Cholmondeley Power and Speed event

Cholmondeley Power and Speed event



15,902 posts

204 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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ras62 said:
It sounds like the various car clubs are treated very much as second class citizens. The idea they be separated from the main event is telling in this regard. In reality they clubs should be the backdrop to the tented section for the cars participating in the time trial. Sadly I think with the prevailing attitude shown by the organisers to the clubs will be difficult if not impossible to repair. Location and facilities offered, pricing etc are crucial if you want people to show their pride and joy be it a Morris or a Maserati.
100% this. We stopped going as a club because we were so isolated from all the other activities & facilities. That + the cost of attending + the appalling conditions in bad weather and the fact that we weren't being listened to about the problems sent a very clear message that we were third class citizens.

If there had even been a marquee where club members could shelter it would have helped.

ETA - in the years we did attend, I don't think we saw any of the paying public looking around the car club area anyway. For them it just appeared to be some sort of privileged car park and they were more interested in getting across the bridge to the central area as quickly as possible.

Edited by marshalla on Friday 17th June 12:33


12,185 posts

245 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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mikewood said:
Friday was poor, still lots of stalls setting up, and some displays had not arrived. No evening entertainment (other than the European cup match on the TV in the beer tent). Parade laps with passenger rides by the sponsoring dealers. Other than that, not much else for the £40 gate ticket price.
Friday was a bit of a let-down, with nothing but display laps on the track in the morning and, as you said, stalls setting up and so on. I don't think it was £40 though, on Friday. But not really an event day, more an event afternoon.

marshalla said:
ETA - in the years we did attend, I don't think we saw any of the paying public looking around the car club area anyway. For them it just appeared to be some sort of privileged car park and they were more interested in getting across the bridge to the central area as quickly as possible.
I'd sort-of agree with that, and is precisely my point when I argue with some local car displayers who say "without us they don't have an event". I'd say there are some that come for a look around, but not that many. Maybe if the trade stands filled the central field a little more, they might get a bit closer but as it was this year, there was a lot of space between the last trade stand and the gateway to the field with the military display, and then on to the club stands.

ras62 said:
It sounds like the various car clubs are treated very much as second class citizens. The idea they be separated from the main event is telling in this regard.
This year, car clubs had a choice of a stand in their usual position on the outside of the track, or on the infield. Three clubs chose to go on the infield - the MX5 club (who won "best club stand", an award we didn't know was on offer this year), the S2000 club, and another whose name I've forgotten.

The key difference was - those clubs on the infield have restricted movement times, because they have to cross the track to get in and out of the venue, so it was limited to clubs who have sufficient cars that are able and willing to be in place before 7.30am, and stay until 6.30pm. That turns into a pretty long day if you're not camping, and more so if you're doing the three days. We asked the members attending and voted for "out".

Russ did ask about whether the car clubs would like a different spot on here last year - I wondered whether putting us near where the Sporting Bears club paddock was would have been the thing. Still access in and out of the event without having to wait until the track is closed, but a bit closer to the action.