Salary Sacrifice - What EV SUV?

Salary Sacrifice - What EV SUV?


Kermit power

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28,980 posts

216 months

Friday 14th June
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Evanivitch said:
PushedDover said:
Twaddle imho

Frunk and the space under the boot? Have you measured?

We’ve done it lots.
Tbh I don't follow the logic either. Even if he needed a roof box, he'd still have the benefits of Tesla network if needed. But hey, there you go...
Why would I want to use a roof box and significantly shorten my range when there is a perfectly adequate assortment of cars on the market that let me do exactly what I want without needing to use a roof box, put my dog in a frunk or in any other way compromise on my desired outcome?


5,728 posts

56 months

Saturday 15th June
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Kermit power said:
Jesus fking Christ, what the hell is so difficult to understand about the idea of a fking dog crate?!?! banghead

The crate in question is 66cm tall, so at its highest point the roof of the Tesla sits about 4cm above it, but from there it slopes down too sharply, so if I tried to shut the boot, the trailing edge of the crate would go through the glass.

The crate stays in the car permanently, strapped down to keep it in place, so I have zero Interest in a storage bucket under the floor. I like the system I've got now, it stops the dog from getting the car muddy, and I'm happy that it keeps him safer, so why would I want to change it for an ugly car where my money is getting wasted on pointless and annoying features like autopilot or making it emit fart noises when - and this is the point you don't seem to be understanding - I don't have to because there are plenty of alternatives that can accommodate my wishes perfectly adequately!
You’re absolutely right - apologies for not understanding the clarity

Let the dog box ownership you have and its design steer you decision on the £60k plus purchase of a car.

It is totally correct not to veer to another design or size of box and to hell with compromising in the efficiency comparison, range, charge network, resale value for the sake of the single cost of crate bought for the dog.

Stick to your guns and buy an alternative to the most popular, longest range and effective offering the market has.

Hail the Dog Box

Kermit power

Original Poster:

28,980 posts

216 months

Saturday 15th June
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PushedDover said:
You’re absolutely right - apologies for not understanding the clarity

Let the dog box ownership you have and its design steer you decision on the £60k plus purchase of a car.

It is totally correct not to veer to another design or size of box and to hell with compromising in the efficiency comparison, range, charge network, resale value for the sake of the single cost of crate bought for the dog.

Stick to your guns and buy an alternative to the most popular, longest range and effective offering the market has.

Hail the Dog Box
Do you actually work for Tesla, or has Elon just configured your car to send a high voltage shock through your testes every time someone buys a competitor's car? rofl

Let's look at your points one by one though...

1. Efficiency? At this price point I doubt anyone really cares about Efficiency so long as the total range is adequate, but still, according to, the Enyaq uses 257-285 Wh/mi vs 267-288 for the Y. The Q6 is significantly higher, but has a longer absolute range anyway, and nobody has ever bought an Audi for the fuel efficiency! hehe

2. Range? The Tesla quotes 283-331 miles, the Enyaq 247-348 and the Q6 339-381. Oh no! How shall I cope without the shorter range of the Tesla?!?

3. Charging network? Well yes, that's absolutely critical given that I've got a charge point at home and have driven more than 250 miles in a day 4 times in the past 4 years! I think I'll be able to cope somehow. smile

4. Resale value? Who cares! I'm doing a Salsac lease, not buying one, so residuals are irrelevant beyond calculating the monthly cost, so if I'm happy with that from the outset of the lease, that's all I need to worry about.

So, you objective justifications for buying a Tesla hold about as much water as Rishi Sunak's claims about Labour tax raises, which just leaves individual subjective choice, and for me, subjectively, the Y lags miles behind the Enyaq and the Q6 which are my current front runners depending on whether I let myself be swayed primarily my my wallet or my heart.

The Y is - again in my individual view - much uglier inside and out, impractical (it's nothing to do with the cost of the dog crate but the height of it, and the pointless under floor storage is just, well, pointless!), and full of features that I simply will not use even once, such as autopilot and making it fart when you indicate. rolleyes

To be honest, you're starting like you're trying to justify your own purchase to yourself through your buyer's remorse, but you can rest assured that I won't be making the same mistake.

It is making me think about what I really want from a car though, and given that over 95% of my driving is either urban driving in SW London & Surrey with almost all the remainder being motorways, I'm coming round to the thought that there's no need for the Audi levels of performance, so why not get a fully loaded Enyaq L&K for £456 net including insurance and spend the £186 per month I'll save vs a Q6 Edition 1 on something nice? BTW, your beloved Long Range Y with only metallic paint as an option sits between the two on £545 per month.


33,306 posts

122 months

Saturday 15th June
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You've mentioned Enyaq about 50 times in the thread - why not just get one if that's what you want?

Skoda dealer told me they shift loads of them through Motability, as the grant fully covers the cost.


20,750 posts

125 months

Saturday 15th June
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Sheepshanks said:
You've mentioned Enyaq about 50 times in the thread - why not just get one if that's what you want?

Skoda dealer told me they shift loads of them through Motability, as the grant fully covers the cost.
I've noticed more ID4 than enyaq on the roads, and aside from the minefield of options and trims, I thought the Enyaq was the better offering.

Kermit power

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28,980 posts

216 months

Saturday 15th June
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Sheepshanks said:
You've mentioned Enyaq about 50 times in the thread - why not just get one if that's what you want?

Skoda dealer told me they shift loads of them through Motability, as the grant fully covers the cost.
Given that your two contributions to the thread have been focused on the Enyaq, I suspect it's more just a case of you being rather triggered by it for some reason?

Having said that, I suspect that is the route I'm going to take.

All things being equal I would definitely prefer a well specced Q6, but I can think of plenty of things to do with the extra cash and more importantly even if I ordered one today, I'd probably still be waiting 2-3 months without a car once my current one goes back.

I started the thread completely open to anything which was the right size, had a reasonable range and was reasonably quick.

So far, the only ones I've actually excluded because the Skoda is - in my opinion - the better car are the VW ID.4 and the Audi Q4. All three are built on the same VAG platform, the Skoda was a much nicer place to be than the VW, and whilst the Audi was really nice as well, it's a lot more expensive.


1,981 posts

206 months

Saturday 15th June
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This little battle has kept me amused hah!
I nearly got a Model Y but the seats were incredibly uncomfortable for me so I went with an i4 in the end and I'm glad I did.
I do have to agree re the dog crate, you can just get a different one rather than ruling a car out because of it. That said, you don't want a Tesla which is fair enough, they have a good drivetrain but everything else is just worse (imo!) than other cars. That single screen is also a crime against ergonomics whilst driving.


12,941 posts

240 months

Saturday 15th June
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thecremeegg said:
This little battle so I went with an i4 in the end and I'm glad I did.
I g.
How are you finding the i4 and have you had any bmw's before?


184 posts

3 months

Saturday 15th June
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rallycross said:
thecremeegg said:
This little battle so I went with an i4 in the end and I'm glad I did.
I g.
How are you finding the i4 and have you had any bmw's before?
My i4 is my first BMW, after 4 Audis in a row.

The BMW is street is ahead. However I came from an A6 40tdi (204bhp) to a an M50. So not a fair comparison.

Wouldn’t hesitate to have another. Looks and drives like a regular car but with ridiculous performance and low running costs.

Kermit power

Original Poster:

28,980 posts

216 months

Saturday 15th June
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thecremeegg said:
This little battle has kept me amused hah!
I nearly got a Model Y but the seats were incredibly uncomfortable for me so I went with an i4 in the end and I'm glad I did.
I do have to agree re the dog crate, you can just get a different one rather than ruling a car out because of it. That said, you don't want a Tesla which is fair enough, they have a good drivetrain but everything else is just worse (imo!) than other cars. That single screen is also a crime against ergonomics whilst driving.
Getting a smaller crate would be fine if I got a smaller dog to go in it!

From what I can work out, I'd be limited to about a 45cm max height where the back of the crate would otherwise hit the rear window, and the dog is about 55cm tall sitting down.


1,667 posts

147 months

Saturday 15th June
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FWIW, I swapped my XC60 for a Model Y.

Four of us (two large teenagers in the back) plus a dog in his crate have done a number of long trips in the last year of ownership. We’re going down to Cornwall at the end of June, which is a bit of a charging desert.

We always used a roof box for holidays in the XC60 but the froot and the under boot of the Model Y seem to more than make up for it. Which is good news as the Model Y roof bars do seem to be a nightmare.

But my dog is smaller than a lab and his crate lifts out easily on the odd occasions we need to use the under boot. And we do use a smaller soft crate for the boot, rather than the large metal crate we have for him in the kitchen. I can see that the slope of the boot lid could be a problem with the crate you have.


6,852 posts

156 months

Saturday 15th June
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Zj2002 said:
rallycross said:
thecremeegg said:
This little battle so I went with an i4 in the end and I'm glad I did.
I g.
How are you finding the i4 and have you had any bmw's before?
My i4 is my first BMW, after 4 Audis in a row.

The BMW is street is ahead. However I came from an A6 40tdi (204bhp) to a an M50. So not a fair comparison.

Wouldn’t hesitate to have another. Looks and drives like a regular car but with ridiculous performance and low running costs.
I was looking at a I4 but it’s been dropped from our company car list. A colleague has just got one, he ordered it in August last year, it was delivered last month.


184 posts

3 months

Saturday 15th June
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RammyMP said:
Zj2002 said:
rallycross said:
thecremeegg said:
This little battle so I went with an i4 in the end and I'm glad I did.
I g.
How are you finding the i4 and have you had any bmw's before?
My i4 is my first BMW, after 4 Audis in a row.

The BMW is street is ahead. However I came from an A6 40tdi (204bhp) to a an M50. So not a fair comparison.

Wouldn’t hesitate to have another. Looks and drives like a regular car but with ridiculous performance and low running costs.
I was looking at a I4 but it’s been dropped from our company car list. A colleague has just got one, he ordered it in August last year, it was delivered last month.
I had to wait 13 months. Worth the wait though.

Kermit power

Original Poster:

28,980 posts

216 months

Saturday 15th June
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Basil Brush said:
Have you mentioned the EV9? Saw my first one on the road a few days ago and looks much better than the pictures.
I'm definitely going to take a look at one. I'm slightly concerned it might be a bit too massive though!


1,940 posts

48 months

Saturday 15th June
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Comments on the Model Y seats are interesting. I was in Houston a couple of months ago and a colleague there had got one shortly before. As is the way in Houston, even going for lunch involves a drive of 20 miles or so to somewhere ’close’ so I did a fair few miles in it as a passenger. Seats seemed perfectly comfortable to me - guess we’re all different.

Having to use the touchscreen to set the wipers going would have driven me up the wall. I was amused though when he showed me the touchscreen button for opening the glovebox - he dropped it down to demo it, and sitting there on top of some papers was his 9mm Sig Sauer.

Kermit power

Original Poster:

28,980 posts

216 months

Saturday 15th June
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mikey_b said:
Comments on the Model Y seats are interesting. I was in Houston a couple of months ago and a colleague there had got one shortly before. As is the way in Houston, even going for lunch involves a drive of 20 miles or so to somewhere ’close’ so I did a fair few miles in it as a passenger. Seats seemed perfectly comfortable to me - guess we’re all different.

Having to use the touchscreen to set the wipers going would have driven me up the wall. I was amused though when he showed me the touchscreen button for opening the glovebox - he dropped it down to demo it, and sitting there on top of some papers was his 9mm Sig Sauer.

That's just insane!!!

You have to use a touch screen to turn the wipers on?!? And people actually buy this??? rofl


1,940 posts

48 months

Saturday 15th June
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Comments on the Model Y seats are interesting. I was in Houston a couple of months ago and a colleague there had got one shortly before. As is the way in Houston, even going for lunch involves a drive of 20 miles or so to somewhere ’close’ so I did a fair few miles in it as a passenger. Seats seemed perfectly comfortable to me - guess we’re all different.

Having to use the touchscreen to set the wipers going would have driven me up the wall. I was amused though when he showed me the touchscreen button for opening the glovebox - he dropped it down to demo it, and sitting there on top of some papers was his 9mm Sig Sauer.


4,481 posts

213 months

Saturday 15th June
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Kermit power said:

That's just insane!!!

You have to use a touch screen to turn the wipers on?!? And people actually buy this??? rofl
That's bks, you push the end of indicator stalk, but they are usually on auto so you don't need to do anything.

I have the left scrollwheel set to open the glovebox, so I don't have to use the touch screen for that either.


5,728 posts

56 months

Saturday 15th June
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gmaz said:
Kermit power said:

That's just insane!!!

You have to use a touch screen to turn the wipers on?!? And people actually buy this??? rofl
That's bks, you push the end of indicator stalk, but they are usually on auto so you don't need to do anything.

I have the left scrollwheel set to open the glovebox, so I don't have to use the touch screen for that either.
Non story, but great for folks to pile on.

Kermit power

Original Poster:

28,980 posts

216 months

Saturday 15th June
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gmaz said:
Kermit power said:

That's just insane!!!

You have to use a touch screen to turn the wipers on?!? And people actually buy this??? rofl
That's bks, you push the end of indicator stalk, but they are usually on auto so you don't need to do anything.

I have the left scrollwheel set to open the glovebox, so I don't have to use the touch screen for that either.
Can you choose a different function for the indicator button? If so, it probably makes sense to in Texas.