Exporting to the UK



Original Poster:

5 posts

99 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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I have had the pleasure of being bequeathed a nice car. Although from Jersey I now live in the UK.
I am lucky enough to have a nice car already, and the ultra-low mileage on the car would make it highly desirable I suspect.

So, if the car is 8 years old. And I will have officially only owned it for a month or so, does anyone know what HMRC might want from me? If too much I will sell in the Channel Islands.

I have perused HMRC's website and called a couple of times, and never had a straight, clear answer. One person said to just export and see what I had to pay when I landed. Nice!

Thanks for any info!



Original Poster:

5 posts

99 months

Tuesday 7th June 2016
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I hadn't noticed someone had kindly replied, hence the long delay.
The car was originally delivered to Guernsey. Thence to Jersey for the last years.

How's best to find out the answer?
If I lose 30% to HMRC, but lose 20% in Jersey sale it stays where it is. But if nothing, or little to HMRC then I import it.
I am struggling to find out what to do!


Original Poster:

5 posts

99 months

Wednesday 8th June 2016
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Brilliant. I think I am clear now. Just need to get an idea of the price differential of Jersey v. UK (if there is one) and take into account any difference. Thank you.


Original Poster:

5 posts

99 months

Wednesday 8th June 2016
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2008 Mercedes-Benz CLK Coupé 220 CDi Sport 2d
Perfect condition with only 9000 miles on the clock.
Someone might like it!


Original Poster:

5 posts

99 months

Tuesday 5th July 2016
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Well on that note then the advert has been placed locally. I have no intention of giving 20%+ to HMRC!