Cholmondeley Power and Speed event

Cholmondeley Power and Speed event



Original Poster:

1,898 posts

229 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Hello PH
Just a heads up for those who didn't know the Brilliant Cholmondeley Pageant Of Power has now been re named Power And Speed and is being held on the 10th 11th and 12th of June the theme this year is "Super cars Past Present and Future" and is looking awesome as I have had a sneak look at the list of cars already booked in.
Any Piston Heads members who come in their Classic, sports, collectors, super cars, please come in to car clubs at gate 2 as there will be a designated area for you guys and girls, there are no set arrive or departure times, please don't bury you pride and joy in the public car park.
Hope to see you there


Original Poster:

1,898 posts

229 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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anybody with a classic, sports, super, collectors car, you are more than welcome to park in car club area you don't have to be a club member, go to gate 2 and ask for Russell and I will park you up in the designated area, please don't bury your car in the public car park.


Original Poster:

1,898 posts

229 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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Well finally recovered from a mad weekend can't believe it was a week ago, got to say a very disappointing turn out regards car clubs we had 45 clubs listed with large numbers of attendance but not half of those clubs showed up with there cars, I think like others that the discount codes are used for entry only such a shame, I have tried to explain for the last 4 years until I am blue in the face that you guys are bringing your cars to display and that forms part of the draw for the show and that you should be able to attend the car club area for free and half price in advance or on the day to get over the bridge into the main event but it falls on deaf ears and obviously this year you have voted with your feet any suggestions for the future ? Unfortunately we had a bloom in the lake which put a stop to the lake activity and the CAA turned up on Friday lunch time and ceased the air display for sat sun then to top it all off ,sat the car clubs got a couple of laps of the track but Sunday they had a different guy from the BRAC ? Who was a complete a55h0le stopped the second lap and said no passengers, an official complaint is being lodged against him.
Next year will be our 10th anniversary as far as I know it's all going ahead, I am going to push for car clubs free as mentioned above
got to add Julie in the office and myself work very hard to make this car club section the best we can but are up against people who don't understand the car club concept we even suggested auto jumble kit cars etc etc but have been told they would look tatty ??? Not much hope I'm afraid
Regards Russell