Guernsey car enthusiasts coffee meet?

Guernsey car enthusiasts coffee meet?



Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Wednesday 4th February 2015
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James19181 said:
Bacon butties on tap, that's my kind of car meet thumbup

Really good idea of the catering van though, and nice big empty car park (will you be doing donuts Paul?? wink)

See you Sunday at the Crown Pier, and good work - thanks to you and Stuart for organising it all
Bacon butties AND donuts? Does the missus not feed you wink

Ah! Donuts! I shall leave the donuts to the younger brethren (preferably late at night, when I am not there).

FB Group now on-line too! Search Guernsey PistonHeads and request membership please smile


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Wednesday 4th February 2015
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engie500 said:
Look forward to it Paul, a meeting I can finally make. Who owns the M3 CSL? Just love this car !
Hopefully it will turn up so we can enquire!

Pity we're moving house... the GT4 would make for a great track car! Would have ordered the GT4 instead of the BGTS had I known, but then I suppose it is a bit like pulling Angeline Jolie one night and complaning you missed out on Gwyneth Paltrow (you get the drift, replace with names as you see fit, LOL).


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Thursday 5th February 2015
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Over 200 members on Guernsey PistonHeads FB group page in 24 hours...

Well done with recruitment Stuart!! thumbup


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Wednesday 25th February 2015
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March 8th meeting:

Crown Pier wasn't everyones favourite. Lee and Stuart's cunning plan is to park angled/nose in to the kerb starting at the Half Moon heading towards the bathing pools. Out of weather and hoping the cars will be better presented. April will defo be Salerie corner.

09:00 - 11:00



Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Thursday 12th March 2015
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April 12 Meeting:

Well, for the March 8th meeting we exceeded 50 cars so all good!

We hope that moving to Salerie Corner for the April 12 meeting will mean more cars and people as the area will be one big contiguous space where everyone can mingle and chat, see all the cars more easily, and with refreshments available smile

Hope to see many more cars, and people!




Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Friday 13th March 2015
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James19181 said:
Haha, I just came on here to post much the same! Wondering if there was anyone mooching on here who might not be on FB
Does seem FB as a comms tool works well. That said, this main site seems more 'findable'. I failed to inspect your new wheels last week. My bad! Will remedy that at the next meet smile


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Friday 13th March 2015
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James19181 said:
Yeh I thought I did well parking right outside the half moon, but wasn't expecting the line of cars to be so long! Gives me time to break out the Meguiars #16 before you see it smile
Yes, I could google it but WTH is (politer than WTF is) Meguiars #16?


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Saturday 14th March 2015
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James19181 said:
Could have just said 'wax'! biggrin


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Monday 30th March 2015
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Next Meeting at 09:00 on April 12th!!

Salerie Corner!!

Looking forward to seeing at least a hundred cars!!



Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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SteveMarshall said:
Good Morning Paul, Stuart and et al, I have just seen the GEP article and joined up on Piston Heads to fleet up!
My trusty AM V12 Vantage has been in hibernation through most of the winter but I will drag it out to play again soon!
Cheers, Steve M.
It good to see you Steve! You seemed to be able to park ok in the four width car parking space with that dodgy eye of yours smile

I hope you found the meeting fun and will come to the next one on the 10th May.


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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About 85 cars turned up on Sunday morning. A warm, sunny but slightly chilly morning. However everyone seemed in good spirits and seemed to mix well, with Ferrari owners showing off their engine bays, Tom Fallaize his hedgehog killing carbon splitter, numerous rear spoilers of varying heights (and ability to act as a tray for a bacon sandwich and cup of tea), stainless rims, lovely polished panels, and varying exhaust and engine sounds as people came and went.

And what a nice bunch of people. All like minded, and with a common interest.

Cars ranged from an original Fiat 500 to a Ferrari 458 Speciale. No Lotus or Maserati though? No Lambo, though it was confidently rumoured a Huracan is likely to show itself sometime soon.

Splendid! Though I am sure there are a lot more cars out there that would help spice things up even more!!

To May 10th!


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Friday 17th April 2015
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Prev said:
I was there, but I hid my disgraceful Mazda 3MPS near the entrance. Was nice to see so many people and meet some local pher's.
Give it a polish and park nearer next time biggrin

Pleased you enjoyed it.

Hopefully each week the numbers will build.


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Thursday 18th June 2015
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darreni said:
I think its the second Sunday of every month (Stuart or Paul will correct if different).
Yup, 2nd Sunday of each month. Salerie corner. Head for the bacon buttie van smile Be good to see you.


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Saturday 12th December 2015
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This Sunday (tomorrow) at 9.30 onwards, Crown Pier and The Boathouse! See everyone there.


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Wednesday 24th August 2016
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Sorry you got no reply. It is always the second Sunday of each month. That said the last couple of meets have resulted in very few attendees. It might be worth you joining the FB Guernsey Pistonheads site as we use that for updates on meetings and events.