


Original Poster:

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50 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Evening All,

Been reading this EV Forum for a while but first time posting.

I don't think I am in a unique position; two car family, one SUV (LR Disco Sport) for all the family travel, schools runs etc and my workhorse saloon diesel. My Insignia I will run in to the ground, it costs me a pittance to run in terms of fuel and ownership so she is destined to stay with me for some time yet, but the Disco...

The iPace is the EV of choice (but open to suggestion!). Used now they can be picked up for as little as 25K (Part Ex on the Disco likely around 18K currently). Our driving fits the use case for it; charging almost exclusively from home, mostly short journeys (school etc.) and seldom in excess of 200 miles on any single journey.

17p per mile vs 5p (EV Tariff dependant of course), £240 VED on the Disco vs (currently) £0 on the Jag.

Are we reaching a point where the used EV market is starting to become attainable for normal folk (I consider myself normal!) and the economics of EV ownership over a dirty great 4x4 Diesel are starting to tip the balance?

Appreciate I've not covered all angles here (Insurance premiums, warranties, consumables etc) but is this the growing concensus or do I need to take the rose tinted glasses off?

I haven't test driven one yet and I think subconsciously that is a deliberate act. If it drives well (and the Disco is something of a boat in the corners especially) it would become a heart over head decision, but wanting it to be a logical decision before I let the emotion of 400hp become part of the process.


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23 posts

50 months

Thursday 27th July 2023
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plfrench said:
I'm just intrigued how you're averaging 17p per mile in a Disco Sport! Do you drive everywhere at 50mph and accelerate like there's an eggshell under your right foot! That's getting on for 40mpg average yikes
Cigarette packet maths but working on 38mpg at £1.349 per Litre (thanks Costco!).

Tend to be fairly economical in driving style, but that is usually necessitated by the mad costs associated with being more pointy with the throttle!

Currently don't have Android Auto in the Disco but did have it in the Tiguan previously and have missed it, so to regain that would be a win.

All points with reference to Suspension noted!

The slower charging capacity I don't forsee ever really being an issue as we would be almost exclusively home charging, but good to be aware of.

I suppose the question is more really, is now the time? Or is there value in waiting a bit longer yet? I've been tracking listings on AutoTrader for some time now and the volume increases and value of them continues to fall month by month.


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50 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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Update on this one.

Viewed a 69 plate SE spec model this afternoon. Vehicle had been left on a not very handy 8% charge so didn't take it out for a proper drive but was aloud to drive it a couple of hundred yards within the site.

Might only have been a total of half a mile in a very uninspiring car park but already the impression has been made; that instantaneous delivery of power is something to behold (especially when compared to the current Disco Sport Diesel)

Returning tomorrow for a proper test drive, spending this evening making sure all the sums add up but it's as good as a done deal, it's incredible.


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50 months

Tuesday 3rd October 2023
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OP Update.

Now the very, very happy owner of a iPace SE. Collected yesterday evening. Couldn't be more impressed with the car or sales experience at Arnold Clark.

Bonus was the switchover of insurance from the Disco Sport to the iPace was a mere £31 on a Multi-Car Policy. I was braced for significantly worse with six months to run on this year's policy.

Home Charger install to be managed by Bumblebee EV via an offer through Arnold Clark, so if anyone has any experience I'm all ears.

If I had one criticism, and it isn't really a criticism, it does seem to steam up the front window quite a bit, but perhaps that says more about my heart/perspiration rate than any underlying issue. Its glorious.


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50 months

Tuesday 3rd October 2023
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TheDeuce said:
Definitely something to check out asap as that can be very expensive to repair.

First, check if the car has had a new windscreen fitted - any Jag dealer should able to tell - if it's not obvious by looking at the etching that it's been replaced.

Also make sure AC is on, not to cool the car but to dry the air and remove any sitting water which could be present.
As soon as I put the aircon on it cleared up almost immediately, it did feel quite humid in the car (before putting the aircon on) which may have contributed.

However, will check the windscreen detail, thanks for the tip!


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23 posts

50 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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Thought I would take a moment to update this.

First off, car is immense. It is no effortlessly driveable, I'm not sure of the iPace is just excellent or it is more indicative of EV's in general, but I am really enjoying the driving experience.

The thing I find almost the most odd is that the car suggests a higher range in Dynamic than in Comfort (and equal that of Eco), so... do folk just drive it in Dynamic? Surely that is nonsense, the throttle sensitivity in Dynamic is incredible, it can't be the most efficient way of getting about.

Now, this windscreen. I've read in to this and it seems the common check is to push your fingers from the inside to see if there is any movement in the screen; there isn't any that I can feel.

I am religiously checking the interior for any dampness and it's all okay in that regard. However, it does just seem to mist up in normal driving, but clears up instantly when the AC is turned on. We've tended to just leave it on now, and no issues at all, not sure if that is the normal user experience or not.

As for the Charger install. Well, i won't go as far as to say avoid the Arnold Clark & Bumblebee EV Charger offer however, there is clearly a bit of a disconnect between those two organisations and neither seems particularly rushed to do.. well, anything, frankly.

Bumblebee have until a week today to meet their 14 Day obligation, so we'll see, but I am not hopeful.


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50 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Sadly it appears, with ours at least, there is a catch!

Battery fault on the dash currently, says its okay to drive but charging is restricted to 72% and can't get it on to the Dealership until Mid-February for a diagnostic. Should be covered under the Warranty so hopefully more just an irritant than a financial disaster.

However, with that said, the car is immense, it is an absolutely joy to drive and don't regret buying it one iota, just hope Jaguar can put it right promptly so I can get back to really enjoying it fully again.


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50 months

Saturday 17th February
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Thought I'd provide a bit of an update on my iPace ownership so far!

Had the HV Battery Caution light in December, charging limited to 72% and all part of this H441 drama JLR have triggered with their various update shenanigans.

Long story short, earliest JLR in Notts could get it in for diagnosis was this week; this is partly due to the inundation of iPace with the same issue and that the Derby Dealership is currently out of action due to flooding.

Diagnosis complete, 1 cell failure (Cell 6, if interested), part ordered and JLR will contact once its in and ready to fit.

There was a time the dealer kept hold of the vehicle and provided a loaner but this has recently changed (according to JLR UK) and owners are able to retain their vehicle until it is called in for the works to be done.

Apparently parts shortages is not the issue, reckon the replacement Cell will be with them within a couple of weeks, but the delay now is actually because they haven't the staff/equipment to deal with the backlog (assume it is a fairly complex process to expose the Battery and replace cells).

All in all, a frustrating episode but JLR have been fairly good on so far.

Upside is the car is just immense. Haven't had to public charge even since the 72% charge restriction, though a couple of close shaves on range, so a pittance to run on home charging.

No signs of this dreaded windscreen bonding issue, carpets and headlining are checked routinely so touchwood all good there!

Hopefully the Cell replacement is nipped in the next month or so and can get to really enjoying it in our first summer with it.


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50 months

Tuesday 5th March
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OP here.

We've got an Ohme ePod and haven't been using the Jaguar API (couldnt get it to work and its been just fine without it!) and also haven't received this email either.

Under the impression the ePod is compatible with Octopus Intelligent irregardless of the car, so might still be okay, but not an ideal circumstance..

No idea what that means for us really!


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23 posts

50 months

Saturday 8th June
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OP here.

An update 9 or so months in to ownership.

We can finally charge to 100% again! Had a battery fault back in December, in for diagnostics in February and finally had the cell replaced this week.

Since December, we have been limited to 72% charge due to the fault. Actually, that hasn't been too bad for our usage profile but could see how it could well be a serious problem for others.

That said, the Jaguar Dealership/Repairs network is clearly under a lot of stress (and I'm being polite with that description). It shouldn't take three months for a diagnosis and a further four to get it in for the work to be completed.

Alas, that is what we have had to deal with. That said, it is still an exceptional vehicle and (despite the catastrophic depreciation) I don't regret buying it one bit and hope that the mechanical woes are behind us.

Interestingly, had a 23' plate courtesy iPace whilst it was in for a few days; some very obvious minor improvements to the overall package but not overwhelmed. Feels like a missed opportunity on perhaps, seeing how far other marques have evolved in the four years between that and ours.


Original Poster:

23 posts

50 months

Monday 24th June
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Aside from the battery issue (cell replaced under warranty, though I'll grant you it wasn't a quick process) ours has been faultless so far.

Quick scan on AT and you can pick up an SE, circa 40k miles for £20,000. With that you'd get 60,000 miles of battery warranty (or about 3/4 years dependant on age) which negates the significant underlying issues with it somewhat.

Did 100 miles on a family day out yesterday, honestly couldn't imagine doing it in anything else nowadays, it's such a wonderful thing to drive & place to sit and all for the joy of 3p a mile (on Octopus IOG) almost no matter how you drive *in warmer weather.