Promoted content: Test drive a BMW i3 courtesy of PH

Promoted content: Test drive a BMW i3 courtesy of PH



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6,349 posts

182 months

PH Marketing Bloke

Tuesday 22nd March 2016
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If there’s one car to finally break the milk float image of electric vehicles the stylish, all carbon fibre BMW i3 is the one. There’s certainly much to admire in the concept but the proof is really in the driving and, once we’d had a go, we were convinced. And we suspect many of you will be in a similar position.

So whether you need an urban run-around, a second family car or just want to do your bit to save the planet (or be seen to be doing so) and fancy giving the i3 a go we’ve teamed up with BMW to make test driving one as hassle-free as possible.

Literally all you have to do is follow this link, fill out the form and you'll get a call to confirm your appointment with your nearest dealer. Its as simple as that and Bob’s your uncle. We’d love to hear how you get on, especially if you end up buying one, so make sure you keep us posted through the forums.
