Megane E-Tech



Original Poster:

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187 months

Thursday 4th May 2023
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Has anyone got one of these or had a serious look at one? If so what were your impressions?

I'm moving to (ruralish, north-east) Netherlands in the summer on a work assignment for 12 months and long-story short, the vehicle choice is the Megane, a Leaf or a VW ID3. The range of the Leaf puts it last (~230km vs ~430km for the other two, all projected of course) and whilst none of them are lookers, I don't mind the look of the Megane to be honest. Running costs aren't a consideration as it'll be on company account.

This would be my first time looking at an all-electric vehicle so probably got a lot to learn about them. The smaller hatchback options aren't much cheaper than this class; and the likes of the C40, ID5 ad Ioniq are a fair bit more expensive - so it's a choice of these 3 at the same price.

ETA this is just a 12 month lease, so looking at this in pure terms of usability/day-to-day living with it approach; the ownership/future value etc doesn't really apply in my case.

Edited by parabolica on Thursday 4th May 08:54


Original Poster:

6,762 posts

187 months

Thursday 4th May 2023
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Cheers pal - spookily I was originally thinking of the PS2 as I’m a Volvo guy at heart but I’m not 100% happy with the exterior looks. Appreciate if you feedback with how you find the range in the Megane once you’ve had it a while. I’ve a few months to go so plenty of time to ponder this.


Original Poster:

6,762 posts

187 months

Saturday 6th May 2023
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Out of interest I ran a quote for the Megane through our company’s electric car scheme and it came back at £350 a month all in, inc servicing, tyres and insurance. Bummer I’m not back in the UK as I would snap that deal up; the quote for the same kind of deal but in NL is considerably more (but so is everything else).


Original Poster:

6,762 posts

187 months

Monday 26th June 2023
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uuf361 said:
Mine arrived last week, really pleased with it so far.

This week will start to put some miles on it going to work but round town it’s been good and averaging 4.1 mkwh
Good stuff; I won't be in my new location until August and whether or not my apartment is close to chargers will determine whether I go full electric or not. But if I do, the Megane is still top of the list based on all the reviews I've read/watched. Interested to hear how you get on with it.


Original Poster:

6,762 posts

187 months

Tuesday 22nd August 2023
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Well after finally getting settled into dutch life and looking into car options, the dealership I was dealing with announced they had no Meganes available for months, in fact all electric cars were on back order, so no EV for me. Ended up with something completely different - Ceed Sportwagon - which in fairness is pretty nice, but my conversion to EV living has to wait.