

Original Poster:

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234 months

Tuesday 24th May 2022
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Some pics of my new car.

320 proper driving miles & nearly 14 hours behind the wheel on Day 1.

I love this car smile

Car signatures are: Amanda McLaren, Bruno Senna, Lando Norris and Daniel Ricciardo.


The Drivers Union pics taken by Sy Ali and Ed Eccles.

The @sccprivatemembers pics taken by @philclarkphotography

The luggage pics by Colin Surman.

Others by me. I will take some more car pics myself, but was too busy driving until now.


Same watch with a strap swap:

Edited by LotusJas on Thursday 26th May 23:01


Original Poster:

1,328 posts

234 months

Thursday 26th May 2022
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F8Spiderman said:
Deeply impressive, really wanted a 765 but didn’t move quick enough. Keep the pictures, and write ups coming!
Thanks, it's a very special thing to drive. Detailed write-up coming in a few weeks.

petjam said:
Saw this on Sunday, what a machine, and the colour!

My friend summed it up perfectly: -

"You know you have something special when you are parked in the middle of 70 supercars and everyone is staring at yours!"
That was such an awesome quote that I actually sent it to MSO. They loved it!

Curledge said:
Thats Cheddar Gorgeous, Congrats ! Built to be driven
Nearly 14 hours on Day 1 biggrin

r o n n i e said:
Epic :-D

Thank you smile

Purso said:
What a car! Congratulations! Is it volcano orange?
Thanks, yes it is Volcano Orange.

RSbandit said:
Wow that's very special indeed what a machine! Really like the helmet too I presume you'll be tracking it? Health to drive!
Thanks, yes and I've already booked Brands Hatch for after she is run in smile

Bispal said:
Love the top view of the 765LT. Is the colour VO? Have fun must be mega.
Thanks, yes it's VO. I did spend many months working on the design with MSO, from all viewing perspectives, including the overhead view.

WCZ said:

what do you think of the car to drive vs the 720?
I refer you to my two reviews smile I am currently writing one on this car, but that will take some weeks.

ChapmanC said:
Absolutely unreal.
Thank you!

79TurboS said:
I also saw this last Sunday, even better in the flesh, amazing car. Congratulations
Thanks, glad it lived up to the images smile

footsoldier said:
Looks great, no corners cut on that spec!
Thanks, yes indeed. It was built to my perfect spec.

Oaky said:
It is VO (I saw it Sunday too). Can’t remember ever seeing a better looking road car
Thank you, very kind of you smile

Matty3 said:
Absolutely stunning, congratulations and thanks for posting the pictures smile
Thanks mate smile

12pack said:
Beautiful. Really special. Happy motoring.
Thank you!

MrVert said:
Dear Lord.....that is one hell of a good looking car!

Awesome smokin
I do love it smile

SSO said:
Spectacular spec.
Thanks Scott!


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1,328 posts

234 months

Saturday 28th May 2022
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Thanks so much guys for the positivity smile

It's only necessary to have visual carbon on panels that show a visual carbon element. MSO don't force you to take anything more than you want. There is a benefit in lightweighting however, and I have gone to extreme lengths to lightwieght MSO 1. I have however allowed myself a few creature comforts to make the car livable on road. The most obvious and heaviest being air con.

Agree about Volcano Orange. It's always been my favourite McLaren colour.

I always loved my old 720S in Azores Orange, but whenever I parked next to Volcano Orange car, I always knew what colour MSO 1 would be smile


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1,328 posts

234 months

Thursday 9th June 2022
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silver-bullet said:
Really nice car and great pics.

Good to hear that Sy is still doing this stuff - is it Coldwire Films? I remember when he doorstepped the head of Lambo (Winkelmann) and asked him some incredibly stupid question, the lad has come on since those days.
It's no longer coldwire, but Drivers Union. Sy has indeed come a very long way since those days smile


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1,328 posts

234 months

Thursday 9th June 2022
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rallye101 said:
That is VERY nice, congrats....hope you got some nice cave aged Cheddar when at Chedder Gorge though
Sadly I didn't get to do any local shopping, as we were so busy filming until the light went. Stunning location.


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1,328 posts

234 months

Thursday 9th June 2022
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pastrana72 said:
That is a simply stunning car in every way, I absolutely love it.
Awesome pictures in the gorge.

Enjoy, I will follow your progress on the thread.
Thank you kindly.

I created an instagram for the car, if anyone is interested: mclaren_mso_1


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1,328 posts

234 months

Sunday 12th June 2022
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WCZ said:
it looks so low, can't imagine how much damage i'd end up doing to that front splitter!
I've used the lift at least 30 times in the time I've had the car smile

To be fair, I've driven it down some terrible roads.

Cheddar Gorge turning areas needed it frequently, but one Kent lane was truly horrible. It didn't ground, but I was driving down the 1 mile lane extremely carefully. My friend whose Golf GTi I was following grounded hard twice, but I think he wasn't really taking care.


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234 months

Wednesday 29th June 2022
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Hedgetrimmer said:
Great to see the car up in Northumberland last week. I was driving the stray Storm Grey 650s that joined the pack on route down to Stanhope.

Car looks even better in the flesh:-)
Thank you smile It was a fantastic event. 32 multi-coloured McLarens on a blast between the borders. Loved it!

jwdh1 said:
looks like you're up against my father-in-law! Thought I recognised your pictures taken from a different angle!
Nice! The hypercars class (Pursuit of Speed) was won by a stunning Koenigsegg. No shame in that for the 2 McLarens in the class (a beautiful SLR + mine), which were punching hard above their weight.

[YouTube video link DELETED by Moderator]

Edited by LotusJas on Tuesday 13th September 17:00


Original Poster:

1,328 posts

234 months

Saturday 2nd July 2022
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jwdh1 said:
I was wondering what won! His cars (F40, F50 and Enzo) were transported there and none of us had time to go and attend, which was a shame as it looked like a good event - your car looks stunning, congrats smile
Wow, I didn't realise those three were all owned by one person! All 3 were beautiful. What a wonderful trinity to own!

I think all the others in the class might have been transported there.

Mine was driven there, so wasn't spotless. It also had (relatively) a lot of miles on it. For example it had done more miles in one month than the F40 had done in 30 years!


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234 months

Sunday 3rd July 2022
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To be fair, if someone buys an ultra low mileage F40 or similar today, I'd totally understand the buyer not putting more miles on it and devaluing it.

Personally, I'd struggle with staying away from the driving seat though.


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1,328 posts

234 months

Sunday 3rd July 2022
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Thanks Ronnie smile


Original Poster:

1,328 posts

234 months

Wednesday 6th July 2022
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JayK12 said:
That looks stunning!! Was in one at Donington Park last week and for a road car, on track it was mighty impressive!!

765LT is easily the best car I've ever driven, although not the quickest. Just the best overall in driver engagement & secondly performance.


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234 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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Desert Dragon said:
I understand the LT models are the track specials but out of 675 LT and 765LT but which one do PH owners of these beasts maybe goes down a choppy UK country road better? Do either flow with UK roads?
765 grounds less than 675, but 720 beats them both down a very bumpy road. As demonstrated on a recent 32 McLaren fast drive in the far North of England and Southern Scotland.

But all super series cars cope surprisingly well with bad surfaces, thanks to their hydraulic suspension.

That's VERY bumpy roads. On slightly bumpy, average or smooth roads, all the LT cars are perfectly at home.


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234 months

Saturday 9th July 2022
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Bispal said:
With the lift up, available to 39mph on both axles,
Lift only operates on front axle, not both axles.

Agree about super series suspension, which is extremely good.

But on extremely bumpy roads, non-LT cars are better than the 675/765. Not the kinds of roads any of us really want to go v fast on anyway, as it’s a horrible feeling when the car grounds.


Original Poster:

1,328 posts

234 months

Saturday 9th July 2022
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Bispal said:
675LT raises front and rear axles
I didn't know that. Thanks.

I did use the lift in a 675LT, but hadn't realised it was lifting both axles.

Yes, 720/765 only lift the front.


Original Poster:

1,328 posts

234 months

Tuesday 12th July 2022
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Desert Dragon said:
The way this one had been specified is beautiful. I imagine half the fun was speccing all the little bits we can't see in the pics. Looks like a UFO.

The build quality looks next level too compared Mcl regular cars I must say. They've really put some effort into these 765 LT Its especially this one. Well done McLaren. The carbon bonnet cloud9
Thank you. Yes, there are a lot of little details that become apparent when seen in real life, and also a lot of under the skin things - particularly to reduce weight even more.

I give MSO huge credit for their patience, given the numerous tweaks and re-renders over the 8 month spec period. I had a different render or view perspective on my PC virtually every day during those 8 months as I tweaked it. Sometime just moving a line by 1mm.

MSO took apart a fully built and road ready car, and re-built it to a great extent. Just because of how extensive the changes were.

There will be a 12 page lead article of Issue 2 of DU magazine on the story behind MSO 1.

Just posting an image here without a link, in case a link is not permitted on PH.


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1,328 posts

234 months

Wednesday 13th July 2022
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Desert Dragon said:
Thats so cool. I've always felt Mcl should focus on this level of car, sell fewer of them and charge more for them. Punters today love exclusivity and to express themselves through wonderfully unique projects like this. Look at what Singer are charging for old beetles today (much love) but this is space age stuff. I'd not want to use one on track I'd get very precious. Its not the stone chips etc or anything just other less courteous or novice track users. One thing I noticed on track is how much quicker the Macs are generally compared to everything else and their ability to brake very very late compared to other marques. Seen some hairy stuff overtaking into corners from high speed straights the Macs literally have no choice they scrubbing so much speed off. I'm up north of Scotland end of the month driving some fab roads in a convertible 911 turbo s with other half (her car). I'd love to be following in this. Instead i get the SUV supply truck with 4 kids in toe - not fair smile
I do love what Singer do. Did you know that a LOT of their UK team are ex-MSO?

I know what you mean about going on track, but I have already booked MSO 1 to go on track next month. It just has to be done smile

Enjoy Scotland - I was there just a few weeks ago in this car. And I was in the Highlands in May in my i8, just before I collected the McLaren.


Original Poster:

1,328 posts

234 months

Tuesday 19th July 2022
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Steeleford Supercar show on Sunday.

From 300 supercars, the Best Car award was won by McLaren with MSO 1

Great event and day.


Original Poster:

1,328 posts

234 months

Thursday 21st July 2022
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Thanks both smile

It was a great show and event. Perfect weather too.

Desert Dragon, just wait until you see the incredible pictures Drivers Union took (David Pearce and Sy Ali).

[Instagram images link deleted by Moderator]

Edited by LotusJas on Tuesday 13th September 17:05


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1,328 posts

234 months

Sunday 14th August 2022
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Streetbeat said:
Looking forward to seeing this in the flesh at Beaulieu.
Did you see it?

I had an interesting demo run in it (err...what speed limit?)

[YouTube video link DELETED by Moderator]

Buster73 said:
Reading the latest edition of Living North I came across an article mentioning the car along with other Mclaren’s at a pub in Humshaugh.
That was a lunch stop during an owners club event to the North of England and Southern Scotland. 32 McLarens if I recollect.

[Instagram images link deleted by Moderator]

Edited by LotusJas on Tuesday 13th September 17:03

Edited by LotusJas on Tuesday 13th September 17:06