Do EV's encourage poor driving?

Do EV's encourage poor driving?



2,348 posts

137 months

Thursday 28th March
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TheDeuce said:
JackJarvis said:
Christ. Some EV drivers really do think they're the main character. laugh

To be fair, I find both extreme ends of the EV vs ICE debate equally embarrassing. They're cars, not football teams ffs. Just drive what you like and stop caring about what other people do.

I drive both, I enjoy both. I've got a passion for cars, whatever they're powered by.
The thread was posted to ask a question, which people are answering... You have posted to complain about people posting to answer the question asked? Why?

And which posts here demonstrate an 'extreme end of the debate'?

I think you're looking for a problem you expected to exist but didn't actually find on this thread..
Don't waste your time on me chap, I like EVs. You must have about 100 other EV threads to update with regular vigour. Please go and tell more people about how many ICE cars you've beaten today when you "weren't racing them". hehe


4,227 posts

100 months

Thursday 28th March
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2 years in a Nissan Leaf has certainly changed my driving behaviour. With so little range, you learn how to eek out more range. Simple things like leaving a bigger gap to the vehicle in front and in general, insuring there is hardly ever a situation where you have to brake quite hard.

I've an ID3 now and a Range Rover Sport (3L diesel) and I can get 45mpg out of that motherfker no problem, due to my new found eco skills.

The ID3 has just over 200bhp but I'll use max power infrequently. Comes in handy from time to time. Its fairly rapid off the line, but there are quite a lot of EV's that are much quicker again. Then you've got the ones that are insanely quick too. You can see how accidents could occur though. A pedestrian sees a car pulling out of a junction, heading their way but are 100 yards further up the road. Safe to cross, unless of course the EV driver decides to floor it.

I'm not sure if there is a widespread problem in relation to the OP, but being a new phenomenon, pedestrians associate a fast approaching car by noise as well as their eyes, so you can see why an unwanted situation could occur/be more likely, when an EV is involved. All comes back to the driver though. An idiot will idiot, regardless of the drivetrain. There is a time and a place for flooring a car, but around schools and houses isn't one of those places.

I had a kid run out in front of me in the Nissan Leaf. Not sure if the EV was the problem as the car makes a whirring sound but just a dumb mum perhaps. Car is pulled half way up the kerb, left side of the road, big SUV, no lights on so nothing to tell me there is someone going to exit the car. I need to pass it to the right and as I pass, a 4/5 year old kid runs across the road in exactly the worse place - across the front bonnet of the car parked on the kerb. I'm straight onto the brakes and as I stop, I'm literally side by side the parked car. Mum with a look of horror on her face as I look across. Kid obviously didn't hear me but if I'm in a petrol doing 10 or 15mph, you might not hear that either.

If I'm an idiot driver (and I may well have fitted that description just after I passed my test) the kid would have been in big trouble. By I'm in my 40's now and I just dropped my daughter off and its 9am just outside school. So I'm driving slowly no matter what. Shows you how easy it is to kill a child. With that said, mum needs to take responsibility here too. Don't drive to school in your pyjamas. Get dressed, get out of the car and help your little short person across the road into school. Or teach them how to cross the road.


26,524 posts

176 months

Thursday 28th March
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Problem with Salary Sacrifice is that tyres are included.

When fuel is 2.5p per mile and tyres are of no consequence it does genuinely take a bit more restraint not to boot it from every junction.

I don't know what the 0 to 30 time is in mine but I bet its 1.something.

Edited by ChocolateFrog on Thursday 28th March 14:18


22,882 posts

69 months

Thursday 28th March
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ChocolateFrog said:
Problem with Salary Sacrifice is that tyres are included.

When fuel is 2.5p per mile and tyres are of no consequence it does genuinely take a bit more restraint not to boot it from every junction.

I don't know what the 0 to 30 time is in mine but I bet its 1.something.

Edited by ChocolateFrog on Thursday 28th March 14:18
Probably, mine is 1.4 secs 0-30 apparently.

That's actually a very fair point - SS EV's with tyres included, well... I'll freely admit if I didn't have to pay for fresh rubber I probably would exploit that fact quite often!! Although still never around places where people live or busy roads etc.

I think people do generally underestimate the 0-30mph times of EV's, and I'm not talking about launching one from the traffic lights, I'm talking about a perfectly reasonable person just setting off briskly, simply because they can. A decent EV driven decently, by a decent person, can leave the lights and be well past the halfway point of a junction ahead of a typical ICE 'waking up' - and that does cause problems if someone coming the other way pushed through just after the lights turning red, or thought they were safe to slowly roll onto a roundabout into a gap that an EV has just filled when they glanced in the other direction.

These things are worth thinking about, and not solely by EV drivers, but all drivers should be aware that modern EV's are simply a hell of a lot quicker in the 0-10/20/30 stakes.


18,129 posts

212 months

Thursday 28th March
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TheDeuce said:
Probably, mine is 1.4 secs 0-30 apparently.

That's actually a very fair point - SS EV's with tyres included, well... I'll freely admit if I didn't have to pay for fresh rubber I probably would exploit that fact quite often!! Although still never around places where people live or busy roads etc.

I think people do generally underestimate the 0-30mph times of EV's, and I'm not talking about launching one from the traffic lights, I'm talking about a perfectly reasonable person just setting off briskly, simply because they can. A decent EV driven decently, by a decent person, can leave the lights and be well past the halfway point of a junction ahead of a typical ICE 'waking up' - and that does cause problems if someone coming the other way pushed through just after the lights turning red, or thought they were safe to slowly roll onto a roundabout into a gap that an EV has just filled when they glanced in the other direction.

These things are worth thinking about, and not solely by EV drivers, but all drivers should be aware that modern EV's are simply a hell of a lot quicker in the 0-10/20/30 stakes.
Even my OH wins the traffic light GP in her PHEV, and she's not a fast driver or trying. The extra performance is obviously there, and much easier to access.

I've certainly welcomed the extra squirt over her old diesel Qashqui company car.


21,477 posts

220 months

Thursday 28th March
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Zarco said:
I've certainly welcomed the extra squirt over her old diesel Qashqui company car.
What you guys do in your spare time...biglaugh


18,129 posts

212 months

Thursday 28th March
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nickfrog said:
Zarco said:
I've certainly welcomed the extra squirt over her old diesel Qashqui company car.
What you guys do in your spare time...biglaugh


22,882 posts

69 months

Friday 29th March
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JordonTucker said:
TheDeuce said:
I'm shocked too. I've driven electric cars for years, I never even considered that if I drive like a it could be dangerous frown
I know it all sounds funny, and all drivers here say that they are careful on the road. Still, accidents happen, and it's not so funny anymore when st like this happens.
Well of course it isn't - but accidents get worse at higher speeds, and any basic car can reach high speeds.

The only difference with EV's is that the high speeds can be reached more quickly - but it still requires a moron at the wheel to take it too far.

High speed dangerous driving is a driver thing, not a car thing. As such it's not really relevant in this thread or this part of the forum.

You should drive at an appropriate speed in the same way you should post about things such as speeding in the appropriate thread. This thread is about EV driving, plainly any car can be driven recklessly - is there a reason your specific experience relates to EV? Or did it just happen to be an EV that a bad driver pushed too far?

Seasonal Hero

7,954 posts

55 months

Friday 29th March
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JordonTucker said:
I know it all sounds funny, and all drivers here say that they are careful on the road. Still, accidents happen, and it's not so funny anymore when st like this happens.
Are these written by some sort of AI bot?


22,882 posts

69 months

Friday 29th March
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Seasonal Hero said:
JordonTucker said:
I know it all sounds funny, and all drivers here say that they are careful on the road. Still, accidents happen, and it's not so funny anymore when st like this happens.
Are these written by some sort of AI bot?
Human. But raised reading Twitter.



1,815 posts

38 months

Saturday 30th March
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The driving on housing estates and other places requiring now sadly rare common sense reflects the general decline to moronhood (not a word but fits here) of too many drivers.
Its not restricted to any particular power train or fuel.

Its ironic how many flying around housing estates like their arse is on fire are young women often with their progeny on board who one might assume would have a bit more thought, stating this will probably be a hate crime soon if its isn't already.

Its true battery driven cars accelerate rapidly and quietly so they can catch others out because usually (unless a large and quality car) fast acceleration is accompanied by relevant noise.


2,297 posts

216 months

Saturday 30th March
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JordonTucker said:
OMG! What made you think so? I just wanted to express my thoughts. I was actually really frustrated when my friend got in a very bad car accident. I wanted to chat to get my self distracted from some negative thoughts. It seemed to me that someone here finds those things funny. But when real trouble happens, those kinda discussions aren't funny at all.
You just confirmed it🤣🤣

Seasonal Hero

7,954 posts

55 months

Saturday 30th March
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Yeah. Who writes like that. AI Bots. That’s who.


2,297 posts

216 months

Saturday 30th March
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Seasonal Hero said:
Yeah. Who writes like that. AI Bots. That’s who.
And mumsnet users🤣


7,121 posts

175 months

Monday 1st April
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JordonTucker said:
Driving over the speed limit in residential areas is also dangerous. Even if it's not to high, it can be dangerous. My friend was driving, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a chick on her Tesla hit him. It was nearby his house, and with all respect to my friend, I'm glad that she hit him and he survived (only his car couldn't make it). She could easily drive over some kiddo.
Whoever created you did so after a heavy sesh!
Get a new code-writer dude.

Seasonal Hero

7,954 posts

55 months

Monday 1st April
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Yup. Defintely some sort of weird bot.


2,297 posts

216 months

Monday 1st April
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What kind of sad git creates an AI bot to put bland replies on a car forum. It’s popping up in all kind of topics with the same crap.

Some weird people around.


4,673 posts

111 months

Friday 31st May
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Not sure if it's because there are more EV's on the road or the people are too reliant on the technology that most EV's have. However I 've seen some absolutely terrible driving in. EV

Case in point I'm doing 70mph in my ICE in a rainstorm, Visibility is poor hence I'm in the overtaking lane. A Polestar shoots past me and only just avoids a van in front.


21,816 posts

228 months

Friday 31st May
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I thought, according to other PH threads, that all EV drivers were driving too slowly?


4,345 posts

171 months

Friday 31st May
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sutoka said:
Not sure if it's because there are more EV's on the road or the people are too reliant on the technology that most EV's have. However I 've seen some absolutely terrible driving in. EV

Case in point I'm doing 70mph in my ICE in a rainstorm, Visibility is poor hence I'm in the overtaking lane. A Polestar shoots past me and only just avoids a van in front.
It's not EVs it's anyone.

I was on the M40 last Wednesday in monsoon-type rain and still people were flying past at 80+ with fog lights on!

They must have acknowledged the poor visibility, but it had no affect on their driving.