Seems to crash my PC a lot ?

Seems to crash my PC a lot ?


Jason F

Original Poster:

1,183 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th March 2002
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Ted, I dunno if other users have this problem but this site tends to crash my PC quite a lot.. Even if it the first website I access in a day.. I do access it a lot too.. Any ideas why ? I am now on Win98 (Binned WinME cause it was not great IMHO )


13,382 posts

272 months

Wednesday 6th March 2002
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Never had a problem personally - what browser u using?


28,377 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th March 2002
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Jason - can't be the site. Absolutely fine on IE5/5.5 Win2000/NT for me. Try upgrading your browser...


34,443 posts

308 months

Wednesday 6th March 2002
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Caused a few PCs to crash with my software over the years, but never with HTML pages...


3,829 posts

279 months

Wednesday 6th March 2002
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Hmmm. It's not the site. I'm using ME/2000 and linux in vary degrees and forms and the site is fine on them!
I've never had any probs with browers either!
Sounds to me like you PC could be overheating!
Mine used to do it, had too small a fan for my AMD! Got the big Rover V8 crossed with AJP V8 verion! Haven't had a prob since!
When you computer crashes, has it been doing a lot of 'work' within say 5 minutes???

Jason F

Original Poster:

1,183 posts

289 months

Thursday 7th March 2002
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I am using IE 5.5, a 1.2Mhz processor, 256mb Ram etc.. and it can be as soon as the PC is switched on.. The strange thing is it is just some threads.. Then when I reboot I can view the thread that crashed the Pc, then it crashes on another thread.. Weird...
It is also failing to remember me now, but I have asked it to, and I have checked and I do have cookies on ??!

Poxy PC is the bane of my life !!


34,443 posts

308 months

Thursday 7th March 2002
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Sounds like something's a bit corrupted. Try installing IE again or upgrading it. The only sure fire way to know is to wipe the machine and start again unfortunately.


13,382 posts

272 months

Thursday 7th March 2002
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My first choice would be to upgrade your video drivers to the latest versions from the vendor's website..

With old drivers (ATI cards bad for this), I've known corruption to appear in IE5.x windows where banners (particularly animated ones) appear - this is a sure sign of memory corruption, which can cause the machine to crash and definitely will if your machine uses A shared memory architecture.

>> Edited by CarZee on Thursday 7th March 08:25


3,829 posts

279 months

Thursday 7th March 2002
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I am using IE 5.5, a 1.2Mhz processor, 256mb Ram etc.. and it can be as soon as the PC is switched on.. The strange thing is it is just some threads.. Then when I reboot I can view the thread that crashed the Pc, then it crashes on another thread.. Weird...

Agree with the previous statements! IE5 sounds like it's got something missing!! Seems strange that it would crash on W98! I've always regarded it as the best put together MIcrosoft OS (Still crap, but it's well put together!)
If it's crashing on various threads then I don't think it could be the website! It's definatly something 'missing' on your system!!!


1,100 posts

275 months

Thursday 7th March 2002
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a 1.2Mhz processor
And I thought mine was slow!


2,748 posts

289 months

Thursday 7th March 2002
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Seems strange that it would crash on W98! I've always regarded it as the best put together MIcrosoft OS (Still crap, but it's well put together!)

Can't agree I'm afraid. 95, 98 and ME are all as bad as each other since the operating system is afforded no protection from itself or applications running on it. It's very easy to corrupt something essential, either on disc or in memory, and the whole shebang just degrades over time, leading to a point where you are faced with no choice but to re-install the whole lot.

NT, 2000 and XP are built on stronger foundations, are usually more stable and less prone to blowing up or degrading (quite so much) over time.


3,829 posts

279 months

Thursday 7th March 2002
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IMO, it's the best put together, in terms of the whole package. I agree security it none existant and corrupting things is like taking swets from a 2 yr old!!! But in terms of compatability, userability, and performance, while not the best. it's quick!

I've been having problems with 2K recently, just today my modem stopped working with it! I think my Linux Partition is too big! So over the next few weeks I'm going to srub the lot and start over!!!


392 posts

289 months

Friday 8th March 2002
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As with lots of microsift stuff, it could be anything. Even a process your pc is always running ( like a comapany virus checker maybe ) can conflict :/
tools->internet options->advanced, find multimedia and un-tick.....
Play animations
Play sounds
play video's
show pictures.

If this stops the crash then it may be some browser imaged decode problem, or even ted infiltrating your machine to find your address and send you a fleece. Either way, try downloading the latest browser.


36,010 posts

289 months

Friday 8th March 2002
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Get a Mac


13,382 posts

272 months

Friday 8th March 2002
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Or an umbrella

Jason F

Original Poster:

1,183 posts

289 months

Saturday 9th March 2002
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Strange question, what versions of Flash and Direct X are u guys using ??

I only had the PC rebuilt last week (which is why I haven't been posting recently) so I have the latest versions of 'em all I think which may be the problem.


28,377 posts

289 months

Saturday 9th March 2002
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Flash 5.0.
DirectX 8.0


34,443 posts

308 months

Saturday 9th March 2002
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The site doesn't use Direct X and only rarely do I use Flash.

Jason F

Original Poster:

1,183 posts

289 months

Monday 11th March 2002
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Right, well, I've got mad with the PC and taken it apart and poked it about a bit.. Hasn't crashed since and I've been on this site a few times..

All I've gotta get it to do is remember me password now and I'll be a happy bunny

Alistair H.

1,173 posts

276 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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I may be talking rubbish, here, but I have the same problem! - I had to upgrade from ie5 to 5.5 to get 128 bit encryption, and since then the goddamn thing alsys crashes within 2 mins on pistonheads. - it semms to be this site that kills it! - or is it becuase it is the site I visit most!!!

either way I need help!!!