EV drivers


Zed 44

Original Poster:

1,266 posts

161 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Do some EV drivers have a chip on their shoulders? Twice when I have been out in my Mercedes SLC AMG, EV drivers have raced up behind and tailgaited me, on twisty roads obviously wanting to race. I asked my neighbour who owns an F-type if he had had a similar experience and he said he had had one with a Tesla driver. Is there something about EV owners that they think because not only are they saving the planet but now that they have big chunky machines that can run circles around previous cars that were dominant on the roads, that now they're going to show them?


9,631 posts

260 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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6,688 posts

26 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Zed 44 said:
Do some EV drivers have a chip on their shoulders? Twice when I have been out in my Mercedes SLC AMG, EV drivers have raced up behind and tailgaited me, on twisty roads obviously wanting to race. I asked my neighbour who owns an F-type if he had had a similar experience and he said he had had one with a Tesla driver. Is there something about EV owners that they think because not only are they saving the planet but now that they have big chunky machines that can run circles around previous cars that were dominant on the roads, that now they're going to show them?
Some drivers are morons. It's not EV specific although I would guess a lot of drivers never having been exposed to a properly fast car before would believe they were piloting a starship, not a Kia biggrin


918 posts

128 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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I imagine traffic light gp starts are going to be their main forte given the torque. Golf GTD drivers won't be amused


1,211 posts

56 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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I can't say I've ever drove up someones backside to encourage them to race.

For me it's traffic light GP's. Even without trying I'm usually well away from the lights before the vehicle next to me.


3,414 posts

145 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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I dare say that they're actually just trying to listen to the soundtrack your engine is making!
In all seriousness though, I'd bet most of the time, the driver will be in his/her own little world just keeping pace with whats in front of them.
I say this since I used to think the same, when out in my Monaro, often noticing people glued my arse, but then after paying more attention when driving my van or Astra, people are just the same - glued to my bumper in their own little bubble.


2,755 posts

204 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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I drive a tesla on a regular basis and the answer is no.

But you do go to odds to mention its an AMG - is it you being sensitive maybe?

Nomme de Plum

5,725 posts

21 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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It's hardly surprising that the less than adequate ICE drivers that have now migrated to EVs are, guess what, still poor drivers.

It was said some time ago that EV drivers were holding up everyone else so they could max out range. It is a complete nonsense of course.

Good, competent and considerate drivers will drive in exactly the same way as they always did. Changing to EV will make no difference. The converse applies also.

I suppose there will be a few tiny Gti buzz box drivers when they migrate to EV will want to show off. It's nothing new though is it?


3,401 posts

130 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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I guess it makes a change from the "All EV driver drives slowly to save range post" biggrin

However to answer your question, yes I have on occasion spotted someone in a Mercedes SLC AMG (note: I don't do this to std Mercedes SLC's) or similar and tried to see if I can smoke err, electron them...biggrin


68,174 posts

226 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Why would you think they want to race? I'd imagine they just want to drive faster than you are.

Not that that's an excuse for tailgating, obviously, but sadly being tailgated is just part of driving. My approach is to find somewhere convenient to pull over and let them past.

Riley Blue

21,432 posts

231 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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deckster said:



944 posts

157 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Literally the only time I've ever "beaten" any vehicle (including bikes) in my Model 3 is from the lights.

Never goaded anyone into anything, nor wanted to. Most of the time I drive it exactly as I do my 440i, that is to say normally, not drawing any attention to myself and for the most part quite sedately.


42,371 posts

205 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Not my experience, though you get the odd one like any car, and I suppose if you have plenty of poke, you may as well use it.

Did have a Model 3 have a go, he was I think rather perturbed when he couldn't pull away, obviously used to lay waste to anything and everything, electric is one thing but power to weight is power to weight, instant torque and no gear changes advantage aside.

Also, as you dont hear them, they are so much more discreet, though someone launched a Polestar something or other one evening late on whilst i was walking the dog, despite the relative lack of noise it was quite dramatic due to how fast it took off.

Most seem to be driven with an eye on range/economy, I can see why as teaching the knob in the Fiesta whos boss is one thing but when it costs you ten miles off your range, I can see why you arent inclined to bother.


69 posts

143 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Funny happened yesterday. Moron in a MachE overtook me in a 40 doing at least 80mph. I have a racy looking Fiesta ST3(perhaps thought I was up for race!) but as had daughter in the car we just burst out laughing.
2 miles later caught up to him in 3 way lights we laughed again!

Tbf it was fast and impressive speed granted and I wouldn’t have been able to get anywhere near them if I gave my little 200 bhp the beans. But driving like that on public roads big no for me.

Edited by GTIfarmer on Wednesday 27th September 16:42


617 posts

164 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Riley Blue said:
deckster said:

The OP's post is similar to saying are all BMW drivers knobs, do Audi drivers forget there are indicators fitted etc etc. Very boring indeed. EV drivers are like any other group of people, some are weapons grade cockwombles, some are not. The same person up your chuff in an EV would drive like that in a 1.1 pop plus fiesta.

Tye Green

754 posts

114 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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think OP just wanted to tell us all what car he has......


59 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Maybe you are holding them up?


2,520 posts

139 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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You're more than likely just experiencing confirmation bias.


14,583 posts

143 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Zed 44 said:
Do some EV drivers have a chip on their shoulders? Twice when I have been out in my Mercedes SLC AMG, EV drivers have raced up behind and tailgaited me, on twisty roads obviously wanting to race. I asked my neighbour who owns an F-type if he had had a similar experience and he said he had had one with a Tesla driver. Is there something about EV owners that they think because not only are they saving the planet but now that they have big chunky machines that can run circles around previous cars that were dominant on the roads, that now they're going to show them?
Have you thought about buying an EV? The Mercedes offerings are very good


350 posts

124 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Nope- from my limited experience and encounters on the road it used to seem like a higher proportion of Tesla drivers would be like that but since EV’s have been more widely adopted it seems to have settled down a bit and seems about the same as ICE cars overall.