Guernsey car enthusiasts coffee meet?

Guernsey car enthusiasts coffee meet?



Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Saturday 3rd January 2015
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Stuart0620 said:
I will be up for the next coffee meet.

I have been thinking for sometime to sort out a Goodwood type monthly Breakfast meet where any petrolheads can meet up for a coffee/breakfast and a chat.

Whilst the Classic Car Club, the Porsche Owners Club, the Sarnia Car Club and various other clubs meet up regularly, there is nothing for interested individuals that are not members of any of these clubs.

I was thinking of something like 9.00am on perhaps the third Sunday each month at somewhere like Vistas or Pembroke, i.e. it needs to be somewhere where numerous cars can park and where coffee/food can be had and also somewhere to sit inside if it is raining.

Any comments welcome.
We are all on the same page smile. I think maybe setting a date in stone is going to work well in the summer type months but potentially less attendees on wet days (well, maybe the same number of attendees but without their garage queen cars.... Yes, I am likely referring to me...). We've batted this back and forward already but given so few people on the CI thread til recently nothing was concluded, though James and I might claim to have had the first such meet recently wink

I like Vistas for the tidy car park but it now seems to be consistently busy and in my view not enough capacity to make people with decent cars want to park there. Pembroke is a rough car park.... So....

Crabby J . Good car parking but do, or would they, provide coffee etc on a Sunday morning?

Half Moon, with parking in each direction.

One of the piers? Boat House or White Rock cafe for refreshments....

I think the priorities must be easy access, tidy parking, refreshments. The better we build it, the more will come smile


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Sunday 4th January 2015
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Stuart0620 said:
Forgot to add in view of the current Width and Emissions Taxes being proposed only Wide cars and cars with High CO2 to be allowed !
That's me out then... frown

Ah, the Land Rover would qualify... so I leave the Porsche at home and bring the Land Rover wink


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Sunday 4th January 2015
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engie500 said:
I agree stuart, interesting cars would cover it. Thinking ahead here, would a Facebook group be a good idea to advise members of times and meeting places. How about hotels for meeting places?

Your car amply qualifies!

Paul G.


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Sunday 4th January 2015
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Stuart0620 said:
It is possible to get exclusive use of the car park next to Vistas via the Environment Dept which I have done twice before for the Charity Sprints, so this might be the solution and would then make it the perfect venue. We could book it from perhaps 8.30am to 10,30am - just a thought !

I agree with your comments that if it rains the turnout won't be as good but that being said the Goodwood Breakfast Club is always oversubscribed even when it rains.

Perhaps we could meet up and discuss over a coffee ?
Next Sunday morning at 10:00 for coffee or similar, but then maybe explore Crabby J too? Bigger car park that is far less busy of a morning?




Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Sunday 4th January 2015
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James19181 said:
Whack some of these on the Porsche biglaugh

According to the Enviro mental dept wing mirrors are not included in their measurements frown


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Monday 5th January 2015
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Stuart0620 said:
Isn't your Porsche 1801 mm, so would attract the width tax !?
I read in the GP that the measurement for tax does not include wing mirrors which I think the 1801mm width measurement for the BGTS does.

I think I might just add some of James's wing mirrors to irritate Ms YB anyway wink

Are we on for a coffee meet at 10:00 next Sunday, you, me James, Chris, whomever to kick things off?

I'd like to think that this could quickly become a large meeting of cars and people smile


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Monday 5th January 2015
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Shewie said:
=PH Name=||=Car=||=Name=||
Shewie Porsche 997 Turbo Paul
cibble10 Boxster GTS Paul
Insert PH name here Insert car here Insert name here (if you like)
Insert PH name here Insert car here Insert name here (if you like)
Insert PH name here Insert car here Insert name here (if you like)
Insert PH name here Insert car here Insert name here (if you like)
Insert PH name here Insert car here Insert name here (if you like)
Insert PH name here Insert car here Insert name here (if you like)
Insert PH name here Insert car here Insert name here (if you like)
Insert PH name here Insert car here Insert name here (if you like)

Maybe create a table like this for attendees?

To add your name just re quote, fill in details and repost.. (Try not to delete anyone already there!)
Thanks Shewie smile


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Tuesday 6th January 2015
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Stuart0620 said:
Having taken one for a test drive at Caterham I can honestly say the only words that do it justice are unhinged and utterly bonkers !

Caterham quote 0-60mph in 2.7 seconds but I have seen a road test that timed it at 2.4 seconds which it does in first gear and in less than 30 metres......and to think a McLaren P1 takes 2.8 seconds !

They say patience is a virtue but a 10 month wait is a long time but I think it might just be worth it when it arrives !

Edited by Stuart0620 on Monday 5th January 23:05
By then there will be a restriction on how fast local cars can accomplish 0 - 60 mph because who needs a wide car, or a car with foul emission or a car with high speed capabilities...? laugh

Colour restrictions will follow, bye bye racing yellow Porsche ... frown

Edited by cibble10 on Tuesday 6th January 08:38

Edited by cibble10 on Tuesday 6th January 08:39


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Tuesday 6th January 2015
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For Chris, after the HD wax... cool


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Thursday 8th January 2015
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Banzai987R said:
Does that colour wear the battery down? Seriously though, that is stunning!

Hope to see you Sunday!

Sadly the missus things it is stunning in the less complimentary way frown

Pleasingly most people think like we do smile


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Sunday 11th January 2015
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Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Sunday 11th January 2015
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High tide at 09.50, force 6/7 from west..... Might be parking across the road!!


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Sunday 11th January 2015
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And so it came to pass that the first gentlemen* -and one lady- of the Piston Heads of Guernsey Breakfast Club met, and with appropriate deference to the local flag arranged the photo shoot accordingly:

Plans for monthly meetings are to follow when details have been fleshed out.


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Monday 12th January 2015
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Love the mix of colours wink


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Monday 12th January 2015
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Banzai987R said:
So much for Porsches all being silver
They usually are on Jackson's forecourt wink

Obviously we own the more tasteful ones laugh

Edited by cibble10 on Monday 12th January 15:33

Edited by cibble10 on Wednesday 14th January 12:24


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Monday 12th January 2015
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Prev said:
Damn, missed it. Only just realized that PH now has a Channel Island sub forum. I'm in Guernsey by the way.

Hopefully the news of the CI forum will spread exponentially as we each spread the word smile


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Monday 12th January 2015
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darreni said:
A couple more, iphone pics I'm afraid:

Terrible out of line parking on the end by that R8 driver laugh


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Tuesday 13th January 2015
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Just an update.

Ably led by Stuart we are working on the venue and timing for the planned monthly meetings, so please know things are moving forward apace and we will report back in the next week or so!



Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Thursday 15th January 2015
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James19181 said:
Looking forward to hearing more, let us know if you need any assistance!
So young, and always a gentleman smile


Original Poster:

722 posts

122 months

Wednesday 4th February 2015
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OK, finally, here it is!!

After some debate the outcome is as follows:

After MUCH deliberation we have ruled out Vistas. Main reasons:

We'll likely outgrow it quite quickly.
Weather can result in sea and salt coming over.
Get's busy quickly in the summer.

We like the Crown Pier as:

The Boathouse is open from 09:00 and there is more parking space, away from prevailing winds/sea, less general public.

However we see this as a winter venue. We think the summer will bring out a lot more people and cars. Also, the pier is cut off on some cruise liner days when the front is restricted to pedestrians only.


Salerie Corner:

The rear 2/3rds was literally empty on the Sunday morning I checked at 10:00. A lovely open space for all our cars and visitors (about 150 cars I would suggest). Stuart has kindly offered to cover off the only apparent downside, lack of catering. No, he isn't personally making 150 bacon butties and mugs of brew but arranging a catering van for us. I am actually quite excited at how well I reckon this will work for all!


09:00 - 11:00.

I propose that this Sunday coming anyone interested should attend the Crown Pier for a less official meet.

First official Sunday meet will be on the Crown Pier on March 8th.

Possibly move to the Salerie in April. TBC! (Second Sunday again, April 12th.)