Friday preview event?



Original Poster:

2,890 posts

174 months

Monday 6th June 2016
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Can anyone who has been on the Friday tell me if it is still a decent event versus the weekend? Is everything setup and running aside from the air display; is there any track action? Friday suits us better and should be quieter, but little point if there is nothing going on. Especially hoping the helicopters are there for my son.

Anyone know, I emailed the organisers last week, no response yet, and the website still states "More information is coming soon" which is hugely annoying just days before!


12,185 posts

245 months

Monday 6th June 2016
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There is usually stuff running on the track on Friday, but not generally against the clock - timed runs don't start until the weekend normally. I've had a look at last years photos, obviously in the segments where it's just people being driven up the track I didn't bother but I've got quite a lot of shots of stuff on the track clearly going reasonably quickly. So I'd say there will be something to see (assuming this year follows the same pattern as previous ones) but there won't be the timed aspect to things unless it's changed. One year when the rally stage was on, the only time we saw the rally cars on the main track was on the Friday.


Original Poster:

2,890 posts

174 months

Monday 6th June 2016
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Thanks, is everything else generally running, stalls, displays, helicopters etc?


12,185 posts

245 months

Monday 6th June 2016
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I honestly can't remember how many of the stalls were open on the Friday - some, I think, but not as many as over the weekend. That said, other than for a bit of lunch, I don't tend to look much at the stalls. I suspect the helicopter tours might only be Sat/Sun, but I'm not sure. There's no doubt it's less of an event on Friday than on the other two days. I wish I could remember more detail, but even if I could there's no saying it would be the same this time.


12,185 posts

245 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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Helicopter tours were running today, track action in the morning was limited to demonstration runs of various modern cars by dealers for potential customers, VIPs etc. After lunch there were two runs through the competition cars for track learning or practice - the second run had just started as I came away around 4.10pm. Car clubs are quite empty today, and there were some gaps in the paddock. I think more food selection than last year.

Irrelevant now - you either came or didn't - but might be useful to remember next year.