Option to buy a Countach

Option to buy a Countach



Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Saturday 19th February 2022
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A friend is considering parting with his Countach, owned since early 90's. Great condition.
He'd give me first dibs on it.
He'd want market value, no favours which is understandable. How do you think the market for these will go. I'm not looking for a profit but don't want to buy and find in ten years time it's a generation car and no one wants them anymore and end up £100k+ down


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Saturday 19th February 2022
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cool thanks guys, he doesn't want to part with it yet, he's an old rocker and still got the itch but likely to sell in next few years


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Saturday 19th February 2022
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Robert W said:
Which model of countach, RHD or LHD and is it in the UK? What colour also? All make a big difference to value.
I am aware of all the above, I know it's value as does the owner.
I think my question has been answered.
Obviously if it ends up in my ownership then I shall be eager to post here.


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Saturday 19th February 2022
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Don't quite get the eye rolling or bizarreness but anyway as I said, thanks for replies.
Sorry if I have confused people, put simply, I have first dibs but it's up to current owner when that is.
I'm happy to wait as we are mates, so no point in hassling him into selling.

Edited by Bob-iylho on Saturday 19th February 19:50


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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Curledge said:
By the time the owner decides to sell it to the OP nostalgia would also be dead and buried like most of us
You seem to know more than me, you seem upset with my post, which is beyond me. Does it really matter whether he decides to part with it tomorrow or in 2023 /24. Surely it affects you less than me, yet you seem more bothered than me?

I think I'll leave you to stew, thank you for the responses. I'm out now.


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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Curledge said:
Not bothered at all but dont see point of your irrelevant question at this point of time which may or may not ever happen.

Today's market will be completely different to tomorrows. If it shoots up in next few years are you going to pay market value then ? Its a moving feast and any comments are only relevant to today
No one on PH has a crystal ball
Yes, I will pay market value, he's my mate, I wouldn't want any favours or want to rip him off. I really don't get why you are struggling with this concept, and why you seem so bothered.
Just go and buy the one for sale on PH at the moment if you have cash waiting. I just want my mates as I like it.
You have done very well to be able to afford one at such a young age.

Happy to respond to others but I learnt many years ago that internet disagreements and pettiness are totally pointless so no more responses to Curledge, but feel free to keep stewing and posting smile

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 20th February 18:56

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 20th February 18:57


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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OK I'm out. smile apologies for upsetting some of you.

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 20th February 20:44


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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going to see it a week Saturday with an expert, we can talk figures as well.
I guess some will roll eyes and tell me I'm bizarre and a liar. But I really don't know what they want me to do. Maybe threaten him to sell it quicker. For me I just want a good relationship with my mate

Edited by Bob-iylho on Friday 25th February 08:38


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Curledge said:
Pm me the owners details ive got cash waiting if you haven't
Well done you, I never thought about the fact I may have to pay for it, just slipped my mind. He's had the opportunity to sell it many times, he's a wealthy man and therefore anyone who comes across as arrogant or an ahole he turns them down.

Edited by Bob-iylho on Friday 25th February 11:02


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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I'm going with an expert on Saturday to view it.


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Saturday 5th March 2022
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Ferruccio said:
Who’s the expert?
I think it's not right to name people at present but he has worked on them for the last 25 years so I have confidence in his abilities.
He also works on my current cars and have no reason to fault his advice.
In the past he has told me to buy certain cars and also told me to run a mile from others. I trust him inplicitly.


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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Curledge said:
And the verdict is ........ duh, duh dah
yes probably, sorry sounds vague.
He's a great friend. I love him to bits so we will talk over the next few weeks.
When you rock up to his place it's just a fun unique experience, full of twists and turns and he loved my other mate as they have a fairly unique similar alternative hobby, so they got on like a house on fire but ended up discussing that for about an hour.

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 6th March 09:19

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 6th March 09:21

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 6th March 09:23


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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ReformedPistonhead said:
Please keep going, I am really looking forward to finding out how this one ends.

And custard please when the purchase is finally made!
Thank you, I was tempted to take a few pics on Saturday, to prove it's not bullst as some seem to hope, but I think I can live with a few strangers frothing up, and it's not fair on the owner.
He gave me a lovely limited addition print of a car painting from quite a famous artist, he's just a lovely bloke.
The plan is for him to come to dinner in a couple of weeks and we will have an open and honest chat. He can see my toys.
The great thing for me is the owner and the expert have swapped numbers and can help each with the other hobby big time. I guess some will say I'm a mug for doing that as they could go behind my back etc etc, but they won't. I've known the owner for 20 plus years and he'd be in my top 3 people i'd ring if I needed major help (not financially, more like hiding a body thing).

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 6th March 15:38


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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JPS esprit

Delorean, being restored, should be back with me next week, I've never even seen it yet.


I'm sure one poster will now call bullst on ownership of these, if he wants to call me out I'll do a sign saying "C-------- is a wally stuck on all them"

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 6th March 21:02

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 6th March 21:12


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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Curledge said:
Yeah I think we are all going to be disappointed and there will be no custard for desert
I'm actually quite interested in the psyche of your comments. You seem to do this act on a lot of threads. I wonder what you get out of it. It's almost like you want to bully or throw your weight around on a forum for some reason. Often being called a sanctimonious tt by others.
Yet, (and yes I could be either as well), you could be a successful businessman or a 12 year old school boy.
but what do you get out of it? Whatever it is I'm afraid I don't get it, but each to their own, harmless really as we are strangers. Can't imagine you just walking up to someone in real life with no knowledge of them calling them bullstters, just doesn't make sense.

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 6th March 20:54

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 6th March 21:07


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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Mikebentley said:
Nice cars. I think we may be of a similar age.
mid fifties wink


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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To be honest, certain people are getting to me on this thread.
As a result I'm dropping out. I just don't need it or want it.
Things get to me, it affects me, I don't need it.
Curledge can be happy he's won and sleep tight and accuse me of all sorts, it will give him a right boner.
To the chaps who offered positive comments, thank you.
Up to each of you to decide whether it's bullst or not.


Original Poster:

700 posts

109 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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originals said:
Don't flounce. It's not a good look and gives the doubters more ammunition.
Honestly I prefer mental well being and happiness, to having to put up with st, but thank you for your concern and flouncing is not something which will keep me awake at night.
It's like that cartoon, where the guy is awake all night to win an internet argument, I'm 56. I can accept a stranger (or 2) who I have never seen or met or know where they live, male or female, gay or straight, black or white getting one over on me.
It's a win win for everybody. I really do prefer real life friends.
That's it, over and out, good night.

Edited by Bob-iylho on Sunday 6th March 22:10