives an idea of how badly organised they appear to be when you're stood on-site after a couple of cool beers - I'm sorry but it's not a cheap weekend away & they need to understand how wrong they've got it this year by the sounds of it.
They won’t even be anywhere near Le Mans will they?
It’s not like the old firm who were present at the track for the weekend. This lot sub it out to a firm to run for them?
Its got progressively worse since they took it over, this is by far the worst year.
I just hope the campsite is run better than than the booking team. Not holding out much hope to be truthful!


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43 posts

110 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Mark_S1000RR_2010 said:
I’ve been a fairly harsh critic of TD from right back on page 1 of this thread, and at times I’ve wondered if I’ve been too demanding or harsh on them, but I think the replies almost all demonstrate that they have 1. got far too many details wrong on people’s bookings, 2. Sought payment in order to make right those errors and 3. Tried to foist hidden charges.

I’m going this year because I paid my deposit and had no other option, but it’s going to be a cold day in hell before I book with TD again.
With the money we have paid I think we have every right to be demanding.
We could probably have an all inclusive beach holiday.

We like the private site and the bank so quite limited on who we can book with next year but TD certainly won’t be getting our money next year


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43 posts

110 months

Thursday 16th May
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bud_bongo said:
We had our ferry booking confirmation email from TD which included reserved seating.
After viewing this thread I did a live chat with Brittany Ferries who then told me there's no reserved seating for our booking.
I've emailed TD but not hopeful they'll fix it.
At least they managed to get the actual crossing times correct although I can't say I've been too happy with the service so far as they also sent incorrect figures for the remaining balance etc.

Edited by bud_bongo on Thursday 16th May 12:57
You must be on a day crossing then as you have to have seat or cabin on night crossing!
How much in crossing extras have you been charged?
We have £200, they have told me that’s high vehicle and bike rack (last year we paid 110 extra and that included the cabin)


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43 posts

110 months

Thursday 16th May
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RL17 said:
The bigger the company gets the less chance of personal service and possibly less care as staff are pressured to do other things etc

Still happy from the other side on the curves despite the dusty route in.
Are you doing village on the curves or BSJ? Interested to hear what village is like?


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43 posts

110 months

Friday 17th May
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RL17 said:
Village on the Curves

Staff and team excellent, just at start of curves on inside so outside seating of bar marquee and part of camping area right next to track with sight through fencing. If want to go up on banking it’s 2 mins walk.

British beer and sterling bar with full catered or pay as you eat meals. Great toilets/showers etc. mini buses to and from circuit - East gate/tram and techno park, plus also did an extra cost trip to Indy/Arnage during race at night. Lots of Porsches as does a link up with PCGB. Lots of pre-erected tents and a glamping option. They may also do a second site now slightly away from the track.

Only drawback is dusty track a fairly long way round inside BSJ.

High demand there and costs have gone up as ACO have pushed everything up though.
Thanks that’s really helpful, I’ve registered interest for next year already.
My other half likes to be right near the track so we are limited on who to travel with haha
We also like the “private” sites/areas done general camping for a few years and don’t really want to go back to that.


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43 posts

110 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Cass63 said:
Think there is a bike hire place near BSJ roundabout too! Unless you have space to take your own bikes.
We take ours to get around Arnage sat night is a good place to watch


Original Poster:

43 posts

110 months

Monday 3rd June
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Ladder said:
Not huge amount of into - didn't sound like the call assistant really knew, Said it will just be tent only which is at slighty odds to the "ground pad" info I got at booking.
This is from next years booking form if it helps?

“Bronze | Camping - Pre-Erected Tent deposit
Our signature private campsite on the iconic Porsche Curves, with access to our exclusive viewing bank. Including a pre-erected tent and air mattress. Maximum of three people per tent/pitch - parking is in a separate area not on the camping pitch

I know super u in arnage sells airbeds as we had to buy one a few years ago after a puncture haha


Original Poster:

43 posts

110 months

Monday 17th June
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Just back from Bronze site. Have to say after the nightmare booking process and having no cabin on the outbound. The site was spot on.
They actually linked our booking with my dad and brother (who booked separately)
Showers and toilets were kept clean and tidy. Water was hot.
Only grumble for us was they closed the marquee at 1am sat night due to the staff needing a break. Previous years it’s been open for whole race. With the weather being so crap this niggled us a bit. But other than that and the rubbish weather weekend was spot on.
Next year I’ll book our crossing separately, I didn’t even realise that was an option until my Dad said he’d done so?