Just how good is the used warranty?

Just how good is the used warranty?



Original Poster:

1,482 posts

219 months

Saturday 15th June
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Hi all, I'm toying with selling my 458 for a 720S. I've "self warrantied" the Ferrari over the past year as the Ferrari used warranty is pretty poor, only covering the "big" stuff like the engine which are the bits on them that generally don't go wrong. It's actually away currently for a service and some work as it has some electrical gremlins. I'm happy I didn't fork out for the warranty this year as whatever that costs wouldn't have been covered.

So, my understanding is that the Mclaren equivalent warranty is far, far more comprehensive. Is that genuinely the case and should you need to call on it how decent are Mclaren and the dealers at honouring it or is there a lot of wriggling that leaves you with a bill after all?

For reference I'd be looking at a 2018 / 19 720s, preferably lowish but not so low you can't drive it mileage (or is that just a Ferrari ownership thing?).


Original Poster:

1,482 posts

219 months

Saturday 15th June
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Thanks gents, useful stuff and gives me some ideas.

Agree on the Ferrari warranty, that’s why I self warrantied this year. The bits it covers (and even then I’ve known people have to fight to get it paid for) just aren’t the bits that break on them.