Guernsey width & emissions tax

Guernsey width & emissions tax



Original Poster:

553 posts

193 months

Wednesday 5th November 2014
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Having seen the uproar in the press regarding the proposed width and emissions tax, I thought I'd have a dig around to try and understand the cost impacts of the new first registration charge...

I found this document and it doesn't make good reading for the majority of PH'ers. I certainly wasn't expecting the charges to be as punitive as what is proposed.

Take a look and see what you think.

Now might be a good time to buy that new car, if these proposals are to come into effect from January 2015!


Original Poster:

553 posts

193 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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To be honest if you're spending £100k+ on a car then you're probably happy to suck up the tax, as it's not a significant % of the cars value compared with the VAT saving.

My biggest concern, was the impact of importing a used car from the UK where the taxation makes a material difference.
I recently bought a car in th UK, which under the new rules would have cost an additional £5k to import. This is a significant enough amount of money to make it unviable.

As has been said, all this tax will do is keep older more polluting cars on the road and kill new car sales.

Let's hope they see sense on December 10th...


Original Poster:

553 posts

193 months

Wednesday 19th November 2014
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I drove past in the Turbo but found it was a bit wide with all those people around so didn't stop!! biggrin

On a serious note, It was good to see such a large turnout...


Original Poster:

553 posts

193 months


Original Poster:

553 posts

193 months

Wednesday 31st December 2014
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James19181 said:
I notice that they are talking about discounted rates for newly registered 2nd hand cars, but no mention of what they are. Anyone know what the details are?

See Page 12