Any new Renault Zoe owners out there?

Any new Renault Zoe owners out there?



Original Poster:

902 posts

97 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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Doing the maths again this morning, and there are some good lease deals with Renault Retail at the moment on the Zoe 135kw Rapid Charge - 3+35 = £320 month on 15kpa. Considering we are putting £150+ of diesel in a nearly 5 year old Fiat 500X at the moment to commute into the Birmingham suburbs every day via M5/M42, its starting to really add up.

Is anyone running one yet, how are they finding it? This will be our first step into EV, tried a Model S and a 3, quite liked it, clearly this is a very different 'white goods' proposition. Anyone any experience of Annual Servicing costs - cant find much information around that?

Says 240 miles on a charge, daily commute is 65 round trip, 40 weeks a year with the odd zip into town at the weekend. Website quotes 150 miles real range in Winter, so on paper its well over-specced for what we need. Occasional trip to Cornwall means stopping for a 30min break somewhere round Exeter, but thats no real issue, we do anyway. And we have another car for any real long distance continental trips.

The 500X was a second family car, we dont need the space anymore and can chop it in and clear the outstanding finance with enough left for the 3+ bit of the lease.

Just seems cost neutral at least, when we are paying £230pm on a loan on the 500X, then chucking £150 of diesel in on top of that plus additional service / maintenance / MOT costs which come with an older car. Even after you chuck £40 of additional electricity each month on the bill.

Hmmm. Almost a no brainer?


1,197 posts

220 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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dgswk said:
Doing the maths again this morning, and there are some good lease deals with Renault Retail at the moment on the Zoe 135kw Rapid Charge - 3+35 = £320 month on 15kpa. Considering we are putting £150+ of diesel in a nearly 5 year old Fiat 500X at the moment to commute into the Birmingham suburbs every day via M5/M42, its starting to really add up.

Is anyone running one yet, how are they finding it? This will be our first step into EV, tried a Model S and a 3, quite liked it, clearly this is a very different 'white goods' proposition. Anyone any experience of Annual Servicing costs - cant find much information around that?

Says 240 miles on a charge, daily commute is 65 round trip, 40 weeks a year with the odd zip into town at the weekend. Website quotes 150 miles real range in Winter, so on paper its well over-specced for what we need. Occasional trip to Cornwall means stopping for a 30min break somewhere round Exeter, but thats no real issue, we do anyway. And we have another car for any real long distance continental trips.

The 500X was a second family car, we dont need the space anymore and can chop it in and clear the outstanding finance with enough left for the 3+ bit of the lease.

Just seems cost neutral at least, when we are paying £230pm on a loan on the 500X, then chucking £150 of diesel in on top of that plus additional service / maintenance / MOT costs which come with an older car. Even after you chuck £40 of additional electricity each month on the bill.

Hmmm. Almost a no brainer?
I have been looking at replacing our Diesel Zafira with an electric car. I looked at the Zoe and as you say, there are some very good deals out there at present. In the end with two teenagers, we decided it was a wee bit small for our needs so we have gone for a Kona, but the Zoe was very impressive especially with the 50kwh battery.

In your circumstances I agree it is a no-brainer, especially if you have a home charger and can charge on a cheap overnight rate. We are on Octopus Go at 5p/kwh 0030-0430. For reference I have done 7500 miles in my Tesla M3P and it has cost me c£120 in electricity, so that works out at £240 for 15k, or £20/month. The Zoe will probably be even more efficient (I am getting around 3 miles/kwh, you should get nearer to 4 miles).

Servicing costs I believe are £60-£100, but I would suggest you ring a few of your local dealers to confirm exactly what they are. Renault do offer a service plan, so you should look at that too.

Good luck.


135 posts

188 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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I have a ZE40 Zoe. I would expect the ZE50 to deal happily with your daily duties (I think I've only had a couple of times in winter where I couldn't do 130 miles in my ZE40 if I was careful with the throttle), but longer distances are dependant on chargers, how you drive on the motorway and the weather. I drive to Cornwall (from Oxford) a couple of times a year, and it's basically 250 miles door to door. In the summer, if the weather is nice and it's not windy then one stop around Exeter is fine (though I have to stop for longer as I only have 22kW charging), but if it's cold/windy then we need 2 stops (usually south of Bristol and then Exeter). The A30 is not conducive to economical driving as it is so up and down (and always seems to be a headwind). I tend to drive around 65mph - if you want to do 75mph then your range will be significantly less.

The ZE50 looks really nice and CCS would be great, but the cost to change is too great for me (I own my Zoe and the battery). The deals seem only to be on PCP/PCH, not ownership, but if that's what you are looking for, they are probably the best way into an EV with a good range. The only downside (ZE40->ZE50) seems to be that the key has turned into a generic Renault one so you can't set preconditioning from that (and the app is rubbish for everyone). The 2 places where you are most likely to find ZE50 owners who can tell you the good and the bad are on the SpeakEV forum, and on the RZOC facebook page. The RZOC lot are a friendly bunch.

Servicing - first 2 years are £99, then the third year has a bunch of extra stuff like brake fluid change and possibly 12V battery change, so is a bit over £300 I think (mine's coming up in a couple of months). One thing worth checking if you are looking at one of the deals is that some of the cars that are in the country ready to go don't have CCS, so would be limited to 22kW AC charging. That's the same as my car - it's not a disaster, but eventually AC rapid will die out (some of the newer charging companies don't support it at all), so if you are looking at it as a long termer, or if you think you are going to need to rapid charge on a regular basis, I'd make sure you get one with CCS.

Edited by DuncanM23 on Friday 24th July 09:55


2,368 posts

270 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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I'm a new Zoe 50 owner and presently enjoying it. In some respects the car is still too new to give to much on it, both for me and for the actual model. There are some issues behind the scenes, but those do not detract from the car itself (unless pre-conditioning is not fixed by winter) and it's been a decent drive. App is crap but Renault now admit there are issues with it. Pre-conditioning is meant to have been fixed in a new major firmware update that all new cars will have, but for older ones it means back to Renault for flashing as it can't be done OTA.

I've not tried a long journey yet as it's a second car for me, though I might in a few weeks time with a 500 mile round trip - will probably try CCS charging about 2/3rds the way out and a third the way back.

Couple of things to be aware of. There's no height base angle adjustment on the seats due to the placement of the battery - the upside is a full sized boot. Also the steering wheel and central console are shared components across the Renault brand so there are blank buttons - if that's an issue for you. The stronger regeneration does not allow one foot driving (though it's not bad) and you do get used to it quickly - so much so that the ECO mode on my Lexus (which is KERS style) now feels like it's no longer assisting in braking.

I should add, I bought mine so I also got the free Chargemaster 7 KW charger install - think you get that on PCP, but worth checking.


31,343 posts

257 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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No adaptive cruise control I think?

The Zoe look great little cars shame we dont see much of them here (they are $68k up!)


12,706 posts

158 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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RobDickinson said:
No adaptive cruise control I think?

The Zoe look great little cars shame we dont see much of them here (they are $68k up!)


1,612 posts

169 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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I had one the first Zoes when they were giving them away on PCP. It did its job really well for the regular short , stop/start journeys we do.

The only two problems I had during the PCP were;
It didn't like public chargers, most of the time it would not charge (they probably fixed this by now), worked fine on our home charger though.
A teenager jumped in front of it (and I mean that literally). My guess is even with the fake noise generator he simply didn't hear it. So loss of no claims, car off the road for repair, insurance and police investigation etc.. No fault on my part but you can't blame or claim on a kid so effectively my fault by default.

I ended up giving it back early but the car itself was ace and the maths did work, it saved us money. My main reason for getting rid was simply due to being a petrol head and missing the drama of my old hot hatch. I went back to an FN2 type R.


57 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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I posted in the leasing thread yesterday and it looks like I’m in for one at £269.84 3+35 10k 8ppm overage

Not the rapid, just the r135 gt

I had one of the early Zoe too - like stargazer. The extra range on the current incarnation will be a massive improvement over the <100 (& in winter <70) mile range the previous one had.

Edited by anonymous-user on Friday 24th July 20:33


Original Poster:

902 posts

97 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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Thanks guys, some good feedback there, I’m not going mad then, it will work and probably save me £50+ a month and remove the expensive bill risk on the 500x. Will need to look at energy suppliers next March when our tariff expires for cheap overnight stuff and stick it on a time clock?

We bottled a Tesla S 18 months ago, and went with a weekend sports car + daily diesel shed for me for work, an M3P was a glimpse on the horizon back then. The kids have their own £500 shed to share, we were struggling to think of the last time we all went out together. It only ever happens when the kids pick us up from the pub in their car lol!

The performance doesn’t bother us at all, this is about a clean, cost effective way of commuting into Birmingham and pottering around town. Good point about the A30, Plymouth to Penzance, 235 miles for us, but if we took the Zoe, we may have to stop twice. Most likely, we’d take the diesel shed, it’s sand and surfboard proof for a start.

So, need to check out 1+23 leases to avoid the £300 service some point in Year 3 and will check the leasing deals PH thread. Looks like a Zoe then! Not on FB (luddite) or would check out the Zoe Owners page. May hack mrs dgswk’s account.... she’ll be using it most of time.

Thank you again smile


57 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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You can always try one via evezy and see how it suits you for a couple of months. I might even have one now but the lack of reach adjust on the steering wheel meant it was impossible to get a comfortable driving position.


22,778 posts

143 months

Friday 24th July 2020
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charltjr said:
You can always try one via evezy and see how it suits you for a couple of months. I might even have one now but the lack of reach adjust on the steering wheel meant it was impossible to get a comfortable driving position.
They have both reach and rake adjustment on the steering wheel.


Original Poster:

902 posts

97 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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Hi chaps

Looks like we are pushing on this this, negotiating between Renault Retail and Electric Auto on the best lease deal at the moment; 1+35 for £343 seems to be about the best, only a few pennies between them, then repeat in 3 years.

Couple of questions for the experienced amongst you.....

Trying to talk to my Electric Supplier (Scottish Power) about cheap overnight charging, 00:00 to 05:00, they do it, 5.6p KWh down from 14.76p, just need to have a well connected smart meter. Our smart meter hasn't worked in years, so they are looking into it..... good job the car wont arrive for a couple of months.

Begs the question - I'm not waiting till midnight to rush outside and plug it in and getting up at 5 to unplug it. How do you schedule the charge - does the wall box do it, or does the car do it? Do I need a posh charger, or will the cheapest T2 be fine?

Leased cars dont get the BP Chargemaster free install I'm told, so it will be DIY. I'm an ex-electrician, not quite forgotten everything yet, but basically a 6mm on a 32A breaker, < 8m from distribution board so should be fine. Actually better, as I'll have floor boards up and hide the cables.

That is unless I can find a good deal, but am I missing something - even with the grant, they all seem to be > £500, a lot of money for 10m of 6mm, a breaker, a box with a big plug on it and an easy mornings work?


135 posts

188 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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You can buy used chargerboxes on eBay. There's also a DIY version available - I'm sure you can find it if you search (I think the technical term is EVSE). It's not just a giant plug, there's some sort of handshake that it does before starting charging (and the Zoe has a particular liking for a good earth connection - people have had issues where a Zoe won't charge but other EVs will). There are some smart ones that can modulate how much power is used if you have solar panels, but as far as I can tell there's no benefit to smart chargers otherwise.

As for starting charging in the middle of the night, the car has a screen with which you can control when it starts charging, in theory you could also do it on the app if it actually worked!


3,692 posts

256 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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I went from a petrol 500X to a 40kwh Zoe. The Zoe is pretty good and costs very little to run but the 500X was much better in terms of build quality, ergonomics and general design, a lot of these issues appear to have been resolved with the new version.
I have done almost 70k miles in 2.5 years, it has been very reliable, surprisingly good fun to drive and I have achieved up to 180 miles on a single charge.
I hope to get a Tesla Model 3 next, partly because I would like a bit more space but I would consider another Zoe if the Tesla option doesn’t work out.

The Rotrex Kid

30,727 posts

163 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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dgswk said:
Hi chaps

Looks like we are pushing on this this, negotiating between Renault Retail and Electric Auto on the best lease deal at the moment; 1+35 for £343 seems to be about the best, only a few pennies between them, then repeat in 3 years.

Couple of questions for the experienced amongst you.....

Trying to talk to my Electric Supplier (Scottish Power) about cheap overnight charging, 00:00 to 05:00, they do it, 5.6p KWh down from 14.76p, just need to have a well connected smart meter. Our smart meter hasn't worked in years, so they are looking into it..... good job the car wont arrive for a couple of months.

Begs the question - I'm not waiting till midnight to rush outside and plug it in and getting up at 5 to unplug it. How do you schedule the charge - does the wall box do it, or does the car do it? Do I need a posh charger, or will the cheapest T2 be fine?

Leased cars dont get the BP Chargemaster free install I'm told, so it will be DIY. I'm an ex-electrician, not quite forgotten everything yet, but basically a 6mm on a 32A breaker, < 8m from distribution board so should be fine. Actually better, as I'll have floor boards up and hide the cables.

That is unless I can find a good deal, but am I missing something - even with the grant, they all seem to be > £500, a lot of money for 10m of 6mm, a breaker, a box with a big plug on it and an easy mornings work?
Shame you’re so far away, I could supply you one on the same deal!

As for the charging, you can schedule it from within the car or the app.


22,778 posts

143 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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The Rotrex Kid said:
dgswk said:
Hi chaps

Looks like we are pushing on this this, negotiating between Renault Retail and Electric Auto on the best lease deal at the moment; 1+35 for £343 seems to be about the best, only a few pennies between them, then repeat in 3 years.

Couple of questions for the experienced amongst you.....

Trying to talk to my Electric Supplier (Scottish Power) about cheap overnight charging, 00:00 to 05:00, they do it, 5.6p KWh down from 14.76p, just need to have a well connected smart meter. Our smart meter hasn't worked in years, so they are looking into it..... good job the car wont arrive for a couple of months.

Begs the question - I'm not waiting till midnight to rush outside and plug it in and getting up at 5 to unplug it. How do you schedule the charge - does the wall box do it, or does the car do it? Do I need a posh charger, or will the cheapest T2 be fine?

Leased cars dont get the BP Chargemaster free install I'm told, so it will be DIY. I'm an ex-electrician, not quite forgotten everything yet, but basically a 6mm on a 32A breaker, < 8m from distribution board so should be fine. Actually better, as I'll have floor boards up and hide the cables.

That is unless I can find a good deal, but am I missing something - even with the grant, they all seem to be > £500, a lot of money for 10m of 6mm, a breaker, a box with a big plug on it and an easy mornings work?
Shame you’re so far away, I could supply you one on the same deal!

As for the charging, you can schedule it from within the car or the app.
I think I can do a far better deal than that on PCH, where are you dgswk and what is your annual mileage?

The Rotrex Kid

30,727 posts

163 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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HTP99 said:
The Rotrex Kid said:
dgswk said:
Hi chaps

Looks like we are pushing on this this, negotiating between Renault Retail and Electric Auto on the best lease deal at the moment; 1+35 for £343 seems to be about the best, only a few pennies between them, then repeat in 3 years.

Couple of questions for the experienced amongst you.....

Trying to talk to my Electric Supplier (Scottish Power) about cheap overnight charging, 00:00 to 05:00, they do it, 5.6p KWh down from 14.76p, just need to have a well connected smart meter. Our smart meter hasn't worked in years, so they are looking into it..... good job the car wont arrive for a couple of months.

Begs the question - I'm not waiting till midnight to rush outside and plug it in and getting up at 5 to unplug it. How do you schedule the charge - does the wall box do it, or does the car do it? Do I need a posh charger, or will the cheapest T2 be fine?

Leased cars dont get the BP Chargemaster free install I'm told, so it will be DIY. I'm an ex-electrician, not quite forgotten everything yet, but basically a 6mm on a 32A breaker, < 8m from distribution board so should be fine. Actually better, as I'll have floor boards up and hide the cables.

That is unless I can find a good deal, but am I missing something - even with the grant, they all seem to be > £500, a lot of money for 10m of 6mm, a breaker, a box with a big plug on it and an easy mornings work?
Shame you’re so far away, I could supply you one on the same deal!

As for the charging, you can schedule it from within the car or the app.
I think I can do a far better deal than that on PCH, where are you dgswk and what is your annual mileage?
Can you? hehe

What discount are you using that I’m not?

1+35, GT line RC in glacier with 15kpa non maintained?


22,778 posts

143 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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The Rotrex Kid said:
HTP99 said:
The Rotrex Kid said:
dgswk said:
Hi chaps

Looks like we are pushing on this this, negotiating between Renault Retail and Electric Auto on the best lease deal at the moment; 1+35 for £343 seems to be about the best, only a few pennies between them, then repeat in 3 years.

Couple of questions for the experienced amongst you.....

Trying to talk to my Electric Supplier (Scottish Power) about cheap overnight charging, 00:00 to 05:00, they do it, 5.6p KWh down from 14.76p, just need to have a well connected smart meter. Our smart meter hasn't worked in years, so they are looking into it..... good job the car wont arrive for a couple of months.

Begs the question - I'm not waiting till midnight to rush outside and plug it in and getting up at 5 to unplug it. How do you schedule the charge - does the wall box do it, or does the car do it? Do I need a posh charger, or will the cheapest T2 be fine?

Leased cars dont get the BP Chargemaster free install I'm told, so it will be DIY. I'm an ex-electrician, not quite forgotten everything yet, but basically a 6mm on a 32A breaker, < 8m from distribution board so should be fine. Actually better, as I'll have floor boards up and hide the cables.

That is unless I can find a good deal, but am I missing something - even with the grant, they all seem to be > £500, a lot of money for 10m of 6mm, a breaker, a box with a big plug on it and an easy mornings work?
Shame you’re so far away, I could supply you one on the same deal!

As for the charging, you can schedule it from within the car or the app.
I think I can do a far better deal than that on PCH, where are you dgswk and what is your annual mileage?
Can you? hehe

What discount are you using that I’m not?

1+35, GT line RC in glacier with 15kpa non maintained?
I had a guy in yesterday on a PCH based on a non Rapid Gt-Line 3+35 10k pa which with a quick calculation worked out at circa £2k less than dgswk's quote (assuming 10k pa), OK a rapid charge but residual percentage on a rapid charge is higher than a non rapid charge, I'd need to look at it properly, I may be completely wrong!

The Rotrex Kid

30,727 posts

163 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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HTP99 said:
The Rotrex Kid said:
HTP99 said:
The Rotrex Kid said:
dgswk said:
Hi chaps

Looks like we are pushing on this this, negotiating between Renault Retail and Electric Auto on the best lease deal at the moment; 1+35 for £343 seems to be about the best, only a few pennies between them, then repeat in 3 years.

Couple of questions for the experienced amongst you.....

Trying to talk to my Electric Supplier (Scottish Power) about cheap overnight charging, 00:00 to 05:00, they do it, 5.6p KWh down from 14.76p, just need to have a well connected smart meter. Our smart meter hasn't worked in years, so they are looking into it..... good job the car wont arrive for a couple of months.

Begs the question - I'm not waiting till midnight to rush outside and plug it in and getting up at 5 to unplug it. How do you schedule the charge - does the wall box do it, or does the car do it? Do I need a posh charger, or will the cheapest T2 be fine?

Leased cars dont get the BP Chargemaster free install I'm told, so it will be DIY. I'm an ex-electrician, not quite forgotten everything yet, but basically a 6mm on a 32A breaker, < 8m from distribution board so should be fine. Actually better, as I'll have floor boards up and hide the cables.

That is unless I can find a good deal, but am I missing something - even with the grant, they all seem to be > £500, a lot of money for 10m of 6mm, a breaker, a box with a big plug on it and an easy mornings work?
Shame you’re so far away, I could supply you one on the same deal!

As for the charging, you can schedule it from within the car or the app.
I think I can do a far better deal than that on PCH, where are you dgswk and what is your annual mileage?
Can you? hehe

What discount are you using that I’m not?

1+35, GT line RC in glacier with 15kpa non maintained?
I had a guy in yesterday on a PCH based on a non Rapid Gt-Line 3+35 10k pa which with a quick calculation worked out at circa £2k less than dgswk's quote (assuming 10k pa), OK a rapid charge but residual percentage on a rapid charge is higher than a non rapid charge, I'd need to look at it properly, I may be completely wrong!
1+35 on an RC is £316 @ 10k, those 15k miles make a hell of a difference!


2,616 posts

205 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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I have mixed feeling about these.

I had one of the first edition when it was almost cheaper than walking to lease one (£79pcm+£50 battery rental, no deposit).

I quite liked the car and there’s only really 3 important elements to the car; the battery pack, the motor and the cabling between the two. Trouble is, all 3 needed replacing under warranty within a few thousand miles after total failure of the car occurred with no warning (blocking the entrance/exit to my kids nursery for 6 hours). Glad I wasn’t paying the bill!

Still, the Corsa that Renault put me in for a week while investigating the issue made me realise that I really liked driving the Zoe but, in truth, the novelty had warn off by the time the 2 year lease ended; not helped by the growing reluctance for it to connect to the home charger (I never bothered trying to charge away from home).

Despite this, I have quite fond memories and, despite having friends who also leased one, know of nobody else that had the problems I did.

I wonder whether the later models retain the charm but have subtly improved the reliability and, of course, the range. All in all, I still think they’re the answer to a lot of current automotive questions.