Le Mans 24 crowd level

Le Mans 24 crowd level



7,231 posts

60 months

Monday 17th June
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
I used to be at that end where all the trailers now park. I agree, unless they failed to sell the space - where was it advertised? Or was it for pit crew/drivers? There didn't seem to be much going in at all around there. Total waste of space that they could make far more money from as camping pitches for the public.

We were at the other end of Houx by the entrance gate. An extra block of five showers were welcome over last year, but only 4 toilets plus a disabled access one, was very poor. And they absolutely stank by Tuesday.
Our toilets were pretty good, although they were right by the new fence, so I don't know if people didn't know they were there. The cleaners seemed to be in there every other hour too.


2,844 posts

98 months

Monday 17th June
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I've been going for years first with my dad with a teenager, then when i could drive i came and met him here. I'm about 20 years in and only really missed covid and this year. I avoided this year as last year REALLY put me off with the amount of people and lack of being able to see anything. I always start near just down from the Dunlop bridge on the S's and couldnt get near despite going earlier than normal at 5 hours before the race started. I finally got to see a car in person at around 2am! I've always been on Houx since MB was closed off and found the facilities good but last year they halved it which I found mental. So for 2024 and my little one starting school I skipped it to have a cheap holiday before schools dictate when we can go! (Also I've been to Zandvoort twice and Spa this year instead so cant moan)

I think if I go for 2025 I will need to get a grandstand seat for the first time ever, this thread has re enforced it was busy but if i dont go back and experience it for myself I will kick myself. Despite the ACO doing their best to screw it up, cutting peoples electric and making it corporate they wont beat me hopefully.

Lets hope next year isnt a ste show for tickets like this year.


3,857 posts

38 months

Tuesday 18th June
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The ablutions were the best they've been at Houx truck end

The campsite atmosphere was good; in fact having less space meant there was no burn-out circuit, which is no bad thing

There were fewer late night raves, which I don't mind either way as often we've gone and joined in

More campervans, indicative of the typical age/wealth increase of people who previously camped

The stairs from pit up/down to village require a re-think, only time I felt kettled, otherwise the tunnels and bridges were manageable

Stands, T34 row A gives good views directly over the pits, and we robustly indicated to liggers that there were no standing places for them

Travel Destinations are no longer getting our business, the booking was a train driving can of soup, a shunting Campbell's

No problems with queues for bars/food/lavvies, we must have been blessed !

Randomly received a PH key ring from a passerby, blessing or curse, who knows !!


4,572 posts

204 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Glad to see this thread - I've been 7 of the last 10 years and this year will be my last until something significant changes. Thursday and Friday were lovely, Saturday and Sunday were just impossible. Overcrowding, completely insufficient facilities (toilets / food / drink) due to overcrowding (5 cubicles (M+F) +1 disabled for the entirety of Arnage!)

Started the race with a view infield just below the Esses past Dunlop, then went to move to Tetre Rouge "outside", got stuck entirely, to the point there was pushing and shoving - felt really unsafe. So many people (it was 6-8 people deep everwhere, plus the huge crowd trying to move).

Then took nearly two hours to work our way back infield to the start/finish straight to watch for a while, wanted to stop in the village area for a drink - but completely impassible, people everywhere, carts randomly left in the crowd making it challenging negotiating a path. Gave up and went back to accomodation.

Sunday, went straight to Arnage, 30 min queue for bus (ok-ish) from Parking West, watched at Arnage for about an hour, of which 40 mins for me was queue for 1 of 2 male toilets for the 5000+ people there) - then got a bus up to Mulsanne (10 mins wait - great), to catch another bus back to Tetre. We waited for 90 minutes for a bus, which then pulled up and the driver spend 10 minutes sweeping the bus, rather than driving. Result? We missed the end of the race. There were at least 300 people behind us in the queue, who likely had to walk back as the busses stopped at 17:00

The best viewing we had was the Beetle racing from the ACO grandstand.

The highlight for me was running the track on the Friday, which has been on my "to do" list since I first went. The remainder I was glad to be there with good company, or it would have been a wasted weekend entirely.

For balance, the 5G coverage was great this time, no problems updating leaderboards etc during the race. Discounted / subsidised lager in ACO enclosures softened the blow, although during the race only managed to buy 1 as queues were so long.

In summary, great to see the event so popular, but too crowded to enjoy as a spectator unless you had big-dog hospitality.


12,293 posts

275 months

Tuesday 18th June
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As ever, a LM of contrasts for us… the lows were the overcrowding in places at times (near the Carlsberg tent mid Sat afternoon for instance, and in the ACO area at La Chapelle on the bank top overlooking the esses before TR - could really see a toppling risk there as folk on beer/loo runs pushed through a crowd on sloping ground with uneven surfaces. Fab view for the opening laps however).

Loo provision was inadequate; seemed far less urinals available this year, someone mentioned they had been reduced to increase shower space. No idea if true but the queues were excruciating on Saturday.

Similarly, on Fri, in town at the driver’s parade, reliance on bars and restaurants to make their facilities available was hit or miss. McDonald’s was aggressively refusing entry to loo seekers, which was the first time I’ve see that. Everywhere else I ventured into was welcoming but the demand was outstripping supply.

On the bright side, the atmosphere was fantastic; saw no hassle anywhere. Had an unexpectedly good meal on Sat pm in the large brasserie next to the Carlsberg tent; the team in there were working their socks off but attentive, friendly, and clearly enjoying what they were doing. Great stuff.

Even the weather didn’t spoil anything; quite enjoyed the Sat night rain on canvass experience despite the resident badger digging up the garden around us! Hiring a house 300 yards from Arnage corner with a big grass garden was an inspired decision by our group organiser; worked a treat.

Thoroughly enjoyed despite the niggles cool


39 posts

16 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Been going for 7 years now and I found the campsites fuller then ever on wednesday this year. Anyone else noticed too?

Finding a decent spot for the start was a pain again this year but after a few hours the huge crowd was gone. Was quite surprised by the small amount of people that stayed at the circuit. Same for Sunday.


11,568 posts

287 months

Tuesday 18th June
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krisdelta said:
...completely insufficient facilities (toilets / food / drink) due to overcrowding (5 cubicles (M+F) +1 disabled for the entirety of Arnage!) ...
Indeed. When I was out at Arnage I noticed the big queues, and before getting the bus over to Mulsanne took a stroll through the campsite area as I was sure there would be additional facilities there, and there was a huge toilet/shower block at the back which no-one was using.

Lots of queues for the lavs all round the circuit, which just leads to people peeing against walls.

Mark B

1,636 posts

268 months

Tuesday 18th June
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My 30th anniversary year going to Le Mans and although last year was my first back to the main event after a few years away, I thoroughly enjoyed it again.

The crowds are now huge, but they always have been. What I do have an issue about is the use of camping chairs at the viewing areas in front of the pits, in years gone by you stood or possibly sat on the floor. The camping chairs have a huge impact on the number of people who can view the start and race build up, so next year I will go for grandstand seats, if I can.

I didn't camp on site, we had a Gite near Arnage corner last year and camped off site this year, driving in both days. Traffic was managed really well with minimal queueing into and out of the circuit.

Arnage toilet facilities, were very poor causing huge queueing, but didn't really impact us.
Mulsanne corner and the run down to Indianapolis viewing has been improved again
Mulsanne straight viewing also brilliant. We were there later Saturday night to see the accident on the exit to the 2nd chicane.
Village facilities all good, but expensive. This won't change as soon many people are spending their money on the stuff, I am happy to leave it in the shop.

All great from my point of view, can't wait for next year.


1,128 posts

195 months

Tuesday 18th June
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mickyfix said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
One thing I'm seriously impressed with, is the mobile and data signal.

By far the best I've ever experienced.
Beg to differ. By far the worst I’ve experienced. Average speeds of 1~2mps.
Agreed. Shocking signal. We were in T34 Tribune, over the pits. Couldn't message anyone as WhatsApp just gave the spinning wheel the whole time

Jordie Barretts sock

5,041 posts

22 months

Tuesday 18th June
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WhyTwo said:
mickyfix said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
One thing I'm seriously impressed with, is the mobile and data signal.

By far the best I've ever experienced.
Beg to differ. By far the worst I’ve experienced. Average speeds of 1~2mps.
Agreed. Shocking signal. We were in T34 Tribune, over the pits. Couldn't message anyone as WhatsApp just gave the spinning wheel the whole time
That has to be something to do with the teams all rinsing the signal below and behind you then. I was opposite in T21 and was able to stream Eurosport. Also had no issues at all in Houx. I must admit I was very surprised.


214 posts

137 months

Tuesday 18th June
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krisdelta said:
Glad to see this thread - I've been 7 of the last 10 years and this year will be my last until something significant changes. Thursday and Friday were lovely, Saturday and Sunday were just impossible. Overcrowding, completely insufficient facilities (toilets / food / drink) due to overcrowding (5 cubicles (M+F) +1 disabled for the entirety of Arnage!)

Started the race with a view infield just below the Esses past Dunlop, then went to move to Tetre Rouge "outside", got stuck entirely, to the point there was pushing and shoving - felt really unsafe. So many people (it was 6-8 people deep everwhere, plus the huge crowd trying to move).

Then took nearly two hours to work our way back infield to the start/finish straight to watch for a while, wanted to stop in the village area for a drink - but completely impassible, people everywhere, carts randomly left in the crowd making it challenging negotiating a path. Gave up and went back to accomodation.

Sunday, went straight to Arnage, 30 min queue for bus (ok-ish) from Parking West, watched at Arnage for about an hour, of which 40 mins for me was queue for 1 of 2 male toilets for the 5000+ people there) - then got a bus up to Mulsanne (10 mins wait - great), to catch another bus back to Tetre. We waited for 90 minutes for a bus, which then pulled up and the driver spend 10 minutes sweeping the bus, rather than driving. Result? We missed the end of the race. There were at least 300 people behind us in the queue, who likely had to walk back as the busses stopped at 17:00

The best viewing we had was the Beetle racing from the ACO grandstand.

The highlight for me was running the track on the Friday, which has been on my "to do" list since I first went. The remainder I was glad to be there with good company, or it would have been a wasted weekend entirely.

For balance, the 5G coverage was great this time, no problems updating leaderboards etc during the race. Discounted / subsidised lager in ACO enclosures softened the blow, although during the race only managed to buy 1 as queues were so long.

In summary, great to see the event so popular, but too crowded to enjoy as a spectator unless you had big-dog hospitality.
It was busy, but 7/10 of those trips should have helped your logic. Moving around so close to the end is always risky, busses are better now then ever but it's still a risk to rely on them when you're that close to finish. Bikes are a better option here if you must move around. I think a better option would have been to do the different parts of the track away from start/finish hours & in practice and then there is no issue. For the start/finish choose a place you enjoy, perhaps with a screen & get there in good time, you'll have a much better time & won't miss anything. Also there are hot spots TR at start is v busy. Ford chicane to Dunlop at finish will be busy. TR at finish was quiet..

Rob P

5,778 posts

267 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Likewise, the 5G was better than my internet at home! Was streaming video and live timing the entire race.


4,572 posts

204 months

Tuesday 18th June
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topsprayer said:
krisdelta said:
Glad to see this thread - I've been 7 of the last 10 years and this year will be my last until something significant changes. Thursday and Friday were lovely, Saturday and Sunday were just impossible. Overcrowding, completely insufficient facilities (toilets / food / drink) due to overcrowding (5 cubicles (M+F) +1 disabled for the entirety of Arnage!)

Started the race with a view infield just below the Esses past Dunlop, then went to move to Tetre Rouge "outside", got stuck entirely, to the point there was pushing and shoving - felt really unsafe. So many people (it was 6-8 people deep everwhere, plus the huge crowd trying to move).

Then took nearly two hours to work our way back infield to the start/finish straight to watch for a while, wanted to stop in the village area for a drink - but completely impassible, people everywhere, carts randomly left in the crowd making it challenging negotiating a path. Gave up and went back to accomodation.

Sunday, went straight to Arnage, 30 min queue for bus (ok-ish) from Parking West, watched at Arnage for about an hour, of which 40 mins for me was queue for 1 of 2 male toilets for the 5000+ people there) - then got a bus up to Mulsanne (10 mins wait - great), to catch another bus back to Tetre. We waited for 90 minutes for a bus, which then pulled up and the driver spend 10 minutes sweeping the bus, rather than driving. Result? We missed the end of the race. There were at least 300 people behind us in the queue, who likely had to walk back as the busses stopped at 17:00

The best viewing we had was the Beetle racing from the ACO grandstand.

The highlight for me was running the track on the Friday, which has been on my "to do" list since I first went. The remainder I was glad to be there with good company, or it would have been a wasted weekend entirely.

For balance, the 5G coverage was great this time, no problems updating leaderboards etc during the race. Discounted / subsidised lager in ACO enclosures softened the blow, although during the race only managed to buy 1 as queues were so long.

In summary, great to see the event so popular, but too crowded to enjoy as a spectator unless you had big-dog hospitality.
It was busy, but 7/10 of those trips should have helped your logic. Moving around so close to the end is always risky, busses are better now then ever but it's still a risk to rely on them when you're that close to finish. Bikes are a better option here if you must move around. I think a better option would have been to do the different parts of the track away from start/finish hours & in practice and then there is no issue. For the start/finish choose a place you enjoy, perhaps with a screen & get there in good time, you'll have a much better time & won't miss anything. Also there are hot spots TR at start is v busy. Ford chicane to Dunlop at finish will be busy. TR at finish was quiet..
Pretty much agree, I've moved around a fair bit in prior years both early and late in the race as there is so much to see, but without the mad waits for a bus - so my plucky reliance on history has caused many of my problems this weekend.

I used to walk to Arnage from BSJ, but the roads are so busy now it's deeply unpleasant. However, the overcrowding was evident in so many places, there was a massive mis-match of people <> facilities.

Vsix and Vtec

716 posts

21 months

Tuesday 18th June
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krisdelta said:
I used to walk to Arnage from BSJ, but the roads are so busy,,,,
I still did the walking Thursday and Friday (love the atmosphere) so long as you're firmly on the grass or willing to wait a minute for the cars to pass, it's not that bad.


214 posts

137 months

Tuesday 18th June
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I know it's not always possible to bring a bike but the distance to arnage from the circuit makes walking a no no for me, especially if you've been on the feet a lot. A 10-15 mins tops bike ride or an hour or so by foot. We walked in our first year and ever since rode bikes, it's a massive upgrade. What has made a good improvement has been closing the road to arnage to traffic other than bikes/busses & stops busses getting trapped in unnecessary traffic.


11,919 posts

272 months

Tuesday 18th June
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JN14 said:
Been going for 7 years now and I found the campsites fuller then ever on wednesday this year. Anyone else noticed too?

Finding a decent spot for the start was a pain again this year but after a few hours the huge crowd was gone. Was quite surprised by the small amount of people that stayed at the circuit. Same for Sunday.
Walked through Houx, pitches were only 60% full on Saturday and Sunday


4,210 posts

255 months

Tuesday 18th June
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To be honest, I thought the crowds and the feeling of busyness was back to how it used to be. If your first trip occurred in the last decade or so, you won’t have had the experience before.

The annual moaning about the ACO remains the same though. Whilst I am critical of some aspects of what it’s becoming, it is a tremendously complicated event to organise and the ACO has transformed the place. They are so much slicker and professional than they used to be. They do seem to hold some form of godfather like control of the area, but it is working much better.

Le Mans spans a huge site - most of the issues encountered by crowding can be mitigated either through the application of £ or just working out where the lemmings are at what time.


62 posts

184 months

Tuesday 18th June
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bennno said:
It’s about avoiding peaks.

you just need to shower at 5-6am as opposed to trying to do so at 9-10.

Eat away from circuit in Le Mans town, as trams only 1.5E, great choice of decent restaurants

Get in to circuit early on race day and avoid village / get a viewing spot early, better still buy a grandstand seat.

The free train inside the circuit was easy to get, plus we used one of the free coaches down to mulsanne.

Best of all was a hotel with a balcony over the mulsanne who let us watch between corporate bookings for the price of 4 coffees.
did the tram used to be free? I had it in my head it was, so was fairly surprised when I had to buy a ticket on Friday this year?

Mark B

1,636 posts

268 months

Tuesday 18th June
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ettore said:
To be honest, I thought the crowds and the feeling of busyness was back to how it used to be. If your first trip occurred in the last decade or so, you won’t have had the experience before.

The annual moaning about the ACO remains the same though. Whilst I am critical of some aspects of what it’s becoming, it is a tremendously complicated event to organise and the ACO has transformed the place. They are so much slicker and professional than they used to be. They do seem to hold some form of godfather like control of the area, but it is working much better.

Le Mans spans a huge site - most of the issues encountered by crowding can be mitigated either through the application of £ or just working out where the lemmings are at what time.
Spot on!

We moaned about commercialisation in the 1990s, 2000s and last year.

Actually, the site is incredible now, traffic management is the best it's been and with gratuit parking at Arnage and Mulsanne, this was great too. Spectator areas are improving year on year.

As I said above, if people didn't used camp chairs everywhere, the viewing areas from Ford chicane to Tertre Rouge would be way less busy and people would be able to see better.


3,857 posts

38 months

Tuesday 18th June
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bennno said:
JN14 said:
Been going for 7 years now and I found the campsites fuller then ever on wednesday this year. Anyone else noticed too?

Finding a decent spot for the start was a pain again this year but after a few hours the huge crowd was gone. Was quite surprised by the small amount of people that stayed at the circuit. Same for Sunday.
Walked through Houx, pitches were only 60% full on Saturday and Sunday
Due to rain, a fair few packed up on Saturday afternoon, and left once the race started