cpop 2016


j4ckos mate

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173 months

Thursday 12th November 2015
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The date is out for next year if anyone is interested


12,203 posts

245 months

Thursday 12th November 2015
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Yes, just noticed 10th-12th June 2016 on their web site. I'm glad to hear it as one or two local doom-mongers have been talking about it not running again, as they did after the 2014 event, and as people do every year at the Malpas steam festival.

j4ckos mate

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3,038 posts

173 months

Tuesday 17th November 2015
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Loads on here call it,
it can get a bot repetitive, but i like it personally


12,203 posts

245 months

Tuesday 17th November 2015
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So do I - but I'm quite local, so that's some part to do with it. It does get a bit repetitive, but when I think about stuff I'd like to see, I also wouldn't like to drop a lot of the things that do come year after year.


12,203 posts

245 months

Monday 11th January 2016
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I've mentioned before that I much prefer being on the outside of the track. I do tend to stick to the arrival and departure times (well, the arrival time at least - until you mentioned it, I had no idea there was a departure time) but I think it's a nice location as much as anything else.

It's good to hear it's going ahead - someone posted on the official CPOP Facebook page that they'd heard there were sponsorship problems and the event might not go ahead, asking for a response, but hadn't heard anything back.


1,057 posts

234 months

Tuesday 12th January 2016
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Strange isn't it how rumours start - and spread! Only last night, I was told by a pal who's been to the last three events, that this years been cancelled due to lack of sponsor support.

I've only been once, 3 years ago, and was disappointed where we, (as a car club) were parked - it was just an extension of the car park
My preference would be within the 'action' - I don't know the proposed layout so difficult to suggest an exact location.



12,203 posts

245 months

Wednesday 13th January 2016
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One option would be to move the car club displays back to the position they were in for the first event - between the main drive (the first straight the competition cars run along after going over the bridge) and the lake. The Sporting Bears were there last year, so there's obviously access out from that position without having to cross the track, and it's a good deal closer to the paddock area. I guess it depends on how much is going to be on the lake - in previous years there has been a need for a paddock for boats, jet-skis and so on, not so much over the last couple of years.

The current location is good in that anyone parking in that area comes through the display. On the other side, though, I heard a few people getting to the bridge over the chicane, taking a quick look and deciding it was not worth walking any further, which is a pity. So they must be people who'd parked elsewhere, I'm not sure where the other parking is.

As I display for the three days, I just don't really want to get into a position where there's a requirement to stay particularly late every day. Reading some comments elsewhere about the times required at a similar event I think it's not just me that would be put off, and the last thing they need to do is put people off when there's an alternative.


12,203 posts

245 months

Wednesday 27th January 2016
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Tsk, tsk - it's "Cholmondeley Power and Speed". Do you know why it changed? I'm just intrigued - it's unusual to spend a few years (is it eight?) building a brand name, and then change it just as people are starting to get used to it. I'm still surprised how many people I talk to in the local area who don't know it's on, though.

Yes, we've had a form asking which part we want to go in, and I think we're going to select the same place as last year. It does make it a very long day, getting in before 7.30am and staying until after 6.30pm and if, like me, you're hoping to do all three days, then it all adds up. If you were minded to leave the car in place for the whole weekend then it might be different, but Cholmondeley isn't an easy place to get to without a lift, and the security issues from a couple of years ago haven't helped. I didn't hear of any problems last year so maybe the problem is solved (or maybe it was the Status Quo fans really...) but it has put off some of our club members who've said they'll be there in everyday cars this time.

Pete F

46 posts

119 months

Monday 1st February 2016
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I've been involved with CPOP since it started, whether publicity shoots, bringing historic cars , drivers, a car club and even competing and I do hope they can bring back some of that magic of the earlier events. Inviting the same cars year in, year out needs fixing and some new ideas, car anniversaries, lunchtime parade of special cars, some name drivers etc. I brought Gordon Spice and John Rhodes along for the special parade a few years ago, Rhodes didn't even get a mention and Spice barely did. Haven't seen a historic Mini on track for a couple of years, or even a Mk1 Escort, hugely successful and popular competition cars! Bring back some of the historic big hitters! CPOP has been the best motoring event to happen north of the Watford casm, I just think it lost it's way but more Power to your elbow and good luck!! :-)


12,203 posts

245 months

Monday 1st February 2016
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Pete F said:
Haven't seen a historic Mini on track for a couple of years, or even a Mk1 Escort,
Ooh, have to pick that one up, this is from last year, though I can't find a Mini:

But I do kind of agree, I do recall that the paddock tents used to be a bit bigger than they have been over the last couple of years, and I think there was a bit more action on the lake.

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,038 posts

173 months

Thursday 4th February 2016
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i will be going regardless

but you do seem to see the same cars year on year don't you?

The old rally stuff was good i must admit


12,203 posts

245 months

Friday 5th February 2016
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There's always a risk of idiots ruining things with track parades, and the track at Cholmondeley isn't that forgiving for those who know what they're doing. I recall a recent show at Oulton where anyone could sign up for the club cavalcade, one chap decided that doing doughnuts on the track was a good idea and (as I heard it) is now banned from the circuit. Maybe that's why they won't sanction it. It must be something to do with the public being present, though - a few years back (when the club display was flooded) they laid on a morning do in October for club cars, and we got two "laps" of the track, but with no spectators present.


1,418 posts

138 months

Saturday 20th February 2016
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We have been for the past three years running. The day attractions were best in the first year (wall of death in particular
was fantastic), the evening entertainment best in 2014, last year was just poor, day and night.

Is the evening entertainment going to be improved on or will it be the same damp squib as last year?

[quote] the security issues from a couple of years ago haven't helped.

What issues? With cars being broken into in th car parks, things being stolen from motorhomes/tents, damaged to vehicles on display or something else?


12,203 posts

245 months

Saturday 20th February 2016
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foxsasha said:
What issues? With cars being broken into in th car parks, things being stolen from motorhomes/tents, damaged to vehicles on display or something else?
That kind of thing, though I hadn't heard about damage to vehicles on display. I also didn't hear about any trouble last year - not sure whether there's a link to the crowds that just came in for the band on that night, or whether last year people were more careful about locking stuff up.

I guess the evening entertainment is still "to be announced". The annual fireworks and classical concert seemed to always be popular, then they decided to get Status Quo in a couple of years ago. Last year the "headline" act seemed to be a rock covers band, not in the same league and basically (other than the front man being related to someone famous) the same kind of thing you'd see in the pub on a Friday night. I haven't stayed for the evening bands yet, not least as being on the display stand for 8am, staying that late makes it a very long day.


12,203 posts

245 months

Sunday 21st February 2016
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highflyer said:
A couple of flags ended up on the track from car clubs and there was an attempt to steal a handbag from a tent on the campsite in 2014
Well, it was a bit more than that. But I also didn't hear of anything last year.


1,418 posts

138 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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Status Quo and the classical line up on Saturday night along with the fireworks were fantastic. A real treat. Sadly, as you say, the entertainment last year was dismal in comparison. I guess Quo played partly in return for Rick Parfitt Jnr being given last years gig.