Travel Destinations Porsche curves

Travel Destinations Porsche curves



Original Poster:

43 posts

110 months

Thursday 29th February
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Ben Jk said:
I thought the same but the won't budge from that process!! Nothing shocks me now!
All a bit concerning. I am really not keen on paying my balance until I get everything confirmed.
Shame as we really like the campsite but going to have to look elsewhere for next year!


567 posts

20 months

Thursday 29th February
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I fear for you guys. Looks like a total car crash....


3,839 posts

235 months

Thursday 29th February
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I booked for 2O years with them, same routine every year, the day after I got back I phoned up and confirmed the same for the following year, bish bash bosh, dead easy to deal with.
I rolled over my booking for the 2 covid years, again, brilliant to deal with, all good.
At some point during the Covid time they were taken over by the Motorsport group, it would hardly be a surprise if the previous owners hit problems, not that I’ve any idea if that’s why they were sold.
That’s when it all went to pot, same routine the day after I got back in ‘22, but immediately felt uneasy, didn’t have any confidence from that first conversation that things were right, I contacted them a few more times, never got anything other than a vague response, in the end they denied any knowledge of any reservation, luckily I managed to piggy back on a friends booking for 23 and have done that again for this year.
Others I know from camping near them for years had similar experiences, sounds like things have gone from bad to worse, the previous owners had obviously built the business up and cared for it, such a shame it’s gone to a shambles.

Ben Jk

1,678 posts

169 months

Thursday 29th February
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To be fair to Ben in the Customer Service team he has resolved my issue promptly.

I have also asked him about the crossing conf and concern around paying balance until we receive this. Awaiting response.

Who knows though we may turn up to an empty field in June..... biglaugh


44 posts

6 months

Thursday 29th February
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I’m seriously considering binning the whole thing off and accepting that I may have lost my deposit.

The alarm bells are ringing and I currently have zero confidence in giving them another couple of grand.


Original Poster:

43 posts

110 months

Thursday 29th February
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I’ve sent a polite email to the escalation address now.
Hoping we can get this sorted by payment date.
Also wondering what the hell we are going to turn up to when we arrive frown
The campsite has certainly not been the same since they changed the event company either. Pay an absolute fortune too.


13,555 posts

258 months

Friday 1st March
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Lycian Events posted on Facebook recently that they still have a few spaces available in the public campsites

Ben Jk

1,678 posts

169 months

Friday 1st March
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We now have tunnel crossing conf! (via Ben)


5 posts

4 months

Monday 4th March
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Has anyone else had TD contact them saying "They’ve ‘just’ noticed that we are arriving in the Wednesday and their system hadn’t picked that up before. ACO charge early access of £110 per person"

This seems really fishy...


11,568 posts

287 months

Monday 4th March
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In the public campsite there used to be extra charges if you turned up on the Monday/Tuesday, but that was years and years ago.

Certainly not since they have made the scrutineering a more public event on the weekend before.

(But the Porsche Curves is different so there could be different rules)

Also. The track events start on Wednesday so I'm not sure that arriving then counts as being early!


166 posts

48 months

Monday 4th March
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jgw- said:
Has anyone else had TD contact them saying "They’ve ‘just’ noticed that we are arriving in the Wednesday and their system hadn’t picked that up before. ACO charge early access of £110 per person"

This seems really fishy...
I had the same issue when I paid the outstanding invoice, mentioned that we were arriving Wedensday and had to stump up the extra money. To be fair this was the case in the old TD day's too but never as much (and I think it was per pitch rather then per person which it is now)


5 posts

4 months

Monday 4th March
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so will there be a marked difference on our ticket? we are not going to pay it. just seems odd.


3,839 posts

235 months

Monday 4th March
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I'd be ringing the ACO and asking them directly, there's no extra charge on the public campsites for turning up the Friday before, so why would the ACO would be charging extra for a campsite they don't even run?

And Wednesday isn't 'early', it's when the event starts.

Ben Jk

1,678 posts

169 months

Monday 4th March
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jgw- said:
Has anyone else had TD contact them saying "They’ve ‘just’ noticed that we are arriving in the Wednesday and their system hadn’t picked that up before. ACO charge early access of £110 per person"

This seems really fishy...

This is what I was chasing them about last week as our balance had gone up £500. In our case it seems there was confusion at their offices and I had been told there was an early arrival charge Per Pitch and our original balance reflected this, but then the new balance landed last week with the £500 increase and quoted per person.

Luckily I still had the email confirming in writing it was per pitch so challenged it and got the balance dropped back to original. Not paying additional due to their error!

There has always been an additional charge by TD for early arrival as you get an additional day of use of their facilities and chance to pay over the odds for their food and drink!.


3,839 posts

235 months

Monday 4th March
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Ben Jk said:

This is what I was chasing them about last week as our balance had gone up £500. In our case it seems there was confusion at their offices and I had been told there was an early arrival charge Per Pitch and our original balance reflected this, but then the new balance landed last week with the £500 increase and quoted per person.

Luckily I still had the email confirming in writing it was per pitch so challenged it and got the balance dropped back to original. Not paying additional due to their error!

There has always been an additional charge by TD for early arrival as you get an additional day of use of their facilities and chance to pay over the odds for their food and drink!.
To claim it's the ACO making them charge extra is somewhat dubious though


1,317 posts

100 months

Monday 4th March
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Went in 22 and the event tent, bar and food was much worse than 18, a different company I guess?


Original Poster:

43 posts

110 months

Monday 4th March
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Yes even before the takeover there was an extra charge for arrival on Wednesday! Better check that ours is on there (eyeroll)
I have finally got confirmation of our ferry crossings (after chasing)

And yes the bar/food has defo gone downhill since the change of event company!

Ben Jk

1,678 posts

169 months

Monday 4th March
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BlindedByTheLights said:
Went in 22 and the event tent, bar and food was much worse than 18, a different company I guess?
We did event tents in 2022 and thought they were better. It was a French company and the beds were better (wooden frame rather than previous inflatable)


5 posts

4 months

Tuesday 5th March
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I emailed ACO about TD charging for “early” access and I received the reply : “we will make enquiries as we never charge extra for early access”


567 posts

20 months

Tuesday 5th March
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It isn't even a modest charge, is it? £500!!!