'My Stuff' Issue on Android running MIUI 14

'My Stuff' Issue on Android running MIUI 14



Original Poster:

5,216 posts

284 months

Friday 14th June
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For quite some time now (maybe 6 months or more?) I had an issue on my Android phone (Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro - M2101K6G) which runs MIUI 14.0.9 and I use Chrome browser (app version currently 125.0.6422.165 - set to autoupdate). I recollect it started when there were lots of other 'the formatting has broken' type threads last year sometime?

If I leave my tab open at the 'My Stuff' page and don't close Chrome (just go 'home' to my main desktop screen) then when I go back, the mobile format has gone and I just get a whole load of text very much like the desktop layout, (no header banner, no Buy / Sell / Forum / Menu buttons and no buttons at the bottom of the screen either). If I then 'go back' one page (I swipe left for this) I generally can get back to a 'mobile' view of the forum index (I tend to open threads in a new tab so only ever leave the index page by 1 page forward IYSWIM) and can then find the 'My Stuff' icon and get the mobile layout once more.

Is it 'just me' or is there a broken piece of code somewhere? I'm not running any ad / cookie / etc blockers on my phone.


Original Poster:

5,216 posts

284 months

Friday 28th June
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Has no one else experienced this issue? Or am I alone?? confused....grumpy....weeping


Original Poster:

5,216 posts

284 months

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Yup, that's what it ends up looking like - good to know it's not just my instance of software on my phone and it is a wider coding issue - not that I expect it to get sorted any time soon though......